Remote Viewing Class 6: Stage 4

Instructor: Rainsong & Wayfarer
Date: April 21, 2017 (Friday)

Note: This class was conducted in the Order of the Golden Pyramid community’s chatroom

My clock thinks we’re at the top of the hour.
Good evening-or-whatever, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to the continuation of our seminar on remote viewing.
As usual Wayfarer and I will be co-teaching this evening. *bows to Wayfarer*



Looking forward to the lecture

Era d’Lux
*curstsies* Evening.


Ahoy. *bows back*
Okay so first I wanted to lead with a new channel that many of you have seen but which until now has not been active, which is #remote-viewing.
It’s available for members and associates, and houses RVT, a tasking bot that @Azarea was kind enough to whip up for us.
Documentation is in the channel, but it will make skills practice significantly easier. The bot allows you to receive a randomly assigned target by saying “RVT begin” , and after running the target, you can type “RVT end [urls. . . ]” where the urls are for image links for your runsheet (photograph it).
That will let me review not only whether or not your run was a “hit” or “miss,” but also much more importantly, whether you’ve got good command of structure.
The documentation for bot commands and so on are pinned at the top of that channel.
You can ping me for a session review after you’ve run one, and if there are any problems with the bot, you can let me know, or cut me out of the loop and just go straight to Azarea (that is what I will do).

Thanks, Azarea, for putting the bot together. Very cool.

The lecture tonight is not, however, about bots and whether they exist or not. It is instead about remote viewing itself. We’ve so far covered Stages 1 through 3. Tonight I believe we’re moving on to stage 4, however, practical sessions will remain focused on stages 1 and 2.

As you can guess from the name, Stage 4 comes after Stage 3 in the procedure. Military psionics stuff tends not to have tremendously imaginative naming conventions.
The descriptors and sketchy-things you’re doing in Stage 3 can be fairly extensive, and provide a lot of detail.

Is there a place to find the content you’re sharing in the lectures?
I missed a few and have work.

You may have heard a guy named Ingo Swann. He’d been heavily involved in the development of remote viewing. He described this next bit as “qualitative mental percepts”…. not that his phrase is necessarily helpful, especially to our English-as-a-second/third/fifteen-language people.

I will be late to this… later than I am unfortunately. If I cannot make it I will read up and follow up in DMs.

Schrodingers: I will run a review session someday next week and I think the sessions are being copied for archival.

Not to worry, Marcus.

I have heard of Ingo and have a book of drawings and paintings of what he was doing, quite interesting.

Bipolar Bear
Sorry what did I miss?
Dota is making my computer get messed up again :L

The late Mr. Swann’s phrase refers to data coming in that has concepts and ideas that are more abstract.
Let’s take a hypothetical example to illustrate.

Abstract how?

For sake of example, we’re going to pretend that the target you’re viewing is main building of Canada’s Parliament in Ottawa.
You’d probably have had descriptors such as “man-made”, “large”, “cold”, “stony”, “grey”, “red”, and “tall”…. that sort of thing.
Now, as it gets into Stage 4, you’d pick up things such as the personal emotional impact of “boring” or “interesting” or “scary” (if you were “sensing” it at the time of the idiot gunman incident)… You might also get an impression of “silly” if your mind tends to pick up details such as the gargoyle faces on the walls.
If you happen to like boring legislative processes, you might get a simple “I like this” or “This is cool!” impression, too.
You might pick up impressions of “tangible” objects such as the desks, the ceremonial mace (not to mention impressions of “ceremonial”/“pomp”), and flags.
You might also get intangibles such as “administration” and/or “horsepucky.”

The layout of the Stage 4 part of your data sheet is set up to keep all these different kinds of data-bits from turning into absolute chaos.
You’ll put headings across the page, for Stage 4
The first on is “S-2”, for any further Stage II sensory data that comes through… there will often be some… or lots.
Beside that, put “D”, for “dimensionals”….which is what it sounds like…

An example from stage 4. Not nearly as complex as they often can be, this was from a working paper for an executive report and so is much simplified.

Then, “AI” for “Aesthetic Impact”:…and EI for “Emotional Impact”…. These are similar. The latter is the same stuff that psychometrists pick up on when they *touch* stuff, or that you can feel in a haunted or otherwise emotionally-inlaid area.
Next are “T” and “I”…. “Tangibles” and “Intangibles”…. You’d think that would cover everything, wouldn’t you… But Tangibles are those chairs, and rocks, and trees, and smells, and tastes, and things you’d be able to physically sense if you were there. Intangibles are the not-physical-sense type of things you’d pick up on if you were physically there, such as ideas of the purpose of the target (such as “arguing” and “governmental” and “insulting”, for our example of the Parliament).

