Remote Viewing Class 10: Tasking

Instructor: Rainsong & Wayfarer
Date: June 16, 2017 (Friday)

Note: This class was conducted in the Order of the Golden Pyramid community’s chatroom

Our topic for the evening, if anyone is actually here, is the Tasking part of remote viewing.
Generally speaking, the viewer is not the one who does the tasking.

Or, if both roles are performed by the same person, then you need to have several “decoy” tasks.
Otherwise, you’ll sabotage most (and possibly all) of the advantages remote viewing has over other approaches to psychic perception.
If you as the viewer already know what the target is, you might as well use dowsing and scrying to get your information.
There’s nothing wrong with dowsing and/or scrying outside of RV protocols. It just isn’t RV.
Using decoy tasks obviously takes more time, because you’re doing several (ideally at least six) full remote viewing sessions instead of just one.
Six of any activity will generally take longer than one of the same activity, all else being equal, yea?
Questions or comments so far?

Zephyr Cloudrunner
Not as of yet

All good here

Alright, cool.

Friendly definitions are pretty important in any technical field. And the more obscure the field, the more important that the terms are clearly defined.
Fortunately for us, military psionic terminology is notoriously unimaginative.
“Tasking” is the act of setting up a target to be remote-viewed: deciding on what the target is, subdividing the target into parts if doing so is advantageous for the project, documenting the target correctly, and attaching a “coordinate” to it.
The “tasker” is the person who does the tasking.
Pretty straight-forward stuff, eh?

Seems to be 🙂

What is the difference between setting up a target, and astral projecting a spiritual stamp on the physical object?

The answer to that will be more clear as I explain how to do the tasking, but the short answer is: It can be the same thing, as long as you document the object correctly, and attach a coordinate to it that doesn’t tell the viewer what the object is.
Typically, a tasker doesn’t do astral projecting as part of an RV project/session, but there’s no technical reason that he or she can’t.

Any other questions or comments before we continue?
I don’t see anyone typing, so I’ll take that as a “no.”

We’ll start with the coordinates.

Those of you who’ve read or attended the earlier classes and practice sessions will already know what the coordinate is: the tag attached to the target. It’s usually a numeric code, most often eight digits, split in the middle with a dash, space, or some other means.
For example: 3926-2640
A common way to come up with the numbers is to use the date of the assignment. For example, a target that was assigned today could be “1706-1601” – 2017 June 16… target #1.
Or it today’s the 15th, it’d be 1706-1501.
I don’t have my calendar handy….
And some of you might be across the dateline, anyway. 😛

So, doesn’t that mean that there could be several targets set with the same number, because some other group or team might be doing a different RV session somewhere else?
Yep. And it doesn’t matter. You just don’t want to repeat numbers for your own team’s sessions.
There’s more than just the numeric tag involved, so overlap with someone else’s targets isn’t a problem.
Some people suggest using alpha-numeric coordinates, combining letters and numbers, like a Canadian car license / number-plate.
This is widely seen as a bad idea, because some random combinations of numbers can make “words” that will send your subconscious on bizarre wild-goose chases and down assorted rabbit holes.
(… in much the same way as entire series of number-plates have been pulled from use, because they accidentally contained rude words… oops)
Start your documentation with the coordinate.
It might be at the top of the page, or it might be at the beginning of the line of text. Either way is fine. Just put it first, generally.
Any questions about the coordinate, before we go to the next part of the tasking?

No questions yet for me

Alright, and I don’t see anyone else typing, so onward we go…

The next bit is the actual description of the target.
It includes the overall gestalt, such as whether the target is an “event” or a “location” or an “object” or a “person” or whatever.

It also includes the date and location of the target. It often – but not always – includes a time indication as well.
The time may be something like 0934hr or 4:30pm, or it might be conditional such as “just before the eruption” or “at the moment of impact” or “at the time of the most activity on this day” or “at the time of the viewing session.”
The date’s probably self-explanatory. You can write it in any format you like, but I suggest using the name of the month instead of just the number, especially if your team is international. The customary order of month and day (and even year, if it’s just a two-digit year indicator) can cause confusion, because the customs are different from one area to another.
What you think of as 12-06-13 might be 13-12-06 to someone else.
That won’t be a problem for the viewer. But, it can make interpretation of the documentation difficult, later on, if someone else is reading over the results.
June 13, 2012 is much less ambiguous, yea?

