Remote Viewing – Review Part 2

Instructor: Rainsong & Wayfarer
Date: November 2, 2019 (Saturday)

Seminar: Topic: Remote Viewing – continuing from last week– Saturday, 2 November, 2019 at 6:30pm/1830hr New York Time — text format in the PSC #lecture room (Discord) — Instructor: Rainsong (and possibly Wayfarer) — Search LECTURE100

Rainsong: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen

Rainsong: Welcome to another psionics seminar here at the social club

Jael: Good evening

Rainsong: Our topic for the evening is ‘remote viewing’, continuing on from last week

Rainsong: Hi, Jael

Rainsong: You had a question, after we ended last week, about how much time to spend on the various stages in the protocol

Rainsong: Stage 1 is pretty fast. Regardless of which protocol you’re using , Stage 1 is not likely to be more than thirty seconds, and likely fewer than ten,… once you have the administrivia noted down on the page and have settled yourself into the proper frame of mind.

Rainsong: “proper” being read as “whatever one works for you for remote viewing”

Rainsong: Otherwise, it’s basically, when you run out of Stage 2 data or when you start getting Stage 3 data , it’s time to move to Stage 3. When you’ve run low in Stage 3, go on to the next bit…

Rainsong: If you don’t have much in Stage 2, don’t worry about it

Rainsong: If you don’t have any Stage 2 data at all, the session might be suspect, but that’s the analyst’s problem. Not yours

Rainsong: If you tend to grab dimensions and shapes, you’re going to probably get more detail in stages 3 and 4 than 2. No problem.

Rainsong: You’ll probably want to use modelling compounds in the later stages, too. Again, no problem

Rainsong: If there’s no declared AOL? That is a problem. 😉

Rainsong: A single RV session isn’t likely to run longer than 90 minutes. Most of the time, you’d split it into separate sessions if it looks like it will run longer than that…. or even longer than 45 minutes, really.

Rainsong: Why? Because you’ll be plum tuckered out

Rainsong: It’s tiring. You can always go back and re-start the session latter when you’ve had some rest and snacks, presuming you haven’t already looked at the feedback data.

Rainsong: So, yea, other than “not going too long at a stretch”, don’t worry about how long each bit is

Rainsong: Questions? Commentary?

Jael: Sounds good, thanks. I’d forgotten I asked. Glad you remembered. Also, I vaguely recall a question about affinity to certain types of descriptions. I think you mentioned that the info still comes in the same order, just more info in that particular stage?

Rainsong: Generally speaking, yes, it’ll come in the same order anyway. You’re just likely to got more of the types you are more attuned to

Rainsong: Different people pick up on different stuff.

Rainsong: Same with target types, really.

TehOldeSourcerer: Hey

Rainsong: For example, you probably find you do better, overall, with architectural/structural targets, than, for example, decribing the colour and texture of small items or biological targets

Rainsong: Hi, TehOldeSourcerer

Jael: Shiny. Thanks.

TehOldeSourcerer: Used the stage steps for the last targets, much more accurate now

Rainsong: Of course, to determine which kinds of targets you actually do do best at, you’d need to do a large number of a variety of types, and compare the results 🙂

Rainsong: Teh: Excellent 🙂

TehOldeSourcerer: I noticed that I became a bit tired after doing the RV targets, tiredness didn’t last longer than about 8 or so minutes though

Rainsong: It’s a good idea to have a snack after a session, unless of course that would mess up other things (assorted medical reasons for spacing food out at certain intervals, etc)

Rainsong: Are there any questions or comments about RV generally, at this point?

TehOldeSourcerer: Question? If someone is very visual like and gets a lot of data as mental images can you explain what some advantages and pitfalls of this are? Also do you know of ways to get myself to get less visual impressions if the need comes up?

Rainsong: Starting from the back of that question, if you need to use a different ‘interface’ for some reason, I’d suggest quietly telling yourself you’re going to use more… words or impressions or sounds or whatever in the session at hand. Just take a few nice slow deep breaths and talk to yourself about it.

Rainsong: As usual, keep it in a positive grammatic structure, because you’re ‘talking with’ your subconscious and it tends to ignore negative grammatical constructions

Rainsong: “I am ignoring everything good and nice in the world” is a positive grammatical construction. “I’m not going to be rude to anyone today” is a negative grammatical structure.