“AOL” you already know about. Analytical Overlay, where your mind tries to guess what the target is, based on the data bits.

And the last one across the page – yes, it’s to the right of AOL! – is AOL/S.
This one’s a little tricky, in that it doesn’t necessarily require an AOL break. But for now (“now” being at least until, say, October or so), always do an AOL break.
AOL/S can give some actual data. We’ll come back to that in a later seminar…
(But is there anything you want to add to it now, Wayfarer, other than an admonishment to always take AOL breaks at this stage?)

Well, importantly, you do *not* take breaks for A/S. You *do* take breaks for AOL itself. It is tricky to differentiate them.
Additionally, it’s important that you write those rows yourself, manually, rather than having a pre-printed form. This creates a kinesthetic prompt.

One of my instructors requires, for the first few months, to put 3 data-bits of *something* under each column, in order left-to-right, except for AOL and A/S… AOL can interrupt any sequence, obviously
I think it’s his way of preventing rushing through it. Wayfarer is probably horrified by the idea.

Finally, if this stage seems complicated, that’s because it is. Stage 4 is the first stage where the viewer is unpacking data. This is what differentiates your playtime generic psychics from your stone cold .mil psychic operators. Stage 4 is about turning vague psychic impressions into actionable data. It has to be organized correctly, it has to be adhered to closely.

The inclination in the OEC has always been “well I can do this simpler if I just . . . “
That’s wrong, bad, terrible thinking, and will give you garbage command over structure. Are there easier, more convenient ways to write this stuff down? *Absolutely*. But RV isn’t about easy, convenient things. It’s about making sure your data is unimpeachable, so even if you’re wrong you can say “hey, the signal data was wrong, but I followed the protocol exactly and made no mistakes.”

Also yes, I hate the idea of “write three things in every column” because it is the remote viewing equivalent of “topping from the bottom.” Your job is to unpack the signal information, you prompt it by having good command over structure. As soon as you’re trying to fill out 3 things in a column, you’re trying to tell the signal line what to give you. That’s not gonna work.
It’s probably great for training, however, and at the very least gives you an idea of what should go in every column.

Are there any questions or comments at this point?

I’m lost but I’ll go back and find the other lectures if I can and catch up later.

That’s way more in depth than I have ever read or heard about RV. Most of what I have heard paints RV as a kind of “lock onto something, write down whatever pops into your head, and done – that’s all you can do with it.” I’ll be sure to look for the lecture you all did on RV before I got on the server now definitely.

Bipolar Bear
Pretty much my same thoughts.

I’ll catch you up Eleana at some point. I’m busy tomorrow, Sunday night is a possibility as is Monday afternoon. Monday night I’m lecturing on something else. You’re coming in about halfway into a very complicated thing, it ain’t easy.

Bipolar Bear
Lost because this is fairly advanced stuff it seems.

Are the lecture texts still here? I imagine that lecture was on the 14th?

Yeah, proper RV instruction is more or less monopolized by the .mil people who were there when it was established, and then there are other people who have basically stripped that down of all the rigor to make it more user friendly, but in so doing they garbage up the sessions.

Literally professional-level stuff, Bipolar Bear. And it takes *everyone* a lot of time to learn it even decently.

Ingo Swann and Hal Puthoff and Pat Price were not prophets who developed the system on golden plates or something, and there are absolutely parts of the RV protocol that could, conceivably, be done a different way.

I’ve had a few spontaneous instances of it before when I desired to look for or know something.
Just kinda opened myself up and got results though I haven’t done too much of that.

However, the CRV system as it stands is the result of millions of dollars of research aimed specifically at “how can we get dudes sitting in a trailer to write down accurate information about things we want to either blow up or send soldiers into, and to do so reliably enough that we can send people in situations where they might die if the information is wrong?”

TehOldeSourcerer (love the nick/alias, by the way): There have been several lectures in this series already. They should still all be there. I’ll also be posting them in “resources.”

Well, for me, it’s a bit different, because the spontaneous aspects are a bit different from the RV protocol.
I have a lot of ‘whole picture’ aol tendencies, so I am now going to put my trust more in the sensory impressions and the small ‘elements’ and not the big picture

Hobbetian has the right of it. You can have spontaneous clairvoyant visions. And having those visions in fact inclines you to be better at RV. But writing down things from a clairvoyant vision is not remote viewing, because remote viewing is all about command of structure.

