Aeon Trinity Series: Orgotek Conference: PK on/with Electronics

Instructor: Rainsong
Date: November 17, 2018 (Saturday)

Seminar: Topic: “Aeon Trinity” Series – Orgotek Conference – pk effects on / with electronics as noted above (real world psionics, in spite of the game-inspired topic) -Saturday, 17 November 2018 at 6:30pm/1830hr New York Time — text format in the PSC #lecture room (Discord) — Instructor: Rainsong — Search LECTURE49

Rainsong: Welcome to this week’s psionics seminar here at the social club.

Rainsong: Still in the Aeon Trinity series, tonight we’re discussing the areas of expertise of the game’s Nordamerican corporation “Orgotek”

Rainsong: But, again, the real-world applications thereof. Not the game rules.

Rainsong: Psychokinesis as it relates to electricity and magnetism. Lots of fun stuff.

Rainsong: Are there any questions or comments, before we dive in?

Scelana: I have none atm

Nickodemo: None here

Nickodemo: Or actually, how about, what are some possible reasons as to why energy interferes with electronics and vice versa?

Rainsong: With the caveat that the “why” is speculation on my part here, psi-stuff and electricity can be converted one to the other, in both directions. Electricity can be used to add oomph to a psionic activity (most often via an old-style radionics device), and psi-stuff can be used to re-charge batteries and directly operate electrical equipment.

Rainsong: Electrons are pretty small, and so are not too difficult to muck with.

Rainsong: My guess is a combination of the two “things” being close enough in function to sometimes overlap accidentally, and the fact that static electricity and emotional oomph are pretty dense and get stuck to things at the best of times.

Rainsong: Do you feel static electricity when it is stuck to something (as distinct from the zapping when it arcs)?

Scelana: i have felt it when in or near items full of it before, and it feels different to me than if i am walking by an electric fence or being near a sizable capacitor as it goes through a very arc filled electric death like one the huge ones in a microwave for example

Rainsong: Compare what it feels like to a clump of unpatterned psi-stuff with debris in it: how different is the density, apparent temperature, and so on

Scelana: I’ll have to do that sometime and see what i notice

Rainsong: nods

Rainsong: In any case, they convert pretty easily, one to the other, and I speculate that accidental conversions sometimes overwhelm the relatively delicate components of the electrical device

Rainsong: And, conversely, excess electricity near a psionic thing contaminates it with too much unpatterned debris

Rainsong: Questions? Commentary?

Scelana: i have found a lot of modern electronics can be a bit sensitive to damages but some the simpler older ones even from just the 80s and early 90s can be mucked round with more easily with some things. Radios being one the ones I have noticed are more responsive to mucking if they’re older ones so far, I’ve not taken the time or $ to do any actual testing it’s just something i have noticed.

Rainsong: Over time, radios have changed considerably, as to their inner workings and components, from vacuum tubes through transistors to the current stuff.

Rainsong: Generally speaking, the more complex the device, the easier it is to muck it up. (That’s why the US Air Force is concerned about such things. Ever look inside the cockpit of a fighter plane or an anti-submarine patrol plane?)

Rainsong: (There’s a metric shit-tonne of complicated electronical stuff in there)

Scelana: I can imagine it could be quite the mess one could cause with messing round with one of those

Rainsong: Quite so. Also quite the mess if the pilot (or any member of the crew in the larger craft) panics or otherwise has an emotional outburst.

Rainsong: If you tend to have “problems” with your electronics, I strongly suggest putting buffer shields around them, and talking to them nicely…. and never, ever let them know you’re in a hurry or otherwise stressed about whatever the device is doing.

Rainsong: Questions? Commentary? Or should we continue on to “nifty things to try”?

Scelana: I had to setup protections for some my electronics that are nearest to where i am mostly am in our room, already killed my 3dsxl’s wifi and my ingress phone’s gps takes over a minute now to find a location these days so it isn’t in the best shape either anymore and my hubby had to protect his cellphone cause i was draining the battery left and right.

Rainsong: Shielding is your friend. πŸ™‚

Scelana: indeed hehe

Rainsong: Draining batteries has its uses (mostly for pranks…), it’s more often useful to charge batteries.

Rainsong: There are a few tried-and-true methods of doing so, aside from the “stick the battery into the charger and plug it in” approach (which, admittedly, also has its merits)

Azum’ran: Battery charging is best for jokes or math classes

Azum’ran: I used a completely dead calculator for all of high school by putting 15 minutes of power in at a time

Scelana: I tend to be more likely to drain batteries of devices when I am sick, though there have been other times it has happened as well

Scelana: being able to charge them myself at times sounds like it’d be quite useful

Rainsong: You’ll find that most of the methods are similar or identical to generalized healing methods, in fact.

