Instructor: Rainsong
Date: October 13, 2018 (Saturday)
Seminar: Topic: “Aeon Trinity” Series – Conference of the Ministry of Psionic Affairs, Part 2 – re-scheduled, bumping NORCA (real world psionics, in spite of the game-inspired topic) -Saturday, 13 October 2018 at 6:30pm/1830hr New York Time — text format in the PSC #lecture room (Discord) — Instructor: Rainsong — Search LECTURE44
Rainsong: If you want to “review” what we discussed in Part 1, a few weeks ago, search for LECTURE41 in here
Rainsong: Good evening, everyone.
Rainsong: Welcome to the second part of the “Ministry Conference” on telepathy in espionage and, uhm, similar operations
Rainsong: It’s another seminar in psionics here at the social club.
Rainsong: Any questions arising from Part 1?
Scelana: I don’t have any atm, but I’d have to get on the laptop to refresh my memory. Brain not exactly adapting well to my temporarily different eating and sleeping schedule hehe
Kate Embers: Hey there
Scelana: Least it isn’t today
Scelana: Hello Kate, how are you doing?
Kate Embers: alright, you
Rainsong: Hi, Scelana. Hi, Kate
Scelana: I’m doing ok thx
Rainsong: Hmm. The reason we bumped the schedule was that people had more questions on this topic… Buuuuut, most of them seem not to be here tonight
Scelana: Ahh
Rainsong: Whisp wanted to know about “what you do once the approach is done”, so we could start from there, I suppose
Rainsong: Or we could go for the more nasty and dangerous stuff.
Rainsong: Might as well handle Whisp’s question first, unless anyone has objections?
Scelana: Sounds good to me
Rainsong: Espionage is basically the task of acquiring information about somebody’s activities/plans/equipment/stuff that the somebody doesn’t want you (or anyone) to know about.
Rainsong: Industrial espionage tends to target trade secrets, new marketing strategies, intellectual property and the like
Rainsong: Military intelligence goes for numbers of troops, battle plans, research-and-development…
Rainsong: That sort of stuff
Rainsong: Let’s say for example, that country A is developing a new kind of canoe for their darkwater navy.
Rainsong: And country B wants to be sure their anti-canoe methods remain state-of-the-art.
Rainsong: Country B could send in regular agents, or recruit folks as spies, in country A to photograph canoe blueprints, talk to canoe developers, and snatch canoe-combat plans
Rainsong: Or, country B could task their RV folks with describing the R&D project in a building believed to be a canoe production facility
Rainsong: Or even to describe the plans from the records in that facility, but that task is notoriously difficult
Rainsong: Or, they could assign one of their telepaths to access the thoughts of the lead canoe-development technician, and describe what s/he is seeing, doing and thinking about, and even what s/he feels about it
Rainsong: (Of course, be aware that the official types sometimes choose odd designations for their operatives. RVers are often referred to as “telepaths” in the military, and telekineticists are often referred to as “sensitives”… Go figure)
Rainsong: Questions? Commentary?
Kate Embers: Not so far
Scelana: I have none yet either
Rainsong: For the record, and contrary to popular belief, Canada’s navy is not made up exclusively of canoes
Rainsong: (And yes, Canada has a navy)
Scelana: Hehe
Rainsong: Because we’re doing an in-depth series on RV, I’m not planning on going into how the RV approach to this is done, right now.
Rainsong: Self-tasking a direct telepathic “spying” session has the usual disadvantages that any heavily front-loaded session has. But that doesn’t mean it’s entirely worthless
Rainsong: Garden variety, unassisted?
Rainsong: Prepare yourself however you normally do for a receptive psychic thing.
Rainsong: For many people, this involves some kind of quieting and calming the mind.
Rainsong: If you prefer jamming to goth metal, you do you.
Rainsong: Decide whom you wish to eavesdrop on. Do you know anything about the individual, or just their job description?
Rainsong: The more you can focus and home in on the person, the better.
Rainsong: You know the magic users’ obsession with blood spots and clips of hair for their spellcasting? They aren’t wrong. (It’s disgusting, but not wrong.) There probably isn’t a better way to target than using a bloodspot, shy of actual physical contact with the person you’re targeting.
Rainsong: And because I am not going to go into how to conduct a forced interrogation via telepathy, other than to observe that it can in fact be done and can cause a huge amount of damage to the person being interrogated, physical contact isn’t useful for our current discussion.
Rainsong: Anyway…
Rainsong: Your chances of having a handy file of bloodspots on hand to target canoe technicians of hostile countries are probably pretty low.
Rainsong: Can you get a picture and name from their organization’s website? This is surprisingly common, these days.
