Aeon Trinity Series: Ministry of Psionic Affairs Conference: Telepathy

Instructor: Rainsong
Date: September 22, 2018 (Saturday)

Seminar: Topic: “Aeon Trinity” Series – Conference of the Ministry of Psionic Affairs- telepathy (real world psionics, in spite of the game-inspired topic) -Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 6:30pm/1830hr New York Time — text format in the PSC #lecture room (Discord) — Instructor: Rainsong — Search LECTURE41

Rainsong: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

Rainsong: Welcome to another seminar here at the social club, and another Aeon Trinity Conference

Rainsong: Tonight’s topic is the province of the Ministry of Psionic Affairs: Telepathy

Rainsong: In game, the Ministry is a part of the Chinese government, so their focus is fairly obvious.

Rainsong: In the real world, just about every functional government has or has had at least one unit/agency/organization that’s been into this stuff.

Rainsong: As usual, we’re discussing the real-world stuff…

Rainsong: And the usual disclaimers apply.

Rainsong: Any questions or commentary before we dive into this?

ceahhettan: nope not from me.

Scelana: I have none either

Rainsong: We were discussing tonight’s topic in the social hall, earlier this evening.

Rainsong: And unless folks have questions about general “how-to” related to telepathy, I was thinking of discussing its use in espionage and related disciplines.

Rainsong: So, first of all, any how-to questions?

Rainsong: The topic’s been covered so often – and some of you have enough first-hand experience – that I won’t be surprised by a “no”

Rainsong: No response and nobody typing, so I’ll take that as a no

Rainsong: Alrighty then.

Rainsong: As Whisp pointed out earlier in the social hall, there are a number of difficulties in using telepathy for espionage purposes – military, industrial, or otherwise.

Rainsong: Industrial espionage is illegal in most jurisdictions, for one thing.

Rainsong: That’s not the main problem, though.

ceahhettan: coughOnly illegal if you get caught.cough

Rainsong: The obvious problem is that, like most psychic perception, the data you perceive is not always accurate.

Rainsong: And even if it’s accurate, it may be misinterpreted.

Rainsong: And you might be getting just a jumble of passing thoughts instead of the actual plans.

Rainsong: Or even deliberate decoy thoughts.

Rainsong: Ceah: It’s illegal even if you don’t get caught. It’s just that “not getting caught” is a good way to avoid the legal penalties 😀

Whisp: and..

Whisp: not just the jumble of passing thoughts, but compound thought, like a compound sentence. For instance ‘Ishould copy this document or i should destroy it”

Whisp: The emotional/empathy emphasis on the section is key. Getting that however, is much easier said than done

Whisp: Get it wrong, you get the opposite of what the decision made actually was.

Rainsong: True

Rainsong: All that said, there are also direct risks of telepathic espionage to be aware of.

Rainsong: Projecting to a location to listen in on folks can be detected. How much of a risk that is obviously depends on whom you’re spying on, and whether they or people on their side can do anything about it.

Whisp: Does shielding play a role in this?

Rainsong: Accessing people’s minds via garden variety CRV is also doable (I’ve been reading Lyn Buchanan’s Seventh Sense this week, and he talked about this at some length in his book, because it is something of a speciality of his). That approach isn’t supposed to be detectable… However you are at a very high risk of taking on the person’s thought patterns, and not necessarily realising it until you act on them.

Whisp: O.O

Scelana: Wow that don’t sound like a good thing to have happen

Rainsong: It can be very, very bad.

Rainsong: In his case, it almost resulted in him killing his wife.

Scelana: Wow

Whisp: that fall under tp being a two way street?

Rainsong: Sort of, yes.

Rainsong: As for your question about Shielding, yes, it plays a role in it. Sometimes, being Shielded just makes you easier to find.

Scelana: I wonder if the mind ninjaing I’ve done a lot in my life has that same risk?

Timekeeper: Shielding is less the approach you’d want with something like that, usually you want to draw little to no attention to yourself.

Timekeeper: (Also hello I’m not dead)

Rainsong: Whether it only succeeds in drawing attention to you depends on A) the format of the shields and B) the relative skills of the people involved

Rainsong: Scelana: probably

Rainsong: Timekeeper: Hi.

Whisp: General note: natural telepaths, versus trained, like myself, tend to be sloppy. Little conscious control, so we get caught – frequently

Whisp: for espionage purposes, a natural is a poor choice

Scelana: I guess I’m really lucky or something so far then

Rainsong: To be clear: this use of telepathy is uncommon except for highly ranked military and political figures. It simply isn’t worth the risks for most folks trained in it to bother mucking with random folks

Whisp: I’m not so sure of that?

Rainsong: I did say “uncommon” as opposed to “unheard-of”

Whisp: Some people consider telepathy ‘intuition’ and put us in charge of other people to watch them

ceahhettan: I suspect there’s significantly more unsanctioned use of this sort of thing than we’d necessarily think.

Whisp: lol, advertising you consider it as a tool, may end a career. So, yeah

ceahhettan: Exactly.

ceahhettan: But, if there’s four candidates for a promotion…

Whisp: But, back to topic, how would you hide and/or play your telepathic spy?

Whisp: *place

Timekeeper: I imagine it’d be similar to more standard methods, wouldn’t it? Calmness, not drawing special attention in the first place. I somehow imagine more direct methods of directing attention away from yourself could backfire with situations like this…

Rainsong: Whisp: you mean hide from? Or conceal that the spy was operating?

Whisp: the latter

Whisp: When I’m scanning the chambers for ill intent, I know I be caught by anyone aware, and occasionally am.

