Instructor: Rainsong
Date: January 18, 2020 (Saturday)
Seminar: Topic: using meditation to improve your psychokinesis (suggested by Rose…”like, specifically how to utilize meditation to improve the aspects that come into play during psychokinesis”) — Saturday, 18 January, 2020 at 6:30pm/1830hr New York Time — text format in the PSC #lecture room (Discord) — Instructor: Rainsong, probably — Search LECTURE112
Rainsong: Hihi. anyone up for a seminar this evening?
Chirotractor: am not really around
Rainsong: not a problem. Have a good time 😀
Rose Cinderfall: i’m here
Rose Cinderfall: i requested this one
Rainsong: You did, yes.
Rainsong: Hi, Rose
Rainsong: Alright… Our topic for the evening is ‘using meditation to improve your psychokinesis”
TehOldeSourcerer: Hi
Rainsong: Hi, Teh
Rainsong: There are a number of factors at play when doing PK, and we only know some of them. Just some of the “if you do this, this other thing happens”
Rainsong: And the “this” is often different for micro and macro PK
Rainsong: As a reminder, microPK is any PK where you need to use statistical analysis to determine whether it worked. The effect might in fact be fairly large, but if it was also relatively probable but previously undetermined, it can still be microPK.
Rainsong: It doesn’t refer to effects on very small targets
Rainsong: Regardless, with PK it is generally a good idea to have a clear and focused intention
Rainsong: For example, if you’re working on pushing a ping pong ball across the table, and you just shove in the general direction of the ball, you could break stuff, knock things off the far wall, and so on
Rainsong: So, any meditation the helps you practice focus and concentration is likely to be handy
Rainsong: Popular common ones involve focusing on a dot on the wall, counting breaths, and contemplating a candle flame (or, indeed, your navel).
Rainsong: Less common but still useful: martial arts kata, visualised mental ‘vacations’, tight-rope walking, practicing scales, ballet exercises, and target shooting
Rainsong: If you choose that last one, please use ear protection if you’re using firearms instead of a bow
Rose Cinderfall: how can the meditation described by Alice be used to improve PK?
PatchesTheCoydog: (candle flame is useful for transitioning from meditating n candle flame to trying to influence it, some training systems use that kind of transition as a first introduction to PK type stuff even)
Rainsong: Patches: true
Rainsong: Rose: It ought to help with recovery from practice, logically, because it is a rest-related meditation.
Rainsong: For microPK, it might be a useful way to get into the approapriate state of mind.
Rainsong: Any other questions or comments, at this point?
Rainsong: Apparently not.
Rainsong: So, continuing…
Rainsong: There are a number of meditation types and meditation-like exercises which can be used to affect your emotions.
Rainsong: Because sometimes PK is easier in certain emotional states, you can see how this would be useful
Rainsong: Method acting, jamming heavy metal music, playing Baroque music on the keyboard, most of the elemental magic meditations…. Those are all useful here.
Rainsong: (don’t get me wrong: Alice’s meditation is very good. It’s just not designed for this purpose. It’s pretty much the opposite)
Rose Cinderfall: this is a bit personal but, alice’s meditation so far is the only one that works so well for me, so, i wanted ways to use that one to improve PK.. maybe some modifications to it or specific ways of using it
Rainsong: It’s similar enough in principle to a number of variants of meditation that I’m sure some kind of modification could be used.
Rainsong: However, beyond the two uses I already mentioned, those variants are basically things you are indicating don’t work for you.
Rainsong: Perhaps it might make more sense to ask Alice?
Rose Cinderfall: okay. sorry, please continue :sweatsmile:
Rainsong: (It would be kind of like using a paint roller brush to drill a hole in a brick… Excellent tool, but Wrong tool for the job.)
Rose Cinderfall: (understood)
Rainsong: The other set of meditations useful for PK are breathing exercises
Rainsong: 1) smooth deep breathing of count-of-four in and count-of-four out, without hitching between, is generally useful Especially if you are also moving oomph/stuff around your system as you do so
Rainsong: (It’s pretty much the most basic of Quantum Touch’s breathing exercises)
Rainsong: 2) “Ladder Breathing Up”: quick breath in, quick breath out, two quick breaths in, two quick breaths out, three quick breaths in, three quick breaths out… and so on, until you reach your reasonable limit, then back down again…. three quick breaths in, three quick breaths out, two quick breaths in, two quick breaths out, one quick breath in, one quick breath out….
Rainsong: (crediting Mr. Jesse Enkamp – a karate instructor in… Stockholm, I think?… for the name of the method)
Rainsong: This one’s also good for getting “oomph” moving
Rainsong: 3) Box Breathing is good for calm focus: four counts in, preferably through the nose, hold for four counts, four counts out, hold for four, repeat…. (this one’s gained considerable traction around the ‘Net, and it’s taught to soldiers)
Rainsong: Questions? Commentary?