Rainsong: Professional spooks are often clever enough not to put their pictures and names on “Spooks R Us (dot) org” but it’s possible that the folks in the practical parts (rather than intel) parts of the program might have breached security protocols. Google-sensei is your friend here.
Kate Embers: Makes sense so far. What would you do if you can’t get some of their tasty blood, their name, an image, etc?
Rainsong: But, if your focus and intention is good enough, you can use “the lead technician in canoe-development in the Nepalese navy” and get a hit that way
Rainsong: The further you get from “bloodspot”, the more difficult it is. But it’s possible to work with a surprisingly small amount of identifying data
Rainsong: In case you’re wondering: No, Nepal does not actually have a navy
Rainsong: If you’re using fragments of data, like “the person most responsible for the planning of the attack Sgt Peters believes will happen tomorrow in the farm market downtown”, it can be helpful to use a radionics device and/or some kind of focusing crutch to “grab and keep hold of” the contact
Rainsong: Or, use several, even.
Rainsong: I readily confess to having used a box and a dozen or so “focusing” and “amplifying” stones, and a plush lobster for luck when working on a particularly difficult target
Rainsong: On the other hand, I’m not easily embarrassed by such concerns as “looking like a noob”, either, if it gets the job done
Rainsong: shrugs
Rainsong: Questions and / or commentary at this point?
Rainsong: Apparently not.
Rainsong: Now, as you know, telepathy is not only receptive.
Rainsong: It’s possible to “Send”, too
Wayfarer: I know you mentioned that you don’t particularly mean to go into the remote viewing thing, but just for the sake of completeness it’s worth mentioning targeting can be done in a very similar way with the viewer blind to the target entirely.
Rainsong: nods Good point
Rainsong: I think there’d be very few things you can self-target in “garden variety psychic stuff” that you couldn’t target in RV, actually. Putting aside whether it’s a good RV target. Can you think of any, Wayfarer?
Wayfarer: You can basically assign a coordinate arbitrarily to anything, one of the strengths of the system.
Wayfarer: In this case though it’s worth mentioning because not only is it something you can do, it’s very often a “done thing.” I.e., you might throw 4-5 different people the same target and collect impressions on the target individual, using similarities in reported results as your more reliable information (4/5 telepaths reported … )
Clovers: Do you believe it is appropriate to stick with a coordinate system in the long run?
Rainsong: chuckles And often those four or five different people are pointed at different aspects of the target, instead of using entirely the same target prompt. But both ways are done.
Rainsong: Clovers: “appropriate”? In what way?
Wayfarer: It’s a very convenient way to maintain a blind on the target. If that’s not a concern (for any number of reasons) then I wouldn’t use one, no. If I want to get at a target for my own purposes then I’m just going to go after the target, I’m not going to bother sanitizing it with coordinates and random card draws and such. It’s only really strictly necessary if you’re trying to hit targets without any frontloading. Usually that’s more a concern of the tasker than the telepath.
Clovers: I don’t know what the popular opinion is around here, but I always thought rv was good for training a person to clear their mind and open up to receiving input. I consider it as more of a beginners thing to learn from and move on.
Wayfarer: It can certainly help if you’re going after something somewhat specific where you could easily substitute “guessing” or “figuring out” vs. actual telepathic sensing. Even very sensitive psychics can struggle with signal vs. noise when there’s conscious data available, barring something like employing trance states or somesuch.
Rainsong: There’s a variety of opinions on the matter, here, of course.
Clovers: Sorry, I don’t mean to derail anything. Just peeked in while on break.
Rainsong: I think this might be the first time I’ve heard it seriously suggested that RV is a beginner thing. Although, I have heard people express the opinion that “avoidance of frontloading” is something that can be outgrown
Rainsong: No, no. That’s fine, Clovers.
Wayfarer: I’d almost take the opposite position – you have to be able to clear your mind and open it up to recognize input and be successful in RV, as a training tool for that purpose it’s about as good as any other method. Its strength is in its ability to demonstrate its validity and to isolate out frontloading and guesswork and so on. If you’re not terribly concerned with that, RV’s not really great and can in fact be markedly less useful.
Clovers: I just see rv practice to be a different kind of trance state with a goal. Like an alternative to recommending meditation.
Wayfarer: The whole point of the RV protocol as we use it today is to be something you can show to Important People In Suits and go “yeah no this definitely works, here are a Lot Of Numbers that show it, please give us money.” It’s pretty good for that. It has some other advantages when you’re trying to get information about something and for whatever reason “that it’s psychic in origin” is important to you. It’s not always and I think in a lot of cases people do fixate on it.
