Telepathy Training Initiative – Beyond Shapes and Colors

Research conducted by the NSA indicated several factors which improve telepathic performance both for testing and training purposes. These factors include opening other channels of communication and having a more open disposition towards one another, developing a rapport, having more than one projector for each transmission, transmitting using a “pulse” schedule timed to 10 second intervals, and using a modified set of potential symbols to transmit which symbols are characterized by being ‘love or hate.’

This protocol is designed for groups of 4-6 people and employs these principles to maximize efficacy of telepathic transmission for training and developing telepathic ability. The baseline ability and peak ability of each individual will vary, but the utilization of a specific protocol will assist in ensuring the best possible sessions and development. Statistics, specifically hits to misses, should be tracked carefully per session. Research indicates that giving positive feedback without critical feedback helps in the development of ESP. It’s important to note that any deviation above _or below_ chance is considered a notable result. Research also indicates that shorter sessions are more effective than longer ones, as a long session will show a decrease in accuracy over time.

Each session should consist of at least 25 transmissions of one of five symbols, chosen for their universally strong impact (suggestions: American flag, Swastika, Crucifix, Nuclear Peace Dove, Sickle and Hammer). 25 is an optimal number as it is not too long, taking approximately 35-40 minutes, and it allows for z-tests rather than Student t-tests for statistical analysis of results. This makes statistical analysis of progress much easier.


Candidates for this project should be over 18 years old and comfortable revealing personal information to a group of strangers. The sharing of personal information (this information does not need to be identifying information as such) opens the psychological doors of communication. By opening communicative channels to one another, telepathic rapport will be improved. The group should consider using video chat for a “get to know you” session in which people each reveal some personal information and grow comfortable with one another. The group does _not_ have to _like_ one another, but the voluntary disclosure of personal information helps open communicative channels regardless.

Session 1

The first session should be focused on opening communicative channels, not practicing telepathy. Participants should progress from more to less personal information. In rounds, or in natural discussion, participants should begin by disclosing non-threatening biographical information, and then progress to personal thoughts and feelings about topics, and finally progress to revealing of deeply personal information (the sorts of things we might only disclose to close friends). This session should be conducted over video chat if possible, or at least while on webcame. Not only will the visual identification of one another as people facilitate the telepathic rapport; additionally this video chat will allow participants to utilize non-verbal communication channels. Regarding trust, it is necessary that the individuals trust one another enough to disclose private personal details: generally, if someone is unwilling to be seen by another person, they shouldn’t be willing to allow that person telepathic contact which could be much more revealing than a video call.

Session 2 and forward

Selecting one person, that person should go into a private text channel, while the rest of the group coordinates via voice chat to determine via some method of random assignment which symbol to transmit as a group. The group should then begin transmission simultaneously using “pulse sending” at 10 second intervals for the period of 2 minutes. If the group has 6 people, one person should act, on a rotating or permanent basis, as the tasker/trainer, and coordinate between the senders as well as the receiver.

The receiver should sit at the ready, and should be informed when a transmission is beginning and ending. The tasker should tell all senders when to begin and end transmission at 10 second intervals, and inform the receiver of the same things. The receiver should note their impression when they are confident, within the 2 minutes, and upon noting it, the transmission will stop and the next will begin. After 2 minutes, transmission should stop and the receiver be informed and directed to make a selection. The receiver should be aware of the potential options ahead of time, and should select from them by recognition, rather than having to “guess.”

A session consisting of 25 targets should not exceed one hour. At the end of the session, results should be compared to transmissions, and input into a spreadsheed. Practice should proceed daily or as often as possible, with the receiver rotating through each day. Because this exercise requires attention, sessions should be kept short in order to avoid diminishing responses.

Because individuals may respond differently to different kinds of targets, the target pools should be changed occasionally, after 5 rotations through the group or so, until trends can be established regarding receiver “attunement.” This attunement is useful for individuals to know.

This methodology may be adapted into a broader psychic training program over time.

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