Remote Viewing Series Part 2: Stage 1 & Demonstration

Instructors: Rainsong & Wayfarer
Date: September 29, 2018 (Saturday)

Seminar: Topic: Remote Viewing Series – Part 2 -Saturday, 29 September 2018 at 6:30pm/1830hr New York Time — text format in the PSC #lecture room (Discord) — Instructor: Rainsong and Wayfarer — Search LECTURE42

Rainsong: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen

Rainsong: Welcome to another seminar here at the social club

Rainsong: Tonight, we’re in the second lecture of our current Remote Viewing series

Wayfarer: Yeap, I am here and alive, proceed, lmao

Rainsong: bows to Wayfarer

Rainsong: Wayfarer and I are co-presenting this evening, and for many of the classes of this series. As many of you know, he’s very skilled and knowledgeable in this speciality.

Rainsong: Are there any questions or comments arising from the first lecture of the series, a few weeks back?

Flux: Not from me.

Scelana: I have none either

Rainsong: We’ll be discussing the “Stage 1” part of CRV (and what “CRV” means and why it has stages…) tonight. And, also, Wayfarer has kindly agreed to do a demonstration session.

Flux: Neat!

Scelana: Cool!

Rainsong: Those of you who’ve been around a while are familiar with “friendly definitions”: the agreed-upon usage of words which have more than one meaning, for the purposes of a specific discussion.

Rainsong: We have a few of those tonight.

Rainsong: The first one is “CRV”

Rainsong: Originally, it stood for “coordinate remote viewing”… which is exactly what it says on the tin: remote viewing using geographical coordinates to home in on the target

Rainsong: These days, it’s normally read as “controlled remote viewing”

Rainsong: The derivation isn’t as obvious. It still uses “oordinates” for targeting, but the coordinates may be just about any combination of letters and numbers assigned to a “thing”/event/location/person/whatever to view

Rainsong: Dropping the geographical coordinates had several reasons:

Rainsong: – It’s entirely possible for someone to have enough of the world map memorised to fake it

Rainsong: – Geography doesn’t take time into account very well, and RV can be used for past and future, as well as present time

Rainsong: – Ever try to determine the exact coordinates of, for example, the red-violet crayon in a box of crayons on your desk?

Rainsong: – Also, even if you can’t say the coordinates of Bay and Bloor in Toronto off the top of your head, if you’d just done a series of targets all in downtown Toronto over the past several weeks, you’re going to recognise the general area, and your conscious mind will start “guessing”

Rainsong: Questions? Commentary? Wayfarer: Anything you’d like to add to that?

Flux: Am good.

Rainsong: (In case it isn’t clear, yes, CRV is one of the standard military sets of protocols developed at SRI, Fort Meade, and in New York City by their friendly consultant)

Rainsong: Alrighty then, I’ll take that as a “no”

Rainsong: Moving on…

Rainsong: The standard equipment for CRV are plain letter-sized or A4 (they are close enough to be interchangeable) and smooth-flowing pens with black ink

Wayfarer: Nothing much to add except that one doesn’t have to have spent a particularly great amount of time with a world map to fake it, either. We are very good at tricking ourselves to thinking we’re remote viewing – our brains don’t always make notes of where information is coming from when we’re thinking about something.

Wayfarer: A common trap people fall into is thinking that they can, through some kind of personal discipline, “not cheat.” “Of course I don’t want to cheat, because I actually want to remote view, so it’s okay if I know what the target is, I just won’t use that information in my session.” That doesn’t work, but some people think it can. We’re very good at deceiving ourselves and our own frauds are the hardest frauds for us to catch because we’re not doing them on purpose and don’t consider it fraud.

Wayfarer: So you really, really do need to have a double blind. You can’t fake it. And you really can’t use coordinates, because people understand longitude and latitude enough to guess at it.

Rainsong: nods

Rainsong: Raggied? Looks like you have a comment?

Raggiedmon: Question – remote veiwing – have someone imagine a house/land/other or remote veiw in a fictional area from a novel an try an remote veiw inside it what issues would there be with this as pratice as opposed to remote veiwing in real

Raggiedmon: or from a novel*

Rainsong: Targeting the actual non-real location? Likely to run into problems because it doesn’t exist. If it’s targeted as a specific person’s idea of that location, it’s doable for some people

Rainsong: Anything else?

Raggiedmon: Not at the moment think

Rainsong: Fair enough

Rainsong: When starting a session, various viewers do various things to prepare themselves. Some just sit down with a cup of coffee and their paper and pens. Some meditate. Some do martial arts kata. And so on. We’re not going to get into detail about that tonight. We’ll look at it later in the series.

ceahhettan: hello folks.

