
Instructor: RainTurtle Date: July 15, 2003 (Tuesday) Note: Pendling is not always psionic. However, if it is used for clairvoyance, it is psionic. <RainTurtle> good evening, Spot <RainTurtle> Good evening, all <RainTurtle> The topic for tonight’s seminar is “Pendling”, also known as “pendulum dowsing” <RainTurtle> This is simply the use…

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Grounding and Centering

Instructor: Mistyck Date: July 6, 2003 (Sunday) <Mistyck> ok, is everyone ready for class to start? <Mistyck> ok, as most of you know, Grounding and Centering are practiced by many folks…not all of them in terms of psionics <Mistyck> but today we are concentrating on the psi aspects of grounding…

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