Remote Viewing Series Part 4: Stage 3 & 4

Instructor: Rainsong
Date: November 10, 2018 (Saturday)

Seminar: Topic: Remote Viewing Series – Part 4 -Saturday, 10 November 2018 at 6:30pm/1830hr New York Time — text format in the PSC #lecture room (Discord) — Instructor: Rainsong — Search LECTURE48

Rainsong: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

Rainsong: Welcome to another seminar here at the social club.

Rainsong: Tonight’s topic is Remote Viewing, and we’re on part 4 of the series.

Rainsong: As you may recall, in Part 3, we discussed the basis and reasoning behind the RV structure, Stage 2, and some exercises to do

Rainsong: Are there any questions or comments before we dive into tonight’s stuff?

Scelana: I don’t have any

Rainsong: Fair enough.

Rainsong: Tonight we’re going to start off by looking at Stages 3 and 4.

Rainsong: As you recall, Stage 2 is where “sensory” descriptors start to show up: colours, scents, textures, and the like.

Rainsong: For example: “red, burgundy, soft, warm, dark, fuzzy”

Rainsong: Stage 3 is very similar in how you pick up and record things, but you’ll start getting “dimensional” descriptors such as “tall, short, flat, bulging, narrow, thin, wide, huge, tiny, small, big, massive”

Rainsong: There’s a fairly high probability that you’ll also get some sensories mixed in here. Just record them, anyway.

Rainsong: — Don’t — go back up the page to put the sensory data in the “right” section. Just add ’em in Stage 3

Rainsong: Always continue down the page.

Rainsong: It’s important for later stages. And it’s important for analysis.

Rainsong: Don’t worry if something’s out of order.

Rainsong: You might recall there was a multi-person exercises with sensory data words. You can do the same exercise with Stage 3 words.

Rainsong: Questions? Comments?

Scelana: I have none so far

Rainsong: In case you’re wondering, yes, you do put “S3” at the “start” of Stage 3. But the “start” is dictated by when you start getting dimensionals. When you notice the descriptors are describing sizes and dimensions, that’s when you “officially” start stage 3, in most versions.

Rainsong: The other option is to start Stage 3 when Stage 2 sort of “pitters out”

Rainsong: Both approaches are valid.

Rainsong: If you’re working with a monitor, it’s useful for the monitor to know which of the two you prefer. And it’s useful for you to consistently use one or the other.

Rainsong: However, while you’re still learning, there’s no problem with trying both a few times before deciding.

Rainsong: One of my instructors firmly recommends that you put at least three or four “dimensionals” down, in the first thirty or so practice sessions.

Rainsong: He hasn’t actually said so, and I didn’t ask, but I kinda suspect that it’s because some of his earlier students sort of rushed through this section too much / gave up too early

Rainsong: Cool and froody?

Scelana: Yep

Rainsong: Excellent 🙂

Rainsong: Stage 4

Rainsong: Here, we start getting into abstract concepts and more complex parts of the earlier concepts.

Rainsong: You’ll still be getting bits from Stages 2 and 3, in this stage. That’s normal and expected.

Rainsong: But the “aperture” Wayfarer has mentioned, has widened further to let in some more options.

Rainsong: The first of these is known as “emotional impact”

Rainsong: The emotions in question might be of the viewer him/herself (“Oh, this is nice” or “I’m getting scared”)

Rainsong: Or, the can be the emotions of beings at the site being viewed (religious awe, in a temple filled with worshippers, joy at a wedding, glee at an amusement park or from a spider catching her lunch… and so on)

Rainsong: Questions? Commentary?

Flux: Nope. Caught up.

Rainsong: Cool 🙂

Rainsong: The second of these for Stage 4 is “Tangibles”.

Rainsong: These are impressions of stuff that “can be touched”

Rainsong: i.e., “stuff that is tangible”

Rainsong: You’ll get nouns here, and they won’t always be AOL in this stage.

Rainsong: If you have a clear picture in your mind, though, it’s probably still AOL.

Rainsong: Stage 4 “tangibles” include objects such as furniture, machinery, weapons, plushies, rocks, and so on.