Rainsong: For example, the “Quantum Touch” people run energy-stuff up from the feet to the top of the head on the in-breath, and down to the hands on the out-breath… Do this while holding the battery between your hands, and let the “stuff” run into the battery. A nice slow count of four for the in-breath and another slow count of four for the out-breath works well. Don’t hitch or stop the breath between sections.

Rainsong: Or, just push a big honking clump of psi-stuff from your tummy at the battery.

Rainsong: Be careful if you try this with car batteries, and keep a safe distance. Sometimes, it causes the battery to blow up. You want to be out of the blast range, just in case.

Rainsong: If you do the distance-form of EFT, even that can work to recharge a battery. Of course, if you thought the affirmation phrase/incantation of normal EFT sounded stupid, “Even though my power is drained, I’m still an awesome battery” can take the flakiness to new levels.

Rainsong: Questions? Commentary?

Scelana: None here atm

Nickodemo: Sorry for disappearing got heavily distracted

Rainsong: Welcome back

Scelana: wb

Nickodemo: O/

Nickodemo: I notice that my devices tend to wear out relatively quickly but never remember to try warding/shielding etc to see if that’d have any effect

Rainsong: Might want to give that a try, then

Rainsong: Scelana mentioned capacitors earlier.

Rainsong: Google-sensei’s dictionary defines a capacitor as “a device used to store an electric charge, consisting of one or more pairs of conductors separated by an insulator”

Rainsong: A psionic capacitor is really quite similar, and in low light you can (sometimes) photograph the “stuff” coming out the open end.

Rainsong: Electrical capacitors tend to be closed at the ends, while psionic ones are normally open on one end.

Rainsong: If you want to make one to play with, here’s how to do it:

Rainsong: Start with a tube. Ideally a copper tube/pipe, but it can be made of a different material. For your first one, I’d suggest a relatively short length… 7-15cm/3-6″ long and 1-2cm (1.2-3/4″) across

Rainsong: Cut a length of metal foil, a couple centimetres/an inch or so wider than the tube is long. Kitchen foil is a popular choice for this component because it is cheap. Copper foil such as is used for embossing is even better – but very expensive.

Rainsong: Set the tube on the foil so that one end of the tube protrudes off the side of the foil.

Rainsong: Wrap the foil around the tube once, and cut the excess length. It can help to use a spot of sticky-tape to hold the foil on.

Rainsong: You’ll notice there is quite a bit of excess foil on the one end of the tube. Twist this to close off the end of the tube, make it nice and tight, and snip off any extra length not needed to keep it closed.

Rainsong: (Bah… tried to make a little sketch but it disappeared and I don’t want to waste the time to track it down)

Rainsong: It’ll look like of like a Christmas cracker or a candle, until you snip the excess twisted foil

Rainsong: Raggiedmon?

ceahhettan: Evening all. Sneaking in late here.

Rainsong: Hi, Ceah

Nickodemo: Hola o/

Rainsong: The next layer is made of an insulating material. My personal preference is bamboo felt. But plastic wrap, paper, wool felt, and cotton puff are all effective.

Rainsong: Before you wrap the insulating layer, Tape two lengths of wire to the foil, and tuck the long ends into the tube to keep them out of the way while wrapping layers.

Rainsong: There will be many layers.

Raggiedmon: Kitty walking on keyboard

ceahhettan: Cats do that.

Raggiedmon: think thats all that was

Rainsong: Wrap the insulating layer over the foil and wires. If it’s a thick material, you can have just one or two wraps, if you like. For thin materials such as plastic wrap, wrap it around several times, keeping it nice and tight. Again leave the edge of the tube exposed on the open end. And twist or sew the other edge to close the other end. Snip of excess and smooth out the cap as well as you can. You can secure it with plastic tape, if you want to.

Rainsong: Kitty edits πŸ˜€

Rainsong: Wrap another layer of foil, same way (but no more wires added… and another layer of insulating material, and so on. You want at least seven or eight layers of each, and twenty layers of each would not be excessive.

Rainsong: End with a foil layer.

Rainsong: Secure the foil by crimping or tape or the like, and release the loose ends of the wires from the tube.

Rainsong: And there you have a friendly capacitor to play with. The wires allow for connecting to other things – typically radionic stuff

Rainsong: It can also be used on its own, because it can throw quite a lot of “stuff” out the open end.

Rainsong: Questions? Commentary?

Scelana: none here

Nickodemo: Sounds kind of like a craft wand

Rainsong: Hmm. I guess it is rather wand-like.

