
(Modified from PSC Seminar which ran on March 17 in the annex)

As you know, “Sending” is a slang term for any sort of projecting telepathy or empathy or related activities. “Receiving” would be the picking up of a Sent signal, and several kinds of “Scanning” are active seeking of such signals.

Generally speaking, simple concepts and short signals are the easiest ones to communicate. For these purposes, the Soviet-style “pulse-sending” seems to be the more efficient method. I say “Soviet” because of the era during which it was first studied and documented. I presume the Russians and folks of the other countries of the former Soviet Union probably still use it. (Probably the easiest place to find reference to this is in Psychic Discoveries by Ostrander and Schroeder.)

We’ll consider the sending of colours first, and will elaborate on the “pulse-sending” idea while we do so. Beginners are usually advised to start with the basic colours: red, yellow, blue, green, black, and white. Purple and orange may be included if you want. More well-practiced folks can include more exotic colours such as beige, chartreuse, and puce, but be aware that there are many people who do not recognise these even in “normal” contexts.

The first step is to choose a colour. Rolling a six-sided die, after assigning one basic colour to each number, is a way to avoid picking the same colour too often.

Next, find your pulse. For me, the simplest way to do this is to feel the carotid artery with the index and middle fingers of one hand. However, use whichever pulse-point is most convenient for you. Be aware that the thumb has its own strong pulse, so do not use it for feeling the pulse somewhere else.

Then, focus lightly on your intention to Send the colour to whomever is your target recipient. For “Shapes and Colours” or other games in an online chatroom, focus on the name-list for Sending to the group, or on an open PM message window for Sending to an individual.

Puff oomph/psi-stuff/whatever in short bursts that are timed to your pulse; to the person/persons; while thinking or saying the name of the colour, once per puff. Although it is possible to do this strictly by “saying” the colour, you’ll find it easier and stronger if you also visualise the colour (either objects of that colour or a blank field of that colour) and/or scribble with a crayon of that colour on a piece of paper. Keep it up for at least twenty seconds.

To Send letters, it is also useful to visualize and/or doodle them. Make them all sorts of colours, and fonts, and even add corny animations. The Soviet experiments were primarily with letters, reportedly.

To deliberately Send emotions, the first step is to choose one. Accidental Sending of emotion is far more common an occurrence, and uses the real emotions being felt by the Sender. There are ways to make the Sending clearer, even with the more difficult abstracts such as letters. Sending a faked emotion along with the letter/colour/what-have-you will make it a stronger Sending, even if the emotion has _nothing_ to do with the main message.

To fake an emotion, try choosing a scene that evokes that feeling, from a play, movie, novel, or the like. In the same way that basic colours are easier than things like ecru and vermillion, strong emotions such as fear and anger are easier to Send clearly than those which are less intense. Bring the scene to mind, and let yourself pretend to feel the emotion it describes/evokes. (It’s useful to practice this on its own, by the way.)

Send it in time with the pulse, as for the colour, but push outward with your belly at the same time…as though you were using your belly to throw the oomph at the recipient. It is helpful – if you can do it safely – to breathe in such a way that your tummy goes out when you exhale and inwhen you inhale. Be smart about it, though: if you have medical issues with your lungs, or other internal organs, clear it with your friendly neighbourhood health-care professional before using that particular QiGong trick.

It is possible to Send a physical sensation or movement like a hug…or, conversely, a one-finger salute. The most efficient way to do this is to “almost” make the motion yourself, but stop before the muscles actually move. It’s sometimes described in “charging” instructions, being a fairly popular method for charging. It can be thought of as sending the command to the muscles to move, and then immediately countermand it, repeatedly.

With practice, such “gestures” can be made effectively on a single off-hand pulse. The recipient need not be anticipating it, nor does s/he need to be particularly skillful, especially at short range. A strong “back-off, (insert impolite form of address here)” Sent to someone who is driving too close behind you for the road conditions can make for a most gratifying and sudden increase in stopping distance between the two vehicles. 😀

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