Got that alias a while back after a friend noted the idea of The Source as “god”, or rather just calling it “Source” rather than anything explicitly religious. Given that the word “sorcery” and “sorcerer” have a bit of a bad rap I put “Sourcerer” to be like saying “Source Worker” to mean magic is in part just the use of natural energy.

If you think about this in the atmosphere in which it was developed, the idea is basically this: we need to take some people who are vaguely psychic, and get them writing down information that someone can look at, compare to other intelligence (HUMINT, SIGINT, etc.) and either discard, or accept, and based on that decision, make tactical or strategic decisions that affect lives.
And, we need the information documented in a way that some analyst who doesn’t even believe in psychics can do that thing.

RV as I understand isn’t spontaneous: you are actively looking for data on something specific. For clairvoyant visions you may get something but you may or may not know exactly what it is about, and with RV you actively look for something specific and then actively attempt to compile it into something that makes sense.

So the remote viewing system is very robust because it needs to be rigorous enough that the CIA and DOD can throw millions of dollars funding its development, the training of operators and monitors, hiring of consultants and statisticians and researchers, and direct conventional intelligence gathering systems based on it.

I think this may turn into something very useful for me…

Yeah, with remote viewing you are tasked with a coordinate and, (and this is review, I believe) in the Ingo Swann conception, you prompt an “informational matrix” to deliver that information to you via a “signal line” which you guide by participating in the structure of the session. So the whole thing about the structure of an RV session, and why it is done as specifically as it is, is to get you out of your own way.

It’s real complicated because adhering to that structure, and focusing on doing that correctly, helps you not “try to be psychic.” Your job is to write down the information you receive correctly and completely, identifying anything you “add” to the process (AOL, etc.) while assuming that all other data is signal related. Failure to have command over structure is way, way worse than receiving bad information.

So yeah, it’s complicated, but like Rainsong said, it’s professional-level stuff. Literally military grade.

Incidentally, this is why our fancy new bot allows you to upload run sheet URLs so I can review what you actually wrote on the paper. You could be 100% accurate with all your information and name the target exactly in record time, but if you don’t document everything in stage sequence with good command of structure you’re Doing It Wrong. So you can upload run sheets and I can look at those and help you actually get good at Remote Viewing, rather than just get lucky hitting targets clairvoyantly. 😀
For example, I recently did a (modified) session where I felt like I had bad command over structure, I was really confused, etc. etc. So I ended the session, and immediately said “it’s the goddamn international space station.” And it *was* the goddamn international space station. But it was a miss. Because I didn’t document correctly, and didn’t declare before ending the session. It’s way more important to Do Remote Viewing Right than to hit targets.

Not that there’s anything inherently *wrong* with “just get(ting) lucky hitting targets clairvoyantly”…. It just isn’t remote viewing.


Eleana: It’s useful for all sorts of things, and not just the espionage it was developed for.

Drawing pieces of the data you get sounds like a good way to help both RV training and train visualization.

As you read the previous seminars (once I get ’em posted), you’ll see some examples of such usefulness.

Yeah, sketching is part of stage 3 and appears again in stages 4 and 5.
Eh, 5? Maybe not until 6 actually.

And as you can imagine, quite often the drawing is, ehem, incomplete. And sometimes, it’s hilariously precise…whether it has the entire target or not.

Incidentally since I’m mentioning future sessions and since people asked: we have asked that you *not* read ahead. Technically, if we were Doing This Right, you wouldn’t ever learn stage 3 until you had 50-100 runs under your belt in Stage 2, and Stage 2 wouldn’t have come until after 50-100 Stage 1 sessions, and so on.

We’re teaching ahead, but it can really screw you up if you read ahead, as it can cause you a lot of confusion about structure. Which is why in the practical sessions we’re only doing stage 2 right now. But we’ll do stage 3 soon I think just because I like seeing sketches.

There *are* some manuals online, both a very robust one that was declassified in 1995 when the project got re-buried and the key players got turfed to consultancy roles (commonly called the “firedocs manual” after its Internet home), and another much shorter one that I prefer which was a 1985 working paper on which the 1995 manual is based.

So why are we “teaching ahead”? We want to make sure that enough of this is conveyed to be useful and not just “yea, think about the target and write stuff down” before the series ends for one reason or another. If we only do them six months apart, it’ll fizzle. So, yea, we’re kinda doing the baby-coddling/spoon-feeding thing here, a bit.