Rainsong: Likewise, targeting – coming up with the “thing” to view and assigning it “coordinates” (also known as “target ID” and “target reference numbers”/TRNs and various other things) will come later. There are online databases of practice targets that are free to use in the meantime. Target Monkey, for example.

Rainsong: Hi, Ceah


ceahhettan: I’m at a terminal tonight, unsure if that’s going to allow me to participate or not.

Rainsong: Not to worry. Just stay safe, okay?

Rainsong: When sitting down to conduct an RV session, make sure you’ve eaten recently enough that your tummy won’t be sending messages to your subconscious about lunch.

Rainsong: Those messages will show up in your RV data, and will mess things up

Rainsong: Sit comfortably, avoid having shiny or moving objects in your field of view, if practical.

ceahhettan: lol. (and maybe not so recently that your stomach is sending messages and disagreement about the lunch you just had?)

Rainsong: Start by writing your name, the date, your location, the time, and anything that might be a problem for you: “air conditioner is running and noisy”, “dull headache”, “that time of the month”, “too warm” or whatever. If you don’t want the problem on record (such as the mentioned female problem) just put “yes”. It’s understood that nobody may inquire about what it is, but it is then acknowledged

Rainsong: Always important to acknowledge stuff that concerns the subconscious, or he gets annoyed. You don’t want to annoy him.

Rainsong: If you have an idea already of what the target may be, write that in underneath the potential problems.

Rainsong: The problems are normally labeled as “inclemencies”

Rainsong: The pre-guessing bit has a number of designations. Call it a pre-view or something like that, and you’re good

Rainsong: These are all on the far right side of the page, starting at the top and working downward

Wayfarer: As a note: set your paper up the same way every time. You don’t have to use the templates others provide, it really doesn’t matter where the date, time, name, and so on is on there. But do it the same way, every time. If you’re doing this in a professional capacity they may have standards that they require you adhere to – that’s why yo’re getting all that information there universally.

Wayfarer: You can absolutely use the templates others provide or so on, but doing it the same way every time cultivates mental habits and “primes” you to perform an RV task. It’s like how you want to take a test in the same place as you took the lecture. You want to tap into that state-dependent learning.

Rainsong: The state-dependent learning is also a large part of why black ink and plain copy-paper are used. It tells your subconscious, “Aha, we’re starting an RV session here…”

Rainsong: Questions or commentary about this section?

Flux: Nope. So far so good for me.

Scelana: I have none so far

ceahhettan: none here

Rainsong: Froody.

Rainsong: More friendly definitions.

Rainsong: “Gestalt”, from the German for “form” or “shape”, is “an organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts”, according to Google’s online dictionary.

Rainsong: In CRV, the major gestalt is the “overall big concept” of what the target is.

Rainsong: For example, if you’re looking at a seascape painting, the major gestalt of the painting is “ocean” or “much wavy water”

Rainsong: A portrait’s major gestalt is “a person”

Rainsong: A landscape picture of Mount St Helens would have a major gestalt of “mountain”

Wayfarer: NB for target assigners: you need to be very specific about what you’re looking for sometimes with targets comprised of other things. At the very least, you need to be consistent. If your knowledge of Mt St Helens is from a picture on a monitor, and you don’t clarify the target clearly on assignment, you could very well end up with a viewer telling you about the flat reflective panel with black trim, manmade, and calling it a “miss.”

Rainsong: Soooo true

Wayfarer: Similarly a portrait’s major gestalt is a person if the target is the person, a portrait’s major gestalt is “an image” or “a picture” or “a painting” if the target is the portrait, and this is tricky stuff. It’s nitpicking detail but it’s something I in particular have a hard time with.

Rainsong: And to be extra clear, I was referring to looking at a picture in the regular sense. Not remote viewing it. Just to explain the gestalt idea

Wayfarer: As a viewer, I mean. I have a tendency to hit locations of things regardless of what the actual target is – the tasker wants me to hit a picture from such as in that linked repository, but I tend to hit the pictured location, in present time. If I’m tasked appropriately, we can call that a miss, but if the tasking isn’t clear, we might be calling hits misses, which is not great.

Wayfarer: Ohhh I see.

Wayfarer: lmao

Rainsong: You’re making a very good point, though. We’ll cover that in lots and lots of detail later on in the course.

Flux: This is all very interesting.

Flux: I’ve never heard about the nuanced issues related to RVing before.

Rainsong: There are many, and we’ll try to explain them in sufficient detail to be nice and clear

Flux: I appreciate it.

Wayfarer: It’s a bit discursive so maybe something to discuss another time and place, but there aren’t a lot of people with a nuanced perspective out there – people who have spent a lot of time thinking about this kind of thing are either professional viewers/taskers/researchers or so on, and so not sharing a lot of that information except in books/courses, orrr, well, the rare and uncommon breed that takes their psychic stuff seriously.

