Intro to Radionics

Instructor: Rainsong
Date: May 25, 2019 (Saturday)

Seminar: Topic: Intro to Radionics – Saturday, 25 May 2019 at 6:30pm/1830hr New York Time — text format in the PSC #lecture room (Discord) — Instructor: Rainsong– Search LECTURE76

Rainsong: Hiho.

Rainsong: Anyone up for a class tonight?

Chirotractor: o/

Raggiedmon: Ello

Rainsong: Hi, Chiro 🙂

Rainsong: Hi, Raggied

Rainsong: Any request for a topic or should I open to a random page in my handy dandy book of psionic cool stuff?

Chirotractor: I’d like to see what the random page is

Chirotractor: but I got a friend who was interested in radionics yesterday

Chirotractor: so imma see if they want to come

Rainsong: Sure.

Chirotractor: Rad!

Chirotractor: Probably shoulda mentioned something earlier though XP

Raggiedmon: for some lecture in the future it would be cool to go over strange, rare, and little known lore

Rainsong: Sure thing.

Tash Rikil: hi

Rainsong: Hi there, and welcome. I gather you’re the friend Chiro mentioned?

Tash Rikil: i am. nice to meet you

Rainsong: Nice to meet you, too.

Rainsong: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the weekly psionics seminar here at the social club

Chirotractor: Find it funny y’all never met before since you been around vaguely similar circles for ages

Rainsong: It looks like our topic for the evening is a look at radionics

Tash Rikil: hmm thank you

Rainsong: We’ll start with a Friendly Definition, to make sure we’ll all on the same proverbial page, for the purposes of discussion

Rainsong: (Because, as you may have noticed, there’s sometimes a wee tiny bit of disagreement on terminology in this field of study)

Rainsong: Radionics is the use of tools in the production of psionic effects

Rainsong: For old-school purists, that’s a circular definition, because “psionics” was originally a subset of “radionics” but has since been used more loosely

Rainsong: Questions or commentary so far?

Chirotractor: None from me!

Tash Rikil: seems pretty straightforward

Rainsong: In the UK, pendulums figure heavily in radionics.

Rainsong: And pendulums are tools….

Rainsong: ….used in psionics….

Rainsong: So, it fits

Tash Rikil: there’s a bad joke here, i can smell it.

Rainsong: There’s nothing especially magical about a pendulum, generally. It’s used in hypnotherapy for roughly the same purpose: to use the fine motor muscles of the fingers to amplify “signals” from the subconscious mind, to (hopefully) cut through the clutter and self-deception of the conscious mind.

Rainsong: However, if you have a strong vested interest in getting a certain response, the pendulum will tend to give you the answer you “want” instead of the answer you are looking for

Tash Rikil: is that anything like my experience with tarot, where its basically telling me whats on my mind, whether that is true or not?

Rainsong: Exactly so

Rainsong: But for most people, the pendulum will be even more sensitive to that than the cards are

Rainsong: Not because the pendulum is “better” but just because it moves more easily

Tash Rikil: well… the pendulum may not be the best implement for me then. no matter what i do my current feelings blast the cards like a bulldozer

Tash Rikil: sorry. i will be quiet.

Rainsong: (My apologies. Was asked a question outside the class)

Rainsong: There is no one tool that’s best for everyone.

Rainsong: What I’d suggest is trying out whatever appeals to you and is available, and seeing what works best for your purposes

Rainsong: That said, if you tend to get “too sensitive” a result with a pendulum, try a heavier weight.

Tash Rikil: that is fair. and its good to know what the likely pitfalls are ahead of time

Rainsong: for example, use a quarter-kilo plumb-bob instead of one of the dainty fire-opals

Rainsong: Also, if you’re working outside and it’t at all windy, a heavy plumb-bob is the way to go. Obvious examples here are dowsers working on site for drilling companies, or for “utilities” looking for underground wires or pipes.

