Remote Viewing Class 12: Stage 5

Instructor: Rainsong
Date: June 16, 2018 (Saturday)

Seminar: Topic: Remote Viewing Class 14, “Stage 5” -Saturday, 16 June 2018 at 6:30pm/1830hr New York Time — text format in the PSC #lecture room (Discord) — Instructor: Rainsong — Search LECTURE28

Rainsong: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

Rainsong: Welcome to another psionics seminar here at the social club.

Kate Embers: Hello ^^

Jael: Hello there

Rainsong: Hello, hello 😀

Rainsong: Our topic for the evening is Remote Viewing: stage 5 of the CRV protocols.

Rainsong: Allowing for the fact that this is obviously not the beginner level of the course, are there any questions or comments before we dive in?

Rainsong: Not seeing any typing in progress, I’ll take that as a “no”

Kate Embers: Not yet

Rainsong: Fair enough.

Rainsong: CRV is one of the military sets of protocols. And there are several closely-related derivatives being taught on the civilian market.

Rainsong: And when I say “closely related”, I mean the textbook appears to be a copy of the CRV manual attributed to the late Ingo Swann and compiled by Dr. Paul Smith, but with a different cover substituted. It’s that close.

Rainsong: The protocol has several stages.

Rainsong: In stage 1, you make contact and get a very basic concept or gestalt, such as “event” or “water”

Rainsong: In stage 2, you record the very basic sensory stuff, such as “salty” or “orange” or “smooth”

Rainsong: In stage 3, you get into dimensions such as height and width

Rainsong: In stage 4, you start getting the more abstract and complex bits, officially “general qualitative analytical aspects” (yep, this is a military protocol….), such as “Religious” or “Soviet”

Rainsong: Today, we’re looking at stage 5, as mentioned…

Rainsong: For what it’s worth, this part is called “interrogation of the signal line”… but that isn’t useful information yet

Rainsong: To be honest, my sessions usually “fall apart” by some part of stage 4, so I don’t often get into this stage.

Rainsong: It’s important to “stay in structure” in a remote viewing session, and it’s not at all unusual to stop a session before all the stages have happened. Obviously, the more skillful and experienced the viewer, the less often a session ends early (except in ARV uses,… if stages 1 and 2 are all that is needed, why waste the time and effort?)

Rainsong: In the earlier stages, you normally keep contact by either touching the pen to the ideogram or repeating the target ID – I guess to remind your file clerk dude what part of reality he’s querying.

Rainsong: For stage 5, however, you’re going to take a closer look at later data you have recorded. So instead of poking the ideogram with the pen, you might poke at the “Soviet” descriptor.

Rainsong: Jot it down, along with “emanations?” … and record any words, concepts, images, or whatever that comes to you. Feel free to sketch mental images or give descriptions of sounds you “hear”. There will still be AOL breaks in Stage 5, but they are not going to be as obvious to identify. That’ll come with practice.

Rainsong: Alrighty then…

Rainsong: How badly is everyone lost?

Kate Embers: Pretty badly

Flux: Not too lost. When you say stay in the structure, are you saying to somehow ensure or at least ignore information that might skip a stage. For example, if you get stage 4 info in stage 1, do you ignore it? Sorry if this has been answered before.

Rainsong: The easy way to understand the idea of “staying in structure” is to “follow the routine, and leave the concerns about the data accuracy to the analyst”

Flux: Ah.

Timekeeper: Makes sense enough to me so far

Timekeeper: (Also hi I’m not dead)

Rainsong: If you get Stage 4 data at Stage 1, the session is almost certainly garbage. If you get it in Stage 2, record it. If it seems like AOL (and it probably will), take an AOL break

Rainsong: Hi, Timekeeper 😀

Flux: Okay.

Timekeeper: What’s AOL shorthand for?

Rainsong: AOL stands for Analytical Over(L)ay… It is generally considered to be the interference of the conscious mind trying to patch the data together to come up with a guess or a coherent picture.