Wayfarer: RV is simultaneously loved and hated by the weird psychic internet because it is easy to show that it works, but at the same time it actually takes very real work to “get good,” with lots of effort and repetition and failure along the way.

Rainsong: Yep

Rainsong: (And for the record, the reason I’m leaving most of the tasking stuff until later in the series is that it will make more sense after we’ve already gone over some of the viewing parts)

Flux: I feel like that’s pretty much everything in magick/psionics…

Wayfarer: Yeap!

ceahhettan: Yes.

Wayfarer: (I am a viewer, so my perspective on tasking is mainly about my pet peeves, not from training or so on. I know how to task because, well, I’m a viewer. I don’t do it often because, well, I’m a viewer. My opinions are strictly opinions, but any tasker should be aware of the considerations of their viewers, that’s part of making a good, working team.)

Flux: As an aside, where do you find a tasker?

Flux: When I’m doing practice my personal practice, I’m largely hitting rando images.

Flux: Not RVing. Just looking, making notes, and then seeing if they like up.

Wayfarer: Things like “this viewer tends to hit locations in realtime” are really useful things to know when tasking in an operational team. For training purposes, you want to throw all sorts of targets at people. If you actually intend to use the intelligence you get, though, you play to the viewer’s strengths. The viewer shouldn’t know the difference anyhow.

Wayfarer: For training, just task online. For operational stuff, most of the time, the “tasker” becomes the “client” unless you work for a corporation that staffs an RV team, which is uh more common than you’d think but not exactly something you can find on craigslist.

Wayfarer: [/derail]

Rainsong: The Target Monkey site I mentioned above is good for practice for now

Flux: Sorry to contribute to the derailing, but I appreciate the info.

Rainsong: I can do tasking, if needed.

Flux: I’ll probably hit you up for that.

Wayfarer: You got a teaching assistant involved so the derail is marginal/sanctioned. 😉

Rainsong: For example, I’ll be doing the tasking for the demonstration

ceahhettan: (Secondary derail, I don’t think I’ve ever tried purposefully tasking before but at some point I’d be interested to?)

Rainsong: (Excellent. We’ll extend the semi-planned tasking class to perhaps three sessions, then)

Flux: If you ever need a person to practice tasking with, I’m available.

Rainsong: Looks like the minor detour is sorted?

Flux: :thumbsup:

Rainsong: Any questions or comments about gestalts?

Flux: Not right now.

ceahhettan: Not from me.

ceahhettan: Brb going to go start laundry.

Scelana: I have have none as well

Rainsong: Be well, Ceah

Rainsong: Our next friendly definition is the “ideogram”. And again, Google-sensei provides a standard definition: “a written character symbolizing the idea of a thing without indicating the sounds used to say it, e.g., numerals and Chinese characters.”

Rainsong: The first part of the “view”-y part of CRV’s Stage 1 involves writing down the target ID and then immediately scribbling an ideogram.

Rainsong: Ideograms are approached in different ways… much as dowsing is

Rainsong: Some people assign shapes to various standard gestalts and memorise them. Some people ask their subconscious to produce an ideogram for each of the major gestalts, and memorise those. And some folks just scribble whatever comes up in each individual session.

Rainsong: Of the first two groups, it is generally recommended to do some serious – and mind-numbingly boring – ideogram practice to entrench the set into the mind.

Wayfarer: (The latter folks – the scribblers – are supposed to be having that material analyzed later for trends, etc. It doesn’t happen often except in formal teams. I’m dubious as to the value of the ideogram at all, frankly, but Very Smart People have determined its value, I suppose.)

Rainsong: The ideogram is a sort of “connection” to the target. One of my instructors likens it to a “zip-file” of the target information. It also can tell you what the gestalt of the site is…interpreting the subconscious impression into something your conscious mind can interpret

Wayfarer: Original ideograms generally superficially resembled the target site. An ideogram like VVVV might be “mountains” for example.

Flux: When I’ve played around with them in the past, they’ve often resembled the target if it was a picture of a thing.

Wayfarer: But you can’t just take it like that. Because different viewers and different targets produce different ideograms. VVVV might be another viewer’s ideogram for “dynamics” or “oscillation” or something. Once again this varies from viewer to viewer, what their “gestalt” tuning is. It’s supposed to be related to the gestalt, but different people think different things are gestalts, and remote viewers are almost by necessity “different people.”

Rainsong: If you’re inclined to do ideogram drills, here’s a site for doing so for the basic seven Lyn Buchanan suggests starting with:


Flux: Thanks!

Wayfarer: As an aside, in Lyn’s take, the ideogram is a rapid “hit/miss” breakpoint for monitors in training, yeah?

