Servitors: Fact or Fiction?

Instructor: Wayfarer Date: November 16, 2017 (Thursday) Wayfarer @here Tonight I’ma talk about Servitors: Fact or Fiction?????? as requested by several people. As usual I’m going to ping @ShadowRain so she can document my stuff, and tonight particularly @Dr. Strange Stuff so he can reference this stuff in a bit. As usual,…

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Instructor: Rainsong Date: November 11, 2017 (Saturday) Rainsong Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. ceahhettan Hullo. Rainsong Welcome to another psionics seminar here at the social club. The usual disclaimers apply: We’ll be discussing real-world psionics. If you’re looking for a role-playing game, you might want to try a different channel.…

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The Astral

Instructor: Wayfarer Date: November 9, 2017 (Thursday) Wayfarer @here Okay, so we’re about to enter the astral zone. I’m gonna real quick go over what I intend to cover, then I’ve got a kind of “ground rules” thing I’m gonna go through, then we’re gonna talk about the astral. This…

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Remote Viewing Class 10: Tasking

Instructor: Rainsong & Wayfarer Date: June 16, 2017 (Friday) Note: This class was conducted in the Order of the Golden Pyramid community’s chatroom Rainsong Our topic for the evening, if anyone is actually here, is the Tasking part of remote viewing. Generally speaking, the viewer is not the one who…

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Constructs for Noobs

Instructor: Rainsong Date: May 13, 2017 (Saturday) <Rainsong> Is anyone in the mood for a seminar tonight? <Dakaran> I would appreciate a seminar. <Rainsong> Topic? <Dakaran> hm… Perhaps constructs? I’ve been neglecting the basics. <Rainsong> Sure thing <Rainsong> Would you like me to lecture as though you were a noob,…

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