Rose Cinderfall: any meditations for the purpose of improving PK that don’t involve breathing control?
Rainsong: Umm, yes? Scroll back up in this class, and I mentioned several. Most of them are relatively self-explanatory, but if there are some that want more description let me know
TehOldeSourcerer: Does the quick breathing cause you to gather more energy into yourself?
Rose Cinderfall: oops, sorry.. i’m on a phone at night with the screen barely visible because i dont wanna wake up the one next to me. this is not the best way to participate in a lecture…
PatchesTheCoydog: (There are lots of breathing exercises in yoga type stuff, whole limb devoted to it but can be thing need to be careful about though should be careful not to strain whe doing breathing exercises in general)
TehOldeSourcerer: I ask since breathing exercises always seemed to be so simple that I still have some difficulty wrapping my head around how they affect energetic work
Rose Cinderfall: wait – practicing musical scales on an instrument does the same thing to your mind as a medifation where you focus on a dot?
Rainsong: Some of them (appear to) increase the movement of oomph around the body/field. And some make it easier to control it deliberately, like that first one does.
Rainsong: Some of them adjust the blood chemistry temporarily
Rose Cinderfall: unfortunately any meditations that involve conscious control of breathing are completely useless to me…
Rainsong: Rose: if you’re paying attention to what you’re doing and not just flying through them yes
Rainsong: Why is that, re the breathing ones being useless?
Rose Cinderfall: ooh! that’s really nice to know!
Rose Cinderfall: and, well,
Rainsong: (Asking in case there’s a workaround to the problem.)
Rose Cinderfall: because the moment I focus on my breathing and gain control over it, i’m in full control of it, and if i don’t put conscious effort into every movement, then i stop breathing. Being in control of it that way makes me feel short on air pretty soon, and eventually i panic. It goes away when i focus on something else than my breathing for long enough. Also, most of the 4-seconds-in-4-seconds out or box breathing ones, make me feel short on air, to the point i start to automatically yawn, and then eventually hyperventilate.
Rose Cinderfall: well it’s the conscious control of my breathing in general that feels bad. The process that’s normally subconscious and automatic becomes completely conscious and in my conscious control
Unicornzilla: (I know a few people with breathing difficulty from health issues, different from Rose I think, but still good to know of alternatives)
Rose Cinderfall: basically when i’m in full control of my breathing, if i forget to inhale, i don’t inhale. And when trying to calm down.. i’m trying not to worry about having to make sure i inhale properly every cycle
Rainsong: (The health issues are easier to work around. For quite a few people in that situation, merely speeding up the count, so the breaths aren’t as slow but the ratio of in vs out stays the same, will get the job done…)
Rainsong: Since we’re speaking about PK in particular in this class, is there a particular part of doing PK you’re trying to improve?
Rose Cinderfall: getting more consistent results, and.. actually spinning the psiwheel in one direction for any longer than a few seconds, instead of it stopping once i go “yay! it’s moving!”. seeing it successfully moving snaps me out of the focused mode and makes the PK stop. Also, sometimes when i do maintain the focused mode it starts spinning the other way.. or sometimes it spins in the opposite direction from what i intended, from the beginning. All these little problems i’m experiencing in PK..
Rainsong: YEa, getting it to go the direction you want -instead of ‘just turning”- comes after the “oh yay it’s moving” stage
Rainsong: Alright, a non-breath-related focus and oomph exercise that you might find helpful.
Rainsong: Do you have the voluntary use of both hands?
Rainsong: And do you write with one of them? Quality of the penmanship doesn’t matter for this
Rose Cinderfall: i don’t understand what you mean by voluntary use of both hands?
Rainsong: Do your hands exist and function more-or-less normally?
Rose Cinderfall: yup!
Rainsong: Excellent 😀
Rainsong: (It’s not so for exeryone, and this one is complicated without at least one hand)
Rainsong: Ever see water in a bowl or basin or tub rock back and forth in a wave pattern?
Rainsong: In English it’s called a “seiche” but Google Translate doesn’t seem to have translations for it.
Rose Cinderfall: yes?
Rainsong: Pretend there is water inside your hand, and it’s making this kind of wave back and forth between your indecx finger and your thumb, across/through the heel of your thumb (that’s the fleshy part at the base of the thumb and onto the palm)
Rainsong: Yes, it’ll feel weird
Rose Cinderfall: huh.. weird.. feels psiball-like
Rainsong: When that’s going well, let the wave extend beyond the end of the finger and thumb, to push on the corner of the psi-wheel
Rainsong: (credit to G. Harry Stine for this one)
Rainsong: While it can be done in time with your breath and/or pulse, it doesn’t need to be
Rose Cinderfall: am i supposed to be creating the “water” with energy instead of just visualising it?
