Targeting & Rates in Radionics

Instructor: Rainsong
Date: July 20, 2019 (Saturday)

Seminar: Topic: Radionics, primarily targeting – Saturday, 20 July, 2019 at 6:30pm/1830hr New York Time — text format in the PSC #lecture room (Discord) — Instructor: Rainsong — Search LECTURE85

Rainsong: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen
Welcome to another psionics seminar here at the social club
This evening, we’ll be discussing radionics, mostly targeting and figuring out rates.
We are, however, assuming you know what radionics is
(i.e., using tools for psionics, especially the electrical-looking black-box contraption-y things)

Rainsong: Are there any questions to start with?

Chirotractor: Nope!

Rainsong: Hmm. This could be pretty short, then

Jael: Are there any basic guidelines for targeting with radionics? I imagine it’s different than pendling? Or other types of influencing-of-things?

Rainsong: Targeting for radionics is both easier and more complicated than other aspects of psionics, in my opinion.

Rainsong: The intention needs to be fairly focused, because wildly broad objectives tend to end badly

Rainsong: But at the same time, you can use separate things to represent parts of the intention, by the simple expedient of stuffing more than one card or test-tube or envelope in the well.

Rainsong: Let’s take an example, which may make more sense…

Rainsong: Let’s pretend, for example, that you’re a farmer, with a plot of land in which you are growing Martian pruple potato-berries

Rainsong: Unfortunately, the plants are looking a bit moth-eaten, and you’re worried that they won’t even flower, much less bear fruit this year

Rainsong: So, you want to get the moths to eat something else, such as the leaves of the weeds growing between the potato-berry bushes

Rainsong: So far so froody?

Jael: Yep, fruity

Rainsong: groans at pun

Jael: 🙂

Rainsong: The “witness well” on the radionics box is the thing you stick your targetting data into or onto. It is often a can or a jar, sometimes wrapped in plastic. Sometimes it’s just a designated spot on the device that you pin paper to.

Rainsong: In this case, either take a piece of potato-berry leaf from one of your plants or take a picture of a potato-berry plant… or print one off, from Google Images or Martian Nursery Catalogues or whatever…. something to clearly indicate “Martial Pruple Potato-Berry plant”

Rainsong: Also print off a map or photo of your garden plot.

Rainsong: Both of these are going to go in the witness well. It won’t look pretty.

Rainsong: Now you need a picture of one of those moths… or a dead moth, if you happen to have one available, tucked into a test tube. That goes in the well, too

Rainsong: Next? Choose something that repells that kind of moth.

Rainsong: I bet you’re noticing a pattern here….

Rainsong: Put a sample of the repellent into another test-tube or print out a picture or a chemical compound diagram…. And into the well it goes

Jael: Not a small well…

Rainsong: The intention in this case is “Repel the moths from the leaves of the Martian Pruple Potato-Berries in (this) plot of garden”

Rainsong: If there isn’t a convenient rate for that in your friendly rate book, the next step is to cold-read a rate for it.

Rainsong: This is simple. Using either a pendulum (watch for a change of movement) or a stick pad (rub it in circles with two fingers until something changes in what the surface feels like)…

Rainsong: … and slowly turning the first dial of the machine,

Rainsong: Ask, “What is the first number of the rate for repelling moths from the leaves of the Martian Pruple Potato-Berry decribed by this map/picture?”

Rainsong: When the pendulum swing changes or the “stick” happens, stop turning the dial.

Rainsong: Take a look at the dial, and make not of the number.

Rainsong: Go to the next dial, and repeat this with “What is the second number of…..”

Rainsong: Rinse and repeat for as many dials as your machine has in one “bank”. Most have two or three. Some have more. A few have only one.

Rainsong: Any questions or comments so far?

Jael: I have one.

Rainsong: Mmhmm?

Jael: Can you write down the intention, or do you need the little pieces? Or is that less effective, as far as we know?

Rainsong: Judging largely from the agricultural and medical literature, I believe it would be less effective. But I don’t actually know for sure.

Rainsong: There are a few systems that only use “intention cards”, but I’m not familiar with how effective they are.

Rainsong: Could give it a try. I have a schematic for such a machine, and we have some wooden boxes just waiting to be built-upon…

Jael: Shiny. I figured it’d be better to find out before doing all the work…

Rainsong: Yep.

Rainsong: Any other questions or comments?

Jael: I’m assuming the phrasing still needs to use non-negative phrasings?

Rainsong: As far as I’m aware, it’s best to always avoid negative grammatical constructions in any psionic activity

Jael: Makes sense.

Rainsong: Good reminder, there

Jael: What about conceptual ideas?

Rainsong: What about them?

Jael: Does the stuff that goes into the well need to have a measurable result? Could you create one for a concept like world peace, happy city, etc?