Rainsong: If you’re trying to avoid being detected, probably the best way is to choose a method in which you are not going to the place you’re scanning or near the person whose mind you’re reading.

Rainsong: For example, within the remote viewing protocols, keep to garden-variety CRV instead of using ERV or other projective styles.

Rainsong: If you are planning to project, may I suggest keeping a low profile by keeping your fetch near “more interesting” things that would hold the attention of anyone doing the counter-scanning, where possible. Of course, that also runs the risk of contaminating your own data…

Rainsong: … because apparently the best way to defend against such espionage is to place something more interesting in the “area” to divert attention.

Rainsong: The “area” might be in space or time.

Rainsong: If you know there’s an event coming up at your house that you want to keep scanners out of, hold a big raucus party the day before….

Rainsong: Schedule your clandestine meetings near a brothel

Rainsong: You get the idea…

Whisp: I like it

ceahhettan: During large local events, too.

Whisp: diversionary constructs are an option

ceahhettan: Clandestine meetings during street festivals or whatever, too much background noise.

Rainsong: I hadn’t considered the brothel idea before yesterday… Again, Buchanan’s book. Allegedly, certain Soviets used to have meetings on the lower floors of a building that housed a brothel, to provide… distraction

Rainsong: If you are trying to hide an object, place something else in the area that’s more interesting.

Rainsong: Around here, brightly coloured moving “things” known as whirligigs are popular lawn ornaments. They also work well as diversions.

Whisp: makes notes. Place whirligig constructs around nearby person who is not the target

Whisp: So, basically, have a plan to avoid detection?

Rainsong: Pretty much.

Scelana: It’s interesting that the lawn ornament can be suitable as a diversion

Rainsong: I would suggest assuming that there is no defence that is absolutely guaranteed against all comers. But making it more effort than it’s worth is usually workable.

Rainsong: Questions or commentary on this concept?

Whisp: I think covering your tracks is a basic part of stying hidden. And should be given consideration before launching your attempt

Rainsong: Certainly

Rainsong: And I also recommend not using heavily defended military targets as general scanning practice.

Rainsong: And even less for projection practice

Rainsong: cough cough Yes, of course we believe the Americans don’t do this anymore cough cough

Timekeeper: A long time ago, I tried scanning places I shouldn’t, thankfully, it only resulted in a headache and the feeling of being shooed away and bonked on the head.

Rainsong: That was fortunate

Scelana: Indeed, though headaches and getting bonked on the head still ain’t fun

Rainsong: Getting shot is less fun

Whisp: also

Whisp: Avoid trying to infiltrate high security facilities. they have many layers of shielding. And they bite.

Rainsong: Or at least, if you’re going to do it, have a good reason that’s motivation enough to risk it. If you’re going to take a risk, know what you’re getting into.

Timekeeper: I was trying to just look around out and away as far as I could, just, looking around, at least.

Rainsong: The concept of being aware of the risks was the main reason for choosing this topic for this seminar

Rainsong: Fact is, I think that almost everyone who’s studied “scanning” of that kind has at least been tempted to take a look at “places you should stay away from”

ceahhettan: I must off to bed. I’ll read the rest in the morning.

Rainsong: Be well, Ceah. Have a safe trip

ceahhettan: Have done so. I do not recommend the headache.

Whisp: have checked out many such places. My advice – not worth the migraine

Scelana: Sleep well ceahhettan

Timekeeper: Night ceah

Rainsong: We are at the bottom of the hour. Does anyone wish to continue, or should we call it a night?

Timekeeper: I don’t have anything to add unfortunately, but I am glad I can start attending these things again

Rainsong: I’m glad you’re able to be here, too. “Not having anything to add” is not an impediment

Whisp: timekeeper, I have found that even when i have little time to chat or the time is inconvenient, there is a lot to be gained from rereading the lectures

Whisp: Rainsong, can we schedule a Part Two?

Whisp: this is a fascinating topic

Rainsong: I don’t see why we couldn’t schedule a second part. I’m glad folks are interested.

Whisp: sooooo many questions 😀 We have covered the approach. But then, now we have arrived….what to do

Scelana: It’s quite an interesting topic

Rainsong: To be very clear, though, as mentioned, accessing someone’s mind with CRV is dangerous… even for professionals with backup at hand. Do not try this at home

Timekeeper: Or at work. Or at your friends home

Whisp: you may be a little late for some of us >.>

Whisp: I agree. If you haven’t brought the smackdown on yourself yet….don’t

Chirotractor: Its incredible how much trouble you can avoid by not going where you’re not wanted

Rainsong: It’s true

Whisp: Also note the importance of considering all possible outcomes before you involve yourself in somethng.
Taking risks is not necessarily all bad. Just understand the risk you are taking fully
Keep in mind a business term: Return on Investment (ROI). Are you getting a worthy return for the risk.

Rainsong: Granted. I’ve voluntarily done some things over the years that very nearly got me killed… but I knew the risks, the objective was worth it in each case, and I proceeded accordingly. The problem is when someone skips blithely into the proverbial – or occasionally literal – minefield … without a clue of the risk they are taking

Rainsong: I’ve bumped the NORCA conference into November, and placed Part 2 of the Ministry in NORCA’s original spot

Whisp: nice

Rainsong: Thanks for participating, everyone.

Scelana: Thxies for the lecture Rainsong!

Rainsong: 😀

Whisp: Awesome Rain, thx

Rainsong: 😀

Timekeeper: Have a good night everybody

Rainsong: You, too

Scelana: You too Timekeeper

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