Rainsong: And if you forget to flow it back and forth, no harm done, the oomph will just redistribute itself in your field.
Rainsong: This one’s a bit like a Stone Tower Shield in that the effort involved usually gets the oomph involved on its own, but directing the oomph along with the “water” is even better
Rainsong: Oooh, Javanese for ‘seiche’ is ‘laut’…. not exactly helpful for our purposes here, but Google Translate does have at least one translation for the word 😀
Rainsong: Questions? Comments?
Rose Cinderfall: comment: that feels so neat
Rose Cinderfall: making energy wave like that. i never thought of that!
Rose Cinderfall: so doing that for a good amount of time improves on the issues in PK that i described?
Rainsong: Yes
Rose Cinderfall: awesome! and this counts as a meditation?
Rainsong: It is, yes
Rainsong: Don’t try using it for the same purpose as Alice’s meditation, though. It won’t work for that
Rose Cinderfall: what’s supposed to happen once it hits the psiwheel? i currently don’t have one set up, but i did try out the waving-energy-in-hand.
Rainsong: It bumps the corner of the psiwheel and pushes it, presuming it hits hard enough and at the right place
Rainsong: And yes, pushing a corner of a pinwheel tends to be more efficient than pushing on the whole thing
Rainsong: Easier to control direction that way, too
Rose Cinderfall: i’ll have to look up better examplws of seiches once it’s morning, but.. for now i had a body of *water” (energy) in my hand and made a big wave within the water go from the thumb to the index finger, then the index finger to the thumb, rinse and repeat. was that incorrect?
Rainsong: It’s the kind fo exercise you can do almost anywhere, and without equipment, so it’s handy that way, too
Rose Cinderfall: yeah i’m excited about this one!
Rose Cinderfall: it’s even good for one-handed use
Rainsong: Yep, big wave from the thumb to the index finger and back to the thumb and back to the index finger, and so on
Rose Cinderfall: feels really neat! thanks!
Rainsong: 🙂
TehOldeSourcerer: I will make note of that for my own use, thank you Rainsong 😀
Rainsong: 🙂
Rainsong: Any other questions and/or comments?
Rose Cinderfall: yes: i haven’t done PK before using energy. I use Not_Important’s method of linking to an object and controlling it as if it is part of you. My energy usually doesn’t act like, well, a solid object.. so how do i make the energy physically push against the psiwheel instead of just sending energy at it?
Rainsong: Extend it as though it’s just part of your finger?
Rainsong: Or seiche “water” in the edge of the pinwheel itself?
Rose Cinderfall: are you saying oomphing the intent for the energy to have a physical push effect will make it behave that way?
Rainsong: It can. I won’t say it works every time for everyone, because it doesn’t.
Rose Cinderfall: then, i don’t understand, i think
Rainsong: “are you saying oomphing the intent for the energy to have a physical push effect will make it behave that way?” –> The concept here is correct. I believe you’re understanding what to do. However, the word “will” would imply that if I said “yes” to this question, anyone reading this could assume that it will work every time.
Rainsong: I’ve yet to see an approach to PK that always works, for everyone who tries it
Rose Cinderfall: ahh, okay. Got it!
Rose Cinderfall: there is a particular method of PK that i always use in my dreams, when it shows up in my dreams, but it seems to be the stuff of fantasy, because it’s way more advanced than reasonable
Rose Cinderfall: but i wonder if it has any basis
Rose Cinderfall: in anything you know
Rose Cinderfall: it is essentially… “grabbing hold” of something remotely, using a hand to gesture it along, and then moving it as if it is held physically
Rose Cinderfall: it tends to feel (in the dream) like there’s very heavy and dense energy in my hand, that is linked up to the object i’m moving
Rainsong: Yea, I’ve done it that way
Rose Cinderfall: so that’s not the stuff of fantasy? 😀 that’s how it always showed up in dreams where i had PK!
Rainsong: When it happens in a dream, it is literally a fantasy. When it happens in real life, it is not 😀
Rose Cinderfall: true, but, the fact that is a realistic goal to attain..
Rose Cinderfall: surprises me
Rainsong: Pro-tip: don’t push from the so-called “third eye”. Apparently you can damage yourself that way
Rose Cinderfall: thank you 🙂
Rose Cinderfall: okay.. i’m through my questions for now.
Rainsong: Alright. Anyone else have any questions or comments?
Rainsong: Apparently not.
Rainsong: Alrighty then. Time to call it a night.
Rainsong: Thanks for participating, everyone.
Rainsong: Nite nite 😀
Rose Cinderfall: goodnight Rainsong, thanks for the lecture!