Rainsong: There will also be more complex versions of the sensory data and dimensionals

Rainsong: The third new bit for Stage 4 are “Intangibles”

Rainsong: These’d be impressions of stuff that “cannot be touched”

Rainsong: i.e., stuff that is intangible

Rainsong: You might be detecting a pattern here

Rainsong: Intangible impressions include things like “religious, military, diplomatic, old, recent, data-processing”

Rainsong: Impressions of what the site is for and what kinds of things happen there and what’s going on at the time of the target

Rainsong: In most versions of Stage 4, not only is it labeled “S4”, but there are categories jotted across the page to make several columns:

Rainsong: The first two are “S2” and “D”. “D” stands for dimensionals, and is for Stage 3 data.

Rainsong: Why not call it S3? I don’t know.

Rainsong: “S2” is for sensory S2 type data.

Rainsong: Next is “EI” which stands for “Emotional Impact”… which we just discussed

Rainsong: Then “T” and then “I” for “Tangibles” and “Intangibles”

Rainsong: And lastly “AOL” and “AOL/S”

Rainsong: So, the column heading would look like: S2 D EI T I AOL AOL/S

Rainsong: (We’ll come back to AOL/S in just a moment)

Rainsong: Some people don’t jot the categories across, and simply list the impressions as they come, only separating the AOLs

Rainsong: In either case, the jotting still goes down the page.

Rainsong: Don’t wander up and down to fill the columns, just continue downward. The gaps are fine.

Rainsong: In fact, in the column approach, the gaps provide data in themselves.

Rainsong: They separate some of the concepts.

Rainsong: Questions and/or commentary before I attempt to explain AOL/S?

Flux: None from me.

Scelana: I have none so far

Rainsong: Alrighty then

Rainsong: AOL/S

Rainsong: This stands for “Analytical OverLay / Signal”

Rainsong: At this point, you are asking yourself what that AOL is telling you about the site.

Rainsong: It’s still AOL, and the data is still considered corrupted,… But it is still useful, as long as it’s recorded in the right place.

Rainsong: For example, let’s pretend you have an AOL mental image of a cabin at a lake in Colorado.

Rainsong: Nice picturesque scenery: glistening water, trees all around, a small floating dock, and maybe some kids playing in the water

Rainsong: Probably jotted as something like “cabin near water, trees, kids swimming…” or some such

Rainsong: Instead of doing a regular AOL break, we’re getting into the part of the procedure where you’re not just recording, but investigating it

Rainsong: (This is something that’s more commonly done with a monitor, than by oneself, for a number of reasons. Main reason is that it can really lead you down the proverbial rabbit hole and get you totally away from the site if it isn’t done right.)

Rainsong: In our pretend example, the site might actually be a cabin in Colorado with some kids swimming in the lake.

Rainsong: Or, it might be a similar cottage in Cottage Country in Ontario.

Rainsong: It’s a clump of data that the analyst will take into account.

Rainsong: We’ll probably look at this bit in more detail when we get into how to monitor someone.

Rainsong: But for now, are there any questions and/or comments?

Flux: Nope.

Scelana: I have none

Rainsong: Okay, a couple more exercises for those who are so inclined:

Rainsong: Exercise 1, another one “borrowed” shamelessly from Buchanan: When going through a door, take a moment and notice any difference between where you were and where you’re entering.

Rainsong: Is there any change?

Rainsong: Exercise 2: nab a picture at random on the internet, and some paper and a pen. Use your normal garden-variety vision and “view” the picture, recording the impressions as you notice them.

Rainsong: It’s similar to a previous exercise, but this time, record it as a runsheet.

Rainsong: We are at the bottom of the hour (or actually a little past)

Rainsong: Should we stop here, or start in on another subtopic?

Wayfarer: I am basically here now, if that affects your plans.

Rainsong: Welcome 😀

Flux: I’m good with another subtopic.

Scelana: I’m interested in more as well

Azarea: I’m probably going to be very bored for 3 weeks starting in a week in guard duty and similar

Azarea: is there some exercise I can do during that time, without paper ideally, that would help with clairvoyance in general?

