Short Discussion of Scanning Calibration

Instructor: Rainsong
Date: July 27, 2019 (Saturday)

Seminar: Topic: short discussion of scanning calibration / otherwise cancelled – Saturday, 27 July, 2019 at 6:30pm/1830hr New York Time — text format in the PSC #lecture room (Discord) — Instructor: Rainsong — Search LECTURE86

Whisp: Greetings

Whisp: topic?

Rainsong: Hiho

Rainsong: We don’t really have one…

Whisp: how about some sensory review?

Rainsong: Meaning?

Whisp: Like you happen to be scanning, or just generally being aware. You find something. How do you determine what you have?

Rainsong: It’s a callibration process, basically.

Rainsong: Make note of what you sense, and the conditions in which you sensed it/them

Rainsong: Where the “thing sensed” can be determined and verified, make note of that also

Rainsong: Over time, enough of them get mapped that you can make a reasonable guess about some of the unknowns

Rainsong: Or, play “20 Questions” about them with a pendulum or stickpad, to get some “guesses”

Rainsong: Not a lot of point in following the explanations in “aura” books and the like, because there are differences across people, even when consistent individually.

Rainsong: As an example, there was a “thing” that Winged Wolf described as one of the “types” of “energy”. She and I could both see the stuff, and she consistently saw it one way, and I consistently saw it another way

Whisp: So, would you recommend a lot of random scanning to get a baseline?

Rainsong: Yes, and lots of note-taking. Where you have the option of scanning some “knowns”, that’ll help, too, as long as “the need to be right” doesn’t get in the way

Rainsong: Approach it with a “What can I learn from this today?” point of view, and it ought to go well

Whisp: sounds more a time investment than actually difficult. I can do that

Rainsong: I really do strongly suggest some kind of note-keeping, unless you have an impeccable memory

Rainsong: Otherwise, it will take more time and effort than necessary

Rainsong: All that said, there will probably always be some unknowns. “Hmmm. There’s a blue-grey patch of foggy substance there.” “What does that signify?” “No idea. Never saw it before”

Whisp: Maybe more a process of elimination.

Whisp: Decide what it is not

Rainsong: Hmm. It is not a wombat.

Rainsong: Check.

Rainsong: Not a canary finch

Rainsong: Check

Rainsong: Not a peridot

Rainsong: Check…

Rainsong: Could take a while 😉

Whisp: certainly

Whisp: though I was thinking more along the lines of ‘is living being’ check. Responds to stimuli, check

Rainsong: That would be more systematic

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