Rainsong: The ideas and images that happen with “AOL” are considered to be corrupted data, but they are recorded anyway (on the righthand side of the page, and labeled clearly as AOL), for two reasons:

Rainsong: 1) Taking the data seriously helps keep it from interfering in later viewing (It’s like parking a question at a big business meeting…) and keeps the subconscious from being encouraged to ignore data; and

Rainsong: 2) Quite often, the data is correct, or partially so

Rainsong: Any session that gets further than partway into Stage 2 has AOL involved. Fastest way to determine a garbage session is to see all six stages complete and no AOL declared.

Rainsong: Does that help?

Timekeeper: Yeah, definitely

Rainsong: Any other questions or comments before we continue?

Jael: Just to check… what if you get things like dimensions before stage 3?

Rainsong: Usually, you won’t. But if you do, record ’em and carry on.

Rainsong: Quite often, an “early” out-of-place impression will be AOL and would be recorded as such, but…

Rainsong: For example, you’re going along jotting down sensory impressions in stage 2:

Rainsong: And you get “long and narrow”

Rainsong: “Long and narrow” are dimensions, rather than sensory impressions.

Rainsong: No problem, just jot ’em in anyway and keep going

Jael: Okay, thanks. That helps.

Rainsong: If the next bits continue with, for example “Sweet, bitter, round (again)”, you’re fine

Rainsong: If the next bits are, instead, “city-like, tall, random, crowded”, declare an AOL break.

Rainsong: Also, don’t be concerned if some data repeats itself (like “Round” did, there). Just jot it in, and carry on.

Rainsong: For those of you who might be wondering, “puce” is a colour. Literally, “flea” colour. A purplish-tinged brown

Kate Embers: alright, makes sense

Rainsong: Any other questions or commentary at this point?

Kate Embers: nope

Rainsong: Froody

Rainsong: Officially, Stage 5 is – and I quote – “Specific Analytical Aspects by Interrogating the Signal Line”

Timekeeper: …How do you interrogate a signal?

Rainsong: In my example for Jael’s question, the target is a bowl of pin cherries. Nothing too complicated.

Rainsong: (I’ll come back to that question in a moment, Timekeeper)

Rainsong: But even with such a simple object, there’s a fair number of descriptors.

Freple: Hello there, I’m also not dead

Rainsong: Now, imagine your target is a cathedral, with several sub-buildings, a small garden, several hundred people, and all the furnishings and equipment you’d expect to find in such a place on a Sunday morning.

Rainsong: (Hi, Freple)

Rainsong: You’re going to have a metric shit-tonne of data by the time you’ve gotten to Stage 5, yea?

Rainsong: It wouldn’t be strange to have several pages – maybe ten or more – of descriptors at this point.

Rainsong: (It’s been a while since we covered stage 4, so please bear with me on the possibly-excess review material here…)

Timekeeper: (I need it anyway, so that’s fine by me)

Rainsong: Getting back to Timekeeper’s question, the “signal line” is one of the ways to describe “where we’re getting the information from”… more or less. When you put pen to paper to make that ideogram at the start of Stage 1, you’re “connecting to the signal line”

Rainsong: “Interrogating” it is getting information from it.

Rainsong: Sitting it down on a folding chair under a bright light and asking it a seemingly endless series of questions, while your partner looms and glowers in the background… 😉

Timekeeper: (Pft, hehe)

Rainsong: Or, more seriously, calming your mind and letting the information filter through from the signal line through your subconscious and into your conscious awareness so you can record it… typically with a black-inked pen on plain white paper, but aural description into a recording device is also common practice.

Rainsong: Transcribing the latter is a task straight out of hell, though. Trust me on this.

Timekeeper: eesh, I bet

Rainsong: Stage 5 is where we can get into the really cool stuff.

Rainsong: You already know there’s a person or persons speaking?