Rainsong: Yes, in fact.

Rainsong: 🙂

Rainsong: In the previous “part” of this series, there were several exercises. One of them is to choose an object in your line of sight, and describe it as thoroughly as you can, including gradients of colours in shadows and the like. You can do that mentally. It’s harder to check if you don’t write it down for comparison, but it’s still useful.

Rainsong: Variant on the door exercise is to move your attention in different directions a few metres or tens of metres from where you are sitting or standing. Notice if there is any difference in how that area feels.

Rainsong: (That is especially useful when on guard duty or on point in a patrol…)

Rainsong: The vocabulary exercises- again, from a previous class – in which a group or pair of people come up with as many descriptors in a category as possible can also be done solo. Pick a category (colours, shapes, dimensions, scents, sounds, etc) and simply list as many words and phrases as you can think of in any language that fit that category.

Rainsong: Conversely, choose one of those descriptors and see how many things around you could be described with it.

Rainsong: For example, “chocolate brown”.

Rainsong: In my immediate surroundings, right now, that could describe the fur on my cat’s tail, the shadows in the slats on the ceiling over my head, the darker parts of the grain in a wooden box on my desk, the cover of a book, the text on another book cover, the shadow over a beam over Jael’s desk, the main colour of the wall on the south wall….

Rainsong: In addition to helping with clairvoyance, those exercises are also relevant to guard duty, being connected to paying attention to surroundings and changes therein.

Rainsong: If you do a moving guard duty rather than standing in one spot, ask yourself “Has anything changed since my last round, in the next area I’m approaching?” And notice if anything occurs to you… then compare the impression to the reality when you get there.

Rainsong: If you’re simply bored, and can take your attention from where you are without problems, practice “imagining” a whiteboard or videoscreen or the like.

Rainsong: Then, ask yourself questions about a distant or hidden “thing”, and watch what appears on the imaginary screen

Rainsong: Wayfarer? Any such exercises occurring to you?

Rainsong: Azarea: Any of those sound suitable?

Wayfarer: The same thing but in the opposite works as well, coming up with descriptions of things that aren’t there and visualizing them in as much detail as possible. But that’s a bit more rudimentary.

Rainsong: Three weeks of boredom is a good time to brush up on the rudiments.

Rainsong: Questions? Comments?

Flux: Nope. Sorry. Stepped away for a sec.

Rainsong: No worries

Flux: Well, I did attempt the door threshold exercise. I also tried looking around the room to get a feel.

Rainsong: Good stuff

Flux: It was interesting. I got impressions that were similar in feel to trying to initially sense a thing. Vague, but still containing some info.

Flux: Can’t say if others experience sensing similarly, but it had that feel.

Scelana: I wonder if some of these exercises could be adapted for use in helping one get better with working with the senses of their projected form, like during an attempt at bilocation or other forms of projection?

Rainsong: They’ll help with that, as is.

Rainsong: But you can add variants of describing things while projecting, of course.

Rainsong: For example, project to a different room and describe an item there. Then go to that room and describe the item again while looking at it normally, and notice what (if anything) is different

Rainsong: Many people find that colours register differently when projecting, and some people find that the visual impressions are mirrored/reversed

Scelana: That’s interesting

Rainsong: Flux: thanks for sharing that. It is or at least can be a similar process to scanning. Some people consider it a different sense than “psychicness” as such… But I’m not sure how they separate it.

Rainsong: Any other questions and/or commentary?

Scelana: I don’t have anymore at the moment

Flux: Nope.

Flux: I don’t know how I would separate it either.

Rainsong: Thanks for participating, everyone.

Scelana: Thxies for the lecture Rainsong!

Rainsong: I’ll be updating the schedule soon. Part 5 is probably the next bit to be added, second week of December, barring scheduling conflicts

Flux: Thanks for doing this. 🙂

Rainsong: You’re welcome. 🙂

Rainsong: Also, thanks to ShadowRain who’s posted the logs from the past couple months onto the website

Rainsong: I got behind…

Rainsong: Again

Azarea: @Rainsong sorry for delay. Thank you for the ideas

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