Rainsong: waggles hand More likely you’d enter a rate for something like “peace” or “harmony” or “happiness” and put a little globe or a map of the city or the like in the well

Jael: Ah, okay

Rainsong: Any other questions or comments before we continue?

Jael: none here, thank you

Rainsong: Anyone…? Anyone…?

Rainsong: Alright, back to our patch of potato-berries

Rainsong: We’re also going to set up a second machine, just because…

Rainsong: And this time, we have another picture or map of the plot, and a picture of the kind of moth, but no potato-berry leaves

Rainsong: Instead, we’re going to tuck in some leaves of the weeds, the dreaded Martian jumble-mango

Rainsong: It happens that we know, because of an article in Martian Agriculture for People Who Hate Dirt, that the moths are just as happy eating any kind of leaf at all, as long as it’s drak red, and both these are, so we’re good to go

Rainsong: The intetion this time is to attract the moths to the jumble-mango leaves.

Rainsong: We could even leave out the map/picture of the gardeb plot because we don’t actually care if the moths eat other jumble-mangoes outside the garden

Rainsong: So, again, we dangle the pendulum or rub the stickpad with one hand, and turn the first dial with the other (Pro Tip: the pendulum takes less coordination. Also, it’s possible to have one person turn the dial and another person do the dowsing part)

Rainsong: “What is the first number of the rate for getting the moths to eat the jumble-mango leaves?”

Rainsong: And so on.

Rainsong: A multi-pronged approach to saving the potato-berry leaves 😀

Jael: 🙂 :potato:

Rainsong: Keep in mind a couple of standard warnings about large magical workings, when coming up with your intentions:

Rainsong: 1) Left to it’s own devices, the … universe?… likes to take the path of least resistence. Combine this with the diligence of Mr. Murphy of Murphy’s Law fame, and an ill-conceived working can go spectacularly wrong

Rainsong: 2) Be careful what you wish for. You might get it

Rainsong: 3) Be very specific.

Rainsong: If, for example, we decided to just “attract the moths to the jumble-mango leaves”, it would very likely work. You’d probably end up with all your neighbours’ moths, too, though

Rainsong: If you try to force a specific spread of lottery numbers to be drawn on a certain night, remember to indicate which lottery it is. there have been cases where the right numbers come up on the right night, but in the next jurisdiction over…

Rainsong: Questions? Commentary?

Jael: The lotto number mixup would be frustrating.

Jael: The targeting takes a slightly different approach to targeting than some of the other stuff I’ve looked at. It’s more physical in the symbolism.

Rainsong: Yep. And that is what makes it simpler, for the most part

Rainsong: Less confusion in the symbolism.

Rainsong: Picture of moth => moth

Rainsong: plant leaf = plant leaf

Jael: Oh, one more question. Do you add oomph to the targeting objects?

Rainsong: No.

Jael: Okay, makes it even easier.

Rainsong: No need to do anything to them other than pay attention.

Rainsong: Granted, some people say that paying attention to what you’re doing can add some oomph on its own. And it seems to be how Stone Tower Shields work, so they may be onto something, but…

Rainsong: otherwise, no

Rainsong: You put oomph into it when you “turn on” the machine or when you’re finished setting it and periodically afterward (couple times a day, maybe?)

Rainsong: That, also, is optional. Especially if you’re using an electrically powered device

Jael: Shiny. Thank you.

Rainsong: No problem.

Rainsong: Any other questions or commentary on tonight’s topic?

Rainsong: By the way, the only reason to make note of the rate you cold-read for the operation is to save time if you want to repeat this same operation another time.

Rainsong: So, that is also optional

Jael: makes sense. Probably also depend on how confident you were about the numbers.

Rainsong: True.

Rainsong: The tricky part there is that even if you do get different numbers if you cold-read it a second time, it doesn’t meann the first set was wrong. There can be several sets for the same target.

Jael: Oh, that’s good to know too.

Rainsong: For forcing lottery numbers, you can include the date and specific draw (location, jurisdiction, etc) on the paper in the well, and just grab a rate for “Force this set of numbers in this lottery draw” if you want to use the same rates repeatedly. Just change out the print-out each time, and you’re golden.

Rainsong: Or, try both.

Rainsong: Either way, lottery draws are a bit difficult because you have a bunch of other people also trying to affect it.

Rainsong: Usually.

Rainsong: If it happens that nobody else is doing anything effective that time, whoohoo

Jael: Or maybe none of them will be as effective as a radionics device.

Rainsong: That could be, too.

Rainsong: I mean, it’s worth a shot. What is there to lose?

Rainsong: Any other questions or commentary this evening?

Chirotractor: Seems pretty thorough to me

Jael: Agreed. I think I’ve asked all my questions. Thank you.

Rainsong: Thanks for participating 😀

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