And you can use them for reference up to where we are. But *don’t read ahead*.

(to accommodate the limits of a chatroom community)

Online targets make good practice, I mean, they should not have any different effect then being tasked to identify a location in space, or when you see it, are you trying to identify what’s actually at the site as opposed to the picture?
Obviously, the second option is the right one, but just to state it anyway…

Actually, it depends on how the target is set up for the tasking. Sometimes, the picture is in fact the target, especially for ARV (Associative Remote Viewing) targets of the type that use pictures of small random items as often as locations and people doing stuff and so on.
And some tasks end up with some weird data. For example, one of my instructors likes to use RV to bet on horse races, by setting the target as the *name* of the winning horse in a specific race on a specific date and time at a specific track.
Are you at all familiar with the formal names of race horses?



Also to be clear about biases and such: I am trash man when it comes to ARV, and almost without fail when I hit targets I hit locations, not the thing I was supposed to be looking at. So I am very inclined towards location based targets.

I just know what they are called in the race and they have to have unique names, no repeats.

And formal names of race horses are amazing.

Consider the sort of data you’re likely to pick up, when tasked with identifying “Salisbury’s Duke of Princeton” or “Wandover’s Quite a Sassy Strawberry”

Well interesting
I suppose iconographic representations, or sensory ones, like the taste of a strawberry.
Let’s say you have a picture of your head when you think of ‘sassy’
but would that be considered legitimate in that kind of task,
since it’s a kind of aol?

If it seems like AOL at the time, put it under AOL.
When you’re looking at the list of horses in the race, if that “Sassy” concept is an AOL, and you’ve got “red, juicy, fruity-taste, sweet”… well, how many other horses are going to fit that?
AOL is corrupted data, but it’s not *always* wrong.

I have a question in terms of the mindset for RV.


What kind of mental state do you put yourself in?
I try to basically shut down my mind and kind of open it,
like a room that can be filled with water from outside.

It’s standard procedure to at least calm and quiet the mind. It doesn’t necessarily need to be completely shut down (even if you can manage that, it makes it kind of hard to recognize and record stuff).
Various kinds of mental exercises, from light meditation to hatha yoga have been used for such quieting
…not to mention assorted forms of trance-work, hypnosis, NLP, and the like
If your “room that can be filled with water from outside” approach is working for you, stick with it for now.

Okay, will do.

As mentioned in a previous lecture, sitting on the top of a ladder in a busy cafeteria is *not* a good idea.
It’s distracting, noisy, and positioning is all wrong.


You think I’m kidding, don’t you…

I like to have enemy soldiers shoot at my feet and yell ‘dance, dance!’

*grins* Whatever makes you happy…. That would still mess up your position, causing some distraction, in holding the pen and so on.

Yes, though, I did try something very interesting a few days ago, just for esp.


I used my heart chakra instead as the door and it worked well

If it works, run with it.

Well, I’m at the very experimental state of everything, but it was interesting.
I think that what makes any of these things hard is that we’re not naturally made do it very much.
Even as we get better, there is a point where we’re kind of out of breath,
muscle is tired.

You may be right. Or it could be that we’re more like Victorian ladies trying something more athletic than croquet or archery for the first time, having been conditioned (not to mention corseted) not to exert the body at all.

Who told you archery didn’t exert the body?
They lied, boyo

That’s also true

Bipolar Bear

Having not done it, maybe it’s just a matter of becoming faster at processing the data.

Bipolar Bear
The bones of English longbow archers are uneven, with the left arm being longer and more dense than the right.

I think of my problem as one of learning to actually recognize the signal, the right signal, see the word in the static…

I’ve been an archery instructor, but it doesn’t require much in the way of aerobic or anaerobic endurance of the body as a whole.

Bipolar Bear
Fair, I suppose.
I also assume that you aren’t using English longbows.

Nor were Victorian ladies.
I shoot recurve.

Bipolar Bear

If the ladies in question shot longbow, they’d develop “uncomely” definition in their muscles.

I think a toned lady is very comely.
Dagnab Victorians.

How about a compound bow, backward, while riding a horse while pursued by a band of tartars?
That seems like the best way to do archery

Someone with horse-archery skill is closer, in my analogy, to someone both trained and with decades of practice in psychic activity, yea?

I’m partial to firing a hornbow from atop a shield carried by a warband
I guess in the metaphor that refers to a specialist in the psychic/archery field.