Rainsong: The heavier the plumb-bob, the less interference there is from the wind or rain

Rainsong: You might also prefer something called a “stick pad.” It is a flat device that you lightly rub in a circular motion with two or three fingertips, in place of the pendulum. The stick pad produces a weirdly sudden “stick” to the fingers when the pendulum would have either changed direction or started moving

Tash Rikil: hmm ok

Rainsong: Stick pads can be fancy copper or crystal or glass things, with embossing or etching around the edges and semi-precious gems as base-legs

Rainsong: Or they can be plastic coffee-can lids

Rainsong: For me, the coffee can lid produces better results. Your mileage may vary

Rainsong: As long as it is flat and smooth, and can be eitehr weighted down or attached to something that can be weighted down – so you don’t have to chase it across the table – you’re good to go

Rainsong: A bit of corn-starch on the finger-tips will help prevent sweat from being a problem in the process

Rainsong: It’s pretty cheap and cheerful

Rainsong: Questions or commentary at this point?

Chirotractor: Better explanation than I managed that’s for sure 😛

Rainsong: LOL

Tash Rikil: hmm i wonder who else is here

Rainsong: That’s something you could use a pendulum or stickpad for, actually.

Tash Rikil: no kidding

Rainsong: One hand handles the device, and the other points at each of the names in turn… concentrating on “Who’s here?” watch or feel for the respective responses

Tash Rikil: hmm

Rainsong: These devices can be used on their own, or in conjunction with the infamous “radionics box”

Rainsong: (or with various charts, too)

Rainsong: A radionics box has a number of dials on it, and most of them can be used for both analyzing and affecting things

Rainsong: In America, the most common use is in agriculture. Mostly because that’s the main legal purpose for it

Rainsong: In several other countries, these are also used for medical and veterinary purposes

Rainsong: Various styles of boxes have different combinations of dials. Kelly and Roger styles tend to have dials in pairs.

Rainsong: Chuck Cosimano’s basic devices tend to have dials in sets of three.

Rainsong: I’ve seen boxes with larger sets of dials.

Rainsong: For analysis, you put a sample of the stuff you’re analysing in the witness/sample cup/”well” and you slowly twist each dial until you get a stick or a direction change

Rainsong: For affecting stuff, the easiest way is to look up the numbers at which to set the dials (the set of numbers is called a “Rate”), adjust the dials accordingly, put the sample or target photo in the witness well, and turn the machine on.

Rainsong: If you’re using an electrical device, the electricity provides most of the oomph. If you’re using a symbolic device, you provide most of the oomph

Rainsong: One thing to be careful of: avoid getting your skin oils or other detritus on the sample, or you might be included in the effect or analysis.

Rainsong: Small test-tubes, glassine envelopes (such as are sold for stamp collectors), clean scoops and tweezers are all handy for avoiding this kind of contamination.

Rainsong: Also, it’s generally considered good practice to keep the witness well covered when not in use so it doesn’t get contaminated with household dust

Rainsong: “Analysis”?! You may be wondering what kind of analysis I’m talking about, So I’ll get to that next.

Rainsong: Any questions or commentary before we look at that?

Tash Rikil: im good…

Rainsong: I probably should have gone into the history of radionics, but that’d be a set of seminars on its own

Tash Rikil: thats fine

Rainsong: An important tidbit, though, is that an electrical engineer by the name of Thomas Galen Hieronymus (pauses to check spelling of the dude’s name) got a US patent on a radionics device. The style of device is known these days as a “Hieronymous Machine”

Rainsong: Psionicists aren’t very inventive with naming conventions, okay? 😉

Chirotractor: Don’t improve on perfection

Tash Rikil: yeah ok 😛

Chirotractor: that tickles my wizardly sensibilities something feirce

Rainsong: In any case, TG Hieronymus’s patented device was registered as a machine to analyse minerals (mostly, because he wouldn’t get arrested for that)

Rainsong: So, you put your same of rock or soil into your test-tube or glassine envelope, and carefully place that in the witness well

Rainsong: Turn your knobs/dials until you get a stick (usually you start from the left-hand side and work toward the right)

Rainsong: Let’s pretend you’re using a two-dial Kelly workstation

Rainsong: Just as an example here, rather than the Hieronmus one

Tash Rikil: ok

Rainsong: And the numbers you end up with are 27.00 and 93.00

Rainsong: The sample is therefore Sodium, Cacodylate

Rainsong: How do you know? You look it up i your friendly book of rates.