Rainsong: The content can be positive, negative, or neutral. It’s just the construction that is important there.

Rainsong: You can also use visualization to communicate with the deeper levels of your own mind, of course.

Rainsong: As for advantages and disadvantages?

Wayfarer: Your brain is decoding information. You want to practice engaging with those other senses so that you aren’t just relying on one. The senses you rely on for decoding are a matter of habit – vision is strong because as a society we have made a deliberate effort to emphasize visual track, and next, auditory track. And we practice visualization, which is creating mental images. Few people practice audiation, and that’s part of why audio information tends to be omitted or interpreted in other ways by viewers. You basically want to practice doing art in different media. You also want to practice describing shit so you can recognize qualities in things and describe what you’re seeing instead of just naming what you’re seeing. Look at a car and describe what it is like instead of just saying “a car.” This is related to a Zen exercise called beginner’s mind.

Wayfarer: Adding my 3 cents there, sorry.

Wayfarer: I also want to say that if you don’t believe how tiring it is go back and read some of the logs where I did demo sessions through S3. I’m downright loopy by the time I’m “back.”

Rainsong: Thanks, Wayfarer. Your input is always welcome 🙂

Rainsong: Also, TehOldeSourcerer: practice describing pictures. Grab randoms pictures on the Internet — there is an endless supply of then. Just pull one up, and describe it on paper, using only adjectives (and adverbs if you must)

Wayfarer: Adverbs are okay but they should hold until S3 because adverbs describe verbs and verbs are almost always dimensionals

Wayfarer: Most action verbs require movement through space and we’re not interested in copulas.

Rainsong: Adverbs can also modify adjectives, and those were the ones I was thinking of

Wayfarer: Oh yeah right fair

Wayfarer: I see what you’re saying yeah. I wouldn’t put “very red” tho that’s not information you can pull off the signal line properly. But you did say “if you must” so there’s that.

Rainsong: It’s better to have enough adjectives in the vocabulary to not need the adverbs much, but they come in sometimes

Wayfarer: Problem with adverbs describing adjectives mainly is that it’s forcing a comparison of attributes and unless there are multiple instances of the same attribute you’re necessarily pulling in non-signal information to make that comparison, which is a form of analysis and needs to break at that point, in S2. In S4+ it’s fine.

Rainsong: But for practice in describing a picture that’s right in front of you, it’s not so much a problem

Rainsong: To be clear, I was suggesting practicing describing pictures you’re looking at in the regular way. .. one of several exercises Buchanan suggests, on the grounds that if you can’t describe something right there in the room with you, how do you expect to describe something on the other side of the world? 🙂

Rainsong: If you’re seeing stuff clearly in the early stages of an RV session, you’re going to be declaring a lot of AOLs. Not a problem as such, as long as you declare them.

Rainsong: Don’t close your eyes between writing descriptors, and don’t let your pen dangle in the air. Keep it on the page, except to separate letters, and except when you set it down during an AOL break. Closing your eyes and/or hovering the pen brings the imagination into play, and overpowers the signal line

Rainsong: Questions/Commentary on that?

Wayfarer: I see now, sorry. I would suggest also describing pictures you can see with your eyes within structure, after you’ve learned to describe them just generally. The bottom line that we’re both driving at here is that you should practice describing stuff not-psychically, because this will help you describe stuff psychically @TehOldeSourcerer .

Wayfarer: And if you’re only ever getting visual information, practice “visualizing” with other senses – practice “hearing” things in your mind, “feeling” things in your mind, and so on. This practices those channel activations so your mind is more ready to use those channels when those channels best fit the encoded signal line data.

TehOldeSourcerer: Thank you

TehOldeSourcerer: For general RV is there a specific method any of you would recommend for not mixing up targets, or is that more of a thing that comes with practice? When I did the targets some of the information I got fit with another target

Rainsong: Mostly practice. Also, look at each session as “what can I learn from this?” instead of “I hope I get it right”

Rainsong: “Right” is the analyst’s problem, after the fact. Not the viewer’s problem during the session.

Rainsong: And nobody gets everything right, anyway, no matter how good you are.