Rainsong: Here’s where you can get the subject and topic of the conversation or monologue or sermon (in that cathedral, for example)

Rainsong: But “subjects” and “topics” are the same thing!

Rainsong: Nope, as any student of Japanese and Korean language can tell you, the subject is the broad category, and the topic is more specific. (To explain the Japanese/Korean thing…those two languages have different grammatical forms/particles to indicate a subject of a sentence and a topic of a sentence.)

Rainsong: Actually, one of the CIA documents uses language as an example. “Language” could be the subject of a conversation or book or library, and “Korean grammatical particles” could be a topic.

Rainsong: Or, Education could be the subject, and “language” the topic…. The other main categories for Stage 5 are “objects” and “attributes”… And here we have the same kind of ambiguity as with the subjects and topics

Rainsong: An object is a something: a tank, or a fridge, or a tree

Rainsong: An attribute is associated with or part of the object: ammunition and log book in the tank; produce, cans of beer, power cable, and coolant for the fridge; leaves, cherries, hummingbird nest, and spider webs for the tree

Rainsong: Questions at this point? Comments?

Rainsong: Apparently not.

Timekeeper: No, I’ve been following along

Timekeeper: Sorry

Rainsong: It’s all good 😀

Jael: It makes sense, at least in theory. I’m sure when I practice, I’ll have some.

Rainsong: Froody 😀

Rainsong: So, at this point, we jot down the data bit we want to “interrogate”.

Kate Embers: (no questions here either)

Rainsong: Grabbing a random example:

Rainsong: rocky

Rainsong: (going way back to stage 2)

Rainsong: Now, to “interrogate the signal line”, we going to use a prompt

Rainsong: Under “rocky”, you’d write “object”

Rainsong: And under “object”, you’d write “emanations?”… and yes, the question mark is important

Rainsong: This prompt is merely asking if there is any data coming through about the object that “rocky” describes

Rainsong: There may or may not be any.

Rainsong: Either way is fine.

Rainsong: Remember: stay in structure, follow the method and instruction, and don’t worry about what data does or does not come through. That’s the analyst’s problem. 😀

Rainsong: For our hypothetical example, let’s say we get: “beach, quay”

Rainsong: In this case, we can then interrogate the signal line for both of these.

Rainsong: And write down whatever comes.

Rainsong: Then,

Rainsong: And, again, write down whatever comes

Rainsong: They folks at Fort Meade found that this tended to avoid getting much AOL. even though it looks like this stage is just begging for all AOL all the time.

Rainsong: The “emanations?” questions merely asks if there is any data coming through. If not, no problem.

Rainsong: IF, by contrast, you prompt with, “Hmm, any sandpipers on that beach?” you’re asking a forced-choice kind of question, that tends to result in a guess.

Timekeeper: nods

Timekeeper: You want general questions, not specific

Timekeeper: Right?

Rainsong: Yes. Hence “Attributes / Emanations?”

Rainsong: The really nifty thing here is that you can query AOL bits that showed up, too.

Rainsong: But for AOL, you ask “Prior Emanations?” instead of just “Emanations?”…

Rainsong: ….and then you get the data – or some of the data – that congealed into the AOL bit.

Rainsong: In stage 5, it is usually the viewer who decides which data bits to investigate further in this manner, and it takes a lot of time and experience to get good at figuring out what the best “leads” are to investigate.

Rainsong: In a big target, doing this for every data bit you have through the end of Stage 4 would be a massive task, possibly taking days. Hours, for sure.

Rainsong: Questions? Commentary?

Jael: None from me.

Kate Embers: Nope, everything clear

Jael: Thanks

Rainsong: The stage after this one is called — drum roll — Stage 6.

Jael: :scream:

Timekeeper: Oh no

Rainsong: It’s where you get into sketching or modeling to produce a visual representation. It’s the stuff folks often think of, when thinking about RV data. But it’s complicated…

Rainsong: Thanks for participating, everyone.

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