Rainsong: You can look it up in the PDF version ( and at various other locations) or you can do it the easy way and buy a searchable computer version.

Rainsong: Type in 27.00 and 93.00 and up pops “Sodium, Cacolylate” 🙂

Rainsong: Type in 24.50 and 19.50, and up pops “Beer”

Scelana: Looks like I didn’t entirely miss the lecture this time hehe

Rainsong: It’s important to put them in the right order. 93.00-27.00 would be something else

Rainsong: Hi, SCelana 🙂

Rainsong: Questions? Commentary?

Chirotractor: Didn’t know about the tables

Chirotractor: new info for me!

Rainsong: Whooohoo 🙂 Good stuff

Tash Rikil: this seems like something to play with

Rainsong: You can make your own tables, by the way, by reverse-engineering that: Put a known substance in, and turn the dials until you get a stick. Write down or Type in the name of the substance, and the numbers your dials come up with

Rainsong: The rates for a two-dial machine will obviously be different from a three-dial machine or a nine-dial machine

Rainsong: There’s one number per dial, and they are generally separated by dashes or commas, but sometimes just smashed together in a long string of digits

Tash Rikil: yes i think i would do that first. just to see if the results are consistent

Rainsong: Some styles of radionics use a 0-100 scale, some use 0-10, and some use other scales entirely. You can make one in base-6 if you feel like it, and it’ll still work, but you[‘ll probably need to come up with your own rate book

Rainsong: The smashed-in-a-string rates tend to only have one decimal place, and are most often 0-10 scales

Tash Rikil: hmm

Rainsong: Questions? Commentary?

Raggiedmon: How many unknown results have you gotten?

Rainsong: Me personally? Not many. Handful, maybe. But I use the boxes more for affecting than analysing at this point

Raggiedmon: mmk

Rainsong: I’ll probably have a better answer to that later in the summer.

Rainsong: I took a course in Agricultural Radionics a couple years ago. I think I’ll use it for my orchard this summer, to figure out soil conditions and what the various trees need

Rainsong: Sometimes you want to affect things.

Rainsong: For example, perhaps you want to drive the weevils out of your potato patch

Rainsong: If you’re feeling vicious and just want to kill the weevils, first find the rate for a weevil

Rainsong: Then reverse/neutralise the rate

Rainsong: That’s a simple arithmatic thing: Take the top number of your scale (eg., 100 or 10, or 14 or whatever) and subtract the first number of the rate from it. Write down the result. Do the same with the other numbers in the rate.

Rainsong: New set of numbers is the rate to get rid of the weevil with extreme prejudice

Rainsong: If you prefer the gentler approach, get the rate for something that repells them

Rainsong: Stick a map of your potato patch in the witness well (sometimes there’s also another well for sending stuff out… in which case, use that)

Rainsong: Set the rate for “repell weevil” by turning the dials to the numbers in question

Rainsong: Turn on the machine

Rainsong: There was an experiment in New Brunswick (the Canadian province – not the town in New Jersey) with using radionics to get rid of spruce budworms. They used a checkerboard pattern on the map of the tract of land, which was also marked off for the checkerboard pattern. So the only difference between the squares was how they were marked on the map

Rainsong: The affected squares lost most of their beetles. The other squares did not

Rainsong: The company that owned the tract of land wasn’t exactly happy about this, because they happen to make and sell sylvicultural pesticides…

Chirotractor: XP

Chirotractor: Aren’t pinebeetles trying to cross the rockies?

Rainsong: They’re spreading through most of North America, and heading north, too. Warmer conditions favour them

Rainsong: They are a periodic problem on the east coast

Rainsong: There’s a guy in Australia who makes his living doing long-distance agricultural radionics on a “don’t pay me until it works and you see results” basis

Rainsong: Questions? Comments?

Tash Rikil: hmm

Tash Rikil: this sounds interesting. though its a little hard to believe

Rainsong: That said, he’s been doing it for years. It can take months to get good at it

Raggiedmon: If one got a unknown, how difficult would it be to go from that unknown to things close to the unknown

Rainsong: RAggied: Not sure I understand the question. Could you possibly re-phrase it?