I’d think so.
In any case, if you do feel “out of breath” when practicing any psychic/psionic activity, stop immediately, have a snack high in sugars and potassium (or at least higher in potassium than sodium) and have a rest. Probably wise to follow the same precaution with other magical forms, just in case.

Peanut butter is my go-to burnout snack!
I’d also recommend fruit.
I find fruit works on a lot of levels and can rejuvenate you fairly easily!

It should get the job done, unless your heart is pounding and your vision blackening around the edges…in which case, avoid fats and proteins at first, until the immediate problem is taken care of.
Fruit such as oranges and bananas are good.

Have you actually had burnout that intense, rain?

(Obviously, if you have any sort of systemic health problem, such as diabetes, adjust as needed and be extra careful overall.)

Jesus. The worst I’ve ever had was immediately falling asleep after a prolonged working.
Like, was in the process of cleaning up and fell asleep sitting up.

Been there, too.

Lmao. I knocked myself out once because *I am an idiot*.

The other sort is a lot like the sort of hangover you get if you stay up all night trying to cram for an academic exam… except that the depletion happens much faster. And your body has no mechanism to regulate a drop in blood potassium levels.

Do not be an idiot. All of my lessons come from 20 years of being an idiot, they are very experience based.

Hypokalemia can kill you

I have been an idiot so you all may be spared. And because I do not remember much, Rainsong can help you not be idiots by recounting my experiences coming up.

I’ve been an idiot too many times.
I specifically do things spirits tell me not to.

Not exactly RV, but if you wanted to see what was going to happen tomorrow, for instance…

I have been pushed into lakes.

…or something of that sort, what would be a good way to make it into a structure?

When I get back I’ll actually have something RV-related for y’all.

Hobbettian: practice asking yourself to describe three things that will happen “tomorrow”, and write them down. Check them the following evening, and repeat for the next day.

I have to go @Wayfarer. I will try to get with you Sunday or Monday.

(Or target the next day’s headlines)

Well, I tried doing it before bed a few days ago: and I saw myself being stopped in a car that was not mine–by a state police officer.
The next day I drove by and close to that location, maybe half a block, and state trooper was giving a ticket.
Otherwise, I would have dismissed it.

Be well, Eleana.

But I thought of it as something really useful after reading this… let me get it.

Sounds like a pretty good hit.

Nice: L.A. Dentist Saved by Israeli Girlfriend’s ‘Sixth Sense’
Dr. Tzur Gabi was saved by his Israeli girlfriend, Meital, who pulled him from the crowd when she sensed that something was about to happen.

To use that when out, try to sense yourself of the location a little bit in the future.

10-4 @Eleana . I’ll try to set up something either Monday afternoon before my lecture (divination methods not involving weird military protocols! Monday Monday Monday 730PM EST, playing cards, dice, doughballs, and dowsing! You too can be an oracle, with household goods!) or Sunday evening Eleana with you and anyone else who needs catch up review. Otherwise we’ll do it Thursday.

Hobbetian: my Dad and his navigator survived a missile strike because he “felt” they needed to leave the place where they were at that moment… Literally pulled his fellow officer out the door with him.
That was a little more than forty years ago in Beirut.

Sounds like a catchy title for a divination lecture

Well, that’s just the thing, it’s such an important kind of example of the power of esp.

Okay so.

In whatever way we term it

I’ve been referring to this as bilocation,
But I guess it’s pretty much the same as RV

But it’s hard, because we learn to ‘ignore’ instincts.

Basically when I try to astral project, I’m shit at it,
But my consciousness kind of splits?
Like, I’ll be aware that I’m in a different location and can observe that location
But I’m also conscious in my body

RV is the use of sets of protocols, in which data is received psychically, whether by telepathy, clairvoyance or whatever. If there’s not protocol, it’s not RV.

Okay then I guess I’m just bilocating
It’s not easy being in two places at once, btw.
It gets very confusing.

SK that consciousness split thing in AP is often referred to as a “partial projection” and isn’t related to RV at all. RV bilocation refers to information from the viewer’s surroundings being conflated with signal information.
So for example if the trailer where they’ve put your office isn’t air conditioned and you start writing shit like “sweltering,” “steamy,” “AOL BK: sauna” etc. that might be a bilo error and you should take a bilo break.

Likewise if you get “purr purr purr purr…” “omm nom nom” when the office cat is sitting under your chair…
Thanks for participating, everyone.
Good evening/morning/whatever

thanks for the class Rain

thanks for the info 😀

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