Wayfarer: Eh. I think a lot of remote viewers, properly following a protocol, don’t even really enter that deep of a trance state. But it can be seen like that, yeah. RV is all about being pragmatic and practical, so it’s built around that. On the balance it’s a functional and good system for getting intelligence information, but it’s not necessarily the best and it doesn’t necessarily get the most information about the target. What it does do is do so in a way where you can’t help but acknowledge “oh, no, that was psychic in origin.”
Rainsong: (And some people find parts of RV handy for gambling purposes)
Wayfarer: Why I mentioned the use of coordinates in this case is that tasking is often done in a way where you want to remove the guesswork. It’s not particularly useful information if I ask someone to get me information about a person and they essentially cold read. When we’re targeting things for ourselves (like if I want to know something about, say, an interviewer prior to a job interview), we’re already on guard against and trying to avoid guessing, because, well, guessing doesn’t give us any new information. But if someone else wants me to get in someone’s head, them keeping me blind to the target is not a bad idea – if nothing else, if I whiff entirely, they’ll know quick-like.
Kate Embers: Thanks for the lecture, going to bed ^^
Rainsong: Be well, Kate. Good night
Scelana: Sleep well Kate
Rainsong: Personally, I think I like RV for the same reason I like chess and neo-Classical music. My mind just likes that kind of structure. (Of course, “likes” and “is good at” are not necessarily related to each other…)
Rainsong: Further commentary and/or questions on RV’s relative usefulness in the grand scheme of “all things psychic”?
Scelana: I have none
Wayfarer: Nah, back to the projective bits.
Rainsong: Targeting of projective bits can be done the same way as for perceptive bits.
Rainsong: What would projective telepathy be used for in espionage, military intelligence, and so on?
Rainsong: Other than prompting someone to say something, or be… less careful, shall we say,
Rainsong: projective is mostly useful for interference than intel gathering as such.
Rainsong: For example, it can be convenient to bombard an opponent’s mind with “static” to confuse him/her when s/he is speaking in public or making plans
Rainsong: The confusion when speaking can lower their credibility, and mucking with them while they are making plans and strategies can weaken the plans and strategies in question
Rainsong: Distractions while doing things where distraction is bad or falling asleep suddenly in inconvenient circumstances… I’m sure you get the idea….
Rainsong: Questions? Commentary?
Rainsong: I should add projected illusions/hallucinations to the arsenal of useful telepathic abilities for espionage and military purposes. CF Messing’s “I am Beria” incident
Scelana: Is it also possible to go and try to wake them up from their sleep somehow and if so how useful would that be? I’ve also heard of telepathic suggestion aka tps on sites, how viable/useful is that?
Rainsong: Sure, you can wake them up. Sleep deprivation can really muck with a person, so waking them up several times a night for several nights running can be useful operationally.
Rainsong: It’s also handy for making sure someone doesn’t miss their red-eye flight in the morning…
Scelana: Sounds quite useful
Rainsong: Parents sometimes use it to wake up their teenagers in time for school, and to get infants and toddlers to sleep at reasonable hours.
Rainsong: Psionic abilities are endlessly useful
Rainsong: It’s not that different from “fatigue-banishing” except you’re affecting another person, and not just yourself.
Rainsong: Questions? Commentary? Or shall we call it a night?
Scelana: I don’t think I have anymore right now, surprised I managed to have any at all cause how my brain been today hehe
Rainsong: Thanks for participating
Scelana: Thxies for the lecture Rainsong
Azarea: @Rainsong has there been any recorded protocol of successfully extracting highly precise data with low error tolerance, like technical information, passwords, blueprints, or similar where metaphors just don’t cut it? If yes, is there any method to this? The envelope predict-what-image-you’ll-see trick is great but doesn’t generalize well, is there better?
Rainsong: Passwords are difficult.
Wayfarer: Let me see if there’s anything in the big ol’ NSA paper about it.
Rainsong: Associative Remote Viewing and/or Dowsing can be used to get passwords, given enough time.
Rainsong: Blueprints and the like are typically assumed to be “imprecisely copied” when they are accessed at all, but some kinds of technical information has been acquired via psychic means. Military use would normally involve some kind of RV or dowsing.
Wayfarer: This is somewhere around 1973 and just in the prelude,
Wayfarer: I’ll keep skimming but if I recall correctly the concern was mainly that “highly precise data” might be bypassed rather than accessed.
Wayfarer: Report in question, by the way.
Rainsong: I’m more familiar with the “bypassing”, personally.
Rainsong: If folks are interested in that aspect, we might discuss it in the Orgotek conference
Azarea: ok, valid approach I guess, though unsatisfactory
Azarea: thanks