Wayfarer: Not running multiple sessions in a row, for one. It is uncommon to run more than one or two operational targets in a day. Failure to fully disconnect from a signal line will do that, and it’s my experience that you don’t fully disconnect without sleeping.

Rainsong: There ought to be a minimum of half an hour between sessions, and preferably rather longer

Wayfarer: Yeah.

Rainsong: Clarifying on your point, in case someone tried to do two back-to-back sessions, one right on the heels of the other. That’s still ‘just two sessions today, right?”

Rainsong: Don’t drive immediately after a session, either, for the same reason. Wait at least half an hour, and preferably longer.

Rainsong: If you do two sessions, don’t drive at all

Rainsong: And for all the barracks-room lawyers out there, when I say “don’t drive”, I also mean “don’t fly an aircraft, don’t operate heavy machinery, and generally don’t do stuff that it would be stupid to do while impaired or distracted”

Wayfarer: Rainsong’s just a coward; always drive bilo’d kids

Rainsong: (Jael and I both just literally LOLed)

ceahhettan: But really, for the sake of everyone else on the road.

Rainsong: Driving down the 401 in Ontario while your mind is in Oklahoma is a recipe for disaster

ceahhettan: Why does this sound like a no shit there I was story…

Rainsong: Fortunately, it is not. I have, however, heard a couple of pretty harrowing ‘I shit you not’ stories of this sort

Wayfarer: lmao ceahhettan are you gonna come in here like a DARE officer and tell people about not driving while astrally projecting or bilocating or so on?? :allears:

ceahhettan: Hey I don’t do that shit while driving anymore. When I was doing that I didn’t even have a license for the most part… Little more important at 80000 lbs.

Wayfarer: You heard it here first, always drive without a license when bilocating

ceahhettan: (For anyone whom the irony is lost on, I spent probably ten plus years without ever once being NOT bilocating.)

ceahhettan: Thanks, Cousin.

ceahhettan: :b

Rainsong: Any further questions or comments at this point?

ceahhettan: Nah, I just stopped in to be a smartass after I finished reading the back scroll.

Wayfarer: Same

TehOldeSourcerer: Is Bilocating an advanced form of RV or astral projection?

Rainsong: It’s the state of your mind being in two places at once, generally implying that your attention is in the place where your body is not

ceahhettan: Be that astral projection or same world projection what have you.

Rainsong: In effect, it’s a form of projection. It often happens accidentally if not sufficiently grounded. Such as, for example, having just run a major RV session

Rainsong: Exactly so, Ceah

ceahhettan: Some people find it easier to accomplish than others. Some people also find it easier than fully astral projecting but that’s a topic for another time I suspect.

Rainsong: Agreed.

Rainsong: And some people never do it at all. No idea why

Rainsong: But it’s something to be aware of. Contrary to what some people will tell you, there are risks involved in practicing psionics. You have a better chance of avoiding the bad stuff if you know it’s there, and what to do about it

Rainsong: Are there requests for upcoming seminar topics, by the way? Clearly, there will be some more RV ones.

Rainsong: I won’t be available to teach on the 16th. We haven’t decided whether to reschedule to the daytime of the Monday or Tuesday (I’m off work those days), cancel, or have someone else teach. Folks are pretty slammed, in terms of schedules right now, so it’ll probably be a ‘reschedule’ or ‘cancel’

TehOldeSourcerer: End of the year time is pretty hectic

Rainsong: Yep

Rainsong: Thanks for participating, everyone 😀

Jael: Thanks for all the info

TehOldeSourcerer: :thumbsup:

Rainsong: In one of the courses I took, the instructor provided a ‘template’ to use, while learning the protocol. Do you think that sort of thing might be useful for you, if I were to put something together for the more standard CRV protocol we’re discussing in these seminars?

Rainsong: I could put it up on the same weebly site I have the practice target feedback bits on, for example

TehOldeSourcerer: I haven’t done much RV in the past so a template would be useful for me I’d say

Rainsong: :thumbsup:

Rainsong: 1911-01xx feedback are published: Next set of targets: 1911-0601 1911-0602 1911-0603 1911-0604 1911-0605 1911-0606

Rainsong: A pretty good ‘how to make a radionics device” video. I suggest running it at 1.25 or 1.5 speed

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