Raggiedmon: So you get a unknown result an want to know more about it

Raggiedmon: could one find things near that unknown useing a radionics device properly

Raggiedmon: so one could understand the unknown better

Raggiedmon: Sorta a sink the battleship thing, got a hit now shoot near

Rainsong: Ahh, yes. Let’s say there’s something important enough to you to warrant taking the time and effort to investigate that unknown.

Rainsong: A contaminant in your soil, for example, or an unknown mineral sample that doesn’t show up on your chart

Rainsong: What I would do is kind of like a “twenty questions” type thing.
… probably with the pendulum or stick pad on its own, to start
“Is this item organic?”
“Is this item inorganic?”
“Is this item a compound?”
“Is this item a mixture of compounds?”
Yes-or-no questions.

Rainsong: If it’s a mixture of compounds, we go back to the friendly box again, because the problem is likely that there were too many different components to get a clear reading

Rainsong: So, with the same sample in the witness well, ask for the primary compound by volume (or mass or whatever you prefer… just specify something)

Rainsong: Note what the rate is, and put the dials back to zero
“What is the compound next highest in volume in this item?”
And so on.

Rainsong: Then, you can use a single dial to get the percentages of each, if you like.

Rainsong: How precise the percentages will be comes down to your skill.

Rainsong: Some people can nail it right on. Some have a twenty-percent variance. And so on.

Rainsong: Keeping records of your practice and noting the levels of accuracy and precision will eventually give you a pretty good idea of your confidence level here

Rainsong: If it’s not a mixture of compounts, ask if it’s a mixture

Rainsong: It it isn’t a mixture of any kind, ask it it’s an element

Rainsong: Can also ask about origins, in case it’s a super-rare debris from a meteorite or an artificial substance

Rainsong: If it’s organic, can try asking about origins (animal or vegetable or fungal….?), then narrow down the classification… then the part of the being… and so on

Rainsong: Does that answer your question?

Raggiedmon: Sorta, Thank

Raggiedmon: think sorta at least lol

Rainsong: Also, if something comes back as unknown, check to see if there might have been contamination of the sample. Re-take the sample if necessary

Rainsong: Hahaha. Can you come up with an example situation? Perhaps I can answer better with the usage you have in mind

Raggiedmon: so you get a unknown a total unknown, you dont even have a idea on what the sample is, from the numbers it gets, can you use thoes numbers to find things similar to the total unknown

Raggiedmon: so the numbers are 1004 an 640 would a 1010 an a 620 be a sustance near?

Rainsong: Strangely, no.

Raggiedmon: Mmk

Rainsong: It’s very weird that way

Rainsong: More accurately, it’s possibly it could be. But it’s just as likely to be something unrelated completely

Raggiedmon: Thank thats what wanted to know

Raggiedmon: needs a number of super dials to use on test samples- find close – find far away – find unknowns near, find thing that effected substance lol

Rainsong: For example, Beer and Stapholococcus toxin are pretty close together

Raggiedmon: Hmmm

Raggiedmon: Afk a few think tabacco think

Rainsong: Have a good time

Rainsong: Anyone else? Questions? Commentary?

Chirotractor: Need to be off to eat dinner

Rainsong: Have a great time.

Rainsong: Thanks for participating 🙂

Scelana: Thxies for the lecture Rainsong!

Rainsong: Thanks for participating, Scelana 🙂

Rainsong: A couple practical points to finish up, though:

Rainsong: Analysis doesn’t require electricity, so the non-electrical boxes work as well as the electrical ones for that

Rainsong: Kelly workstations are hella expensive. Making a box yourself, as with Chuck’s instructions, is much more economically sound, if you’re just starting out and don’t know whether it’s something you actually want to do (or, if you can find a better use for that fifteen-hundred American dollars… just sayin’)

Rainsong: Thanks, everybody.

Rainsong: Have a great night.

Raggiedmon: Thank for lecture

Rainsong: As always, feel free to leave questions on this topic in here this week.

Tash Rikil: hey thank you

Rainsong: You’re welcome. 🙂 Happy to have you with us.

Rainsong: Whether it’s just for tonight’s seminar or longer term. No pressure, either way.

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