“Location” can be lots of fun.
Geographical coordinates are an option, as are street addresses along with city and region/state/province/canton/shi/whatever.
Or a simple description that is unique and unambiguous. For example: “20m to the port side of the bow of the sunken remains of the ocean-going vessel Titanic” or “The desk of the Speaker of the House in the Canadian Parliament, Ottawa, Ontario” or “the top of the staircase in the building at 1492 Torrington Plaza, Hollyrood, Indiana”
Questions or commentary about the “target description” part?

You’ll see on a lot of targets in pools things like “from the perspective of the camera at the time the photo was taken.” One of the pools we fed to RVT in the remote viewing channel does this for all of the targets. This is generally a good idea, because some viewers (such as myself) seem to always hit the present moment and from a kind of “preferred perspective.”

Tasking it thus at least makes it clear whether you’ve got a hit or a miss, which is important for training targets. It is less important for “live” targets, because what the perspective is or the exact time is less important if the information is right.

Ahhh, yes, I have that as a separate section. Your instructors may have approached it differently.
Good point, either way. 😀

There’s often a “title” for the basic description, too. For example, a recent training target I did was “the location of the remains of (a famous murder victim)”… Of course the name of said murder victim was in place of the parenthetical comment there.
If the target might not actually exist – and this is sometimes the case – or if it is widely known by a particular name that might not accurately describe it, but the title in quotation marks.
Example: The “crash of the Shag Harbour UFO”
The incident happened and is pretty well documented, but it might not have been an actual crash and it’s a “UFO” only in that it isn’t known what the vessel was.

The part that Wayfarer is talking about is usually but not always after the basic description.
It can include instructions such as his “from the perspective of the camera at the time the photo was taken” or it can be something like “From the most advantageous vantage point to determine what the primary subject-person was doing”
There’s no such thing as too much data. 😀
The extra instructions can also break apart a target, to assign parts to different people who have different strengths in viewing.

For example, one viewer might be assigned to view the actions person-subject I just mentioned, while another might be focused on the object the person-subject is using or hiding under or whatever
Quite often, especially for practice targets, there will also be one or more photographs or videos
All this stuff can be written on an index card, or jotted on a printed photo… or tucked into a computer data-base.

The only part the tasker gives to the monitor is the coordinate itself, for an operational viewing session. In the case of training runs, the monitor often knows more about it. (The more the monitor knows, the more likely it is that telepathic overlay will interfere with the session. If you haven’t encountered the term before, “telepathic overlay” is basically data coming from another person – usually one who knows about the project – instead of from the target.)
Questions? Commentary?

I’d strongly recommend coming up with half a dozen or so “decoy” targets… Targets that are not time-sensitive and that you don’t really care about. That way, if you ever are in a position in which you want to run a target that you’ve come up with, you can shuffle the real target in amongst the decoys, run a few sessions, and be able to use the advantages of an RV session without totally frontloading data about the target to yourself.
If there are no other questions or comments, we’ll call it a night.
Thanks for participating.

Decoy target?

Most of the advantages of using the remote viewing protocols depend on the viewer not knowing what the target of the investigation is.
So, if you want to view a target that you chose, you’re sabotaging your own efforts.

Makes sense.

To get around that, you have several targets (most of them unrelated to your real target) in envelopes.
Put your real target in another envelope. Shuffle them all together, and assign coordinates to each envelope.
Run each session.
Your real one will be in there somewhere. The others are decoys.

Don’t assess any targets until after you’ve finished them all, for that method, btw.
Which means you have to be competent enough to not need to look for errors in protocol, which is why I’m always giving feedback in the RV channel along the lines of “control of session is more important than actual session data being correct”

Precisely so.
For planning purposes, I expect we’ll be looking at Stage 4 next time.

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