Nickodemo: A bit lacking in the participation field we are today, the one time I’m here during a lecture in awhile lol

Rainsong: Heh

Rainsong: Are there any electrical/electronic pk bits you’d like us to look at (“you” in the collective sense, not necessarily Grand Elder Demo specifically)? Or shall we call it a night?

Scelana: You mentioned affecting magnetic media in various ways, I’m curious about that.

Rainsong: Sure thing.

Nickodemo: Oh yes definetely, I’m also curious on that front

Rainsong: When I was learning this, in the dark mists of the distant past, computers used floppy disks and cassette tapes. Both of those are easier to imprint (and to erase and corrupt) than CDs and DVDs, but the principle is the same.

Rainsong: First decide what you want to imprint on it.

Rainsong: I’d strongly suggest starting with something short.

Rainsong: I recall putting 16 lines of BASIC on a floppy and taking an hour to do it, by way of comparison.

Rainsong: This is obviously not the most efficient way to do things πŸ˜‰

Rainsong: Hold the disk between your hands and run energy-stuff through it, while concentrating on imprinting it with… whatever you’re imprinting it with

Rainsong: It’s easiest for most people to “pretend” to use a common interface device such as a keyboard, but feel free to try the more direct approach if it appeals to you.

Rainsong: Keep pushing oomph into it after all the imprinting is done, adding the intention to keep it recorded there, to “seal it off”.

Rainsong: Then stick the medium into a computer and check to see if it works.

Rainsong: It’s much easier to corrupt or erase such media, of course, because more things can go wrong without messing up your project. Run a bunch of staticky oomph through the disk between your hands.

Rainsong: Lots and lots of staticky oomph, along with the intention to dislodge, scratch, erase, or otherwise muck up what’s already recorded there.

Rainsong: Both imprinting and …. de-imprinting take quite a bit of oomph. Be aware that the amount of stuff you push through might be enough to damage a device, so I’d suggest not trying this while the magnetic medium is in the computer, unless you don’t care if the computer becomes damaged.

Rainsong: The same kind of staticky oomph, pushed between a magnet and whatever it’s attracting can also disrupt the magnetic attraction.

Rainsong: That is fun to play with, itself.

Rainsong: Thread a sewing needle, and use the loose ends of the thread to suspend the needle so it dangles.

Rainsong: Place a magnet close enough to pull the needle toward it.

Rainsong: Push staticky oomph between the magnet and the needle, and watch the needle fall away. πŸ™‚

Rainsong: If you need a visualisation for “staticky” consider listening to some white noise, or watching a recording of a snowstorm, or use the “snowy” screen of an old television that isn’t tuned to an active station/channel

Rainsong: Questions? Commentary?

Scelana: I’ll have to give that stuff a try later on when I got the supplies, and hopefully by then my focus will be more consistent. Stress at the house been a bit high lately

Scelana: Part of me would love to just spook the shit our of our housemate by just making his radio or some other device go boom in some manner while he is using it hehe

Rainsong: PK is certainly good for pranks…

Scelana: I don’t know if how i feel bout him would make it be a prank

Scelana: though pranking him would be lovely

Scelana: I wonder if it’s possible to purposely cause speakers to emit sounds?

Scelana: Always been curious bout that one

Rainsong: Yes, it’s possible. I have not done it, however.

Scelana: ahh kk

Rainsong: Traditional speakers have a part that vibrates, and a part that amplifies passively. Presumably you’d vibrate the part that vibrates at a frequency within human hearing.

Rainsong: I’m not at all familiar with the workings of more recent kinds of speakers.

Scelana: I think the basics afaik are pretty much the same

Scelana: though neodymium magnets are becoming more common in some setups

Scelana: my headset uses those in it

Scelana: I’m pretty sure it does, it mentions like a 50mm driver made of that material if memory serves right

Rainsong: Something for you to play with, yea?

Scelana: yeppers hehe

Rainsong: Any other questions or commentary?

Scelana: I don’t have anymore atm

Scelana: I’ll have to give the speaker fiddling a try at some point hehe

Rainsong: Alright… πŸ™‚

Rainsong: Have a good evening, all

Rainsong: Thanks for participating

Scelana: Thxies for the lecture Rainsong!

Rainsong: You’re welcome πŸ™‚

ceahhettan: Thank you. I’m still reading back, but it’s nice to be able to do so.

Rainsong: Thanks

Nickodemo: Thanks for the lecture Rainsong, I’ll try the magnet exercise at some point, I like magnets so that’ll easily hold my attention for a good while

Rainsong: Enjoy. thanks for participating. πŸ˜€

Kate Embers: Thanks :3 Will definitely try having my fun with this, hehehe :smiling_imp:

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