Rainsong: That’d be the seven listed on the left. Whether yours look like mine or not is irrelevent

Rainsong: Wayfarer: yes, that appears to be true

Wayfarer: That’s consistent with my research on the early project, okay.

Rainsong: And yes, the drill is supposed to be really, really boring.

Wayfarer: It’s free-form zener cards, it’s pretty trash.

Rainsong: Sorry… what is?

Wayfarer: The ideogram drills when done for hit/miss training. Maybe an inelegant description.

Wayfarer: doodle “Hit.” doodle “Miss.” doodle “Miss.” etc. for days and days.

Wayfarer: (As I reckon Rainsong is typing, that’s not the only or even the main thing done with it these days)

Rainsong: Hmm. The drills I mentioned aren’t guesses. They are simply a memorization tool. I don’t recall it being so rapid-fire in terms of early viewing practice in anything I’ve read from him… he does talk about something similar used as an alternative to ARV after a number of years of experience

Wayfarer: It isn’t particularly rapid fire, no. You’re still tasking a new target and doing no more than 3 per session.

Rainsong: Ah, okay

Wayfarer: Properly done you should be determining and matching up trends in relations between ideograms and gestalts to develop a “personal vocabulary” and once that it cemented, you can basically throw out sheets where the ideogram is a “miss” to the target because the gestalt that is unpacked in the session should be based on the ideogram.

Wayfarer: If the ideogram is a miss, the whole session should be a miss, if the viewer is unpacking the signal line that the ideogram represents.

Wayfarer: It’s my understanding that more often than not though the signal line can be accurate even with an ideogram that doesn’t seem to relate, so doing that would be, in my opinion, ill advised in most cases.

Flux: Is it possible that the ideogram language might change over time?

Wayfarer: Because, again, different viewers ideogram different aspects of the signal line as gestalt.

Rainsong: Flux: It can.

Rainsong: Also, sometimes the ideogram only has part of the gestalt

Wayfarer: It should in theory become more, not less, concrete, but it could in theory change. My ideograms today are different than they were two decades ago, but that’s because I’m out of practice.

Wayfarer: The tl;dr on ideograms in my opinion is “these are super individual, always do them but don’t worry about always doing them a particular way.”

Wayfarer: I mean always do them the same way.

Wayfarer: Be consistent.

Wayfarer: But that way doesn’t have to be any one particular way.

Wayfarer: Wow that is word salad, Rainsong halp

Rainsong: Heh. As mentioned and he reiterated, there’s more than one perfectly valid way to “do” ideograms. Go with whatever one appeals to you, preferably in a consistent manner. Either way, always do them

Rainsong: Generally, the drawing movement is at the elbow and/or shoulder. Wrist, at least. Never the fingers

Flux: Okay. I think I understand. Do them the same way everytime, but don’t get caught up in the details unless you are, and then do that every time?

Rainsong: And it’s fast. If it takes more than the time it takes to say the word, you’re doing it wrong

Rainsong: You can change from, for example, random squiggle in some sessions to memorised version in others, if you want to see whether you firmly prefer one or the other. But it will be easier on you if eventually settle on one approach and stay there

Flux: Ah, gotcha. I’ll stick with random squiggles.

ceahhettan: Alright, I’m back.

Scelana: Wb

Flux: Welcome back.

Rainsong: Wb, Ceah

Rainsong: Wayfarer’s preparing for the demo session

ceahhettan: Cool, cool.

Scelana: Cool

Rainsong: As you can see, we’re going long in this seminar. And likely to in most of the RV classes from here on out, with the possible exception of history classes

Rainsong: Obviously, if you need to leave partway through, do so

Flux: Am excited. I’ve never seen a proper RV session.

Rainsong: The Target ID is placed on the left-hand side of the page, below the level of whatever you put in the “bookkeeping” section.

Rainsong: Always move down the page

Flux: While we are waiting, what’s the typical practice of an RVer like? Daily, weekly?

Rainsong: For a serious student? At least once daily. However, do not drive immediately after. And don’t drive within a few hours of a second session. There should be at least half an hour between sessions, for best results.

Flux: How long do sessions take?

Rainsong: Don’t worry. We still have things to cover for Stage 1 yet, while waiting. (And prep for Stage 2 class if we have time)

Flux: Okay.

Rainsong: Anything up to 90 minutes. After that, things tend to go to rubbish. You can go back and “restart” or continue on a target, though, if it seems like there’s more data to process

Scelana: I’m curious, what’s the reason(s) why you don’t want to drive after a session?

Wayfarer: You can anticipate it will take me something like 20-30 minutes after target assignment. I’m not ready for that yet though. I’m about to do some meditating for lack of a better word. One of my personal obstacles is always that I rush sessions. Since I’m trying to do this session “right,” I’m trying not to do that.

Rainsong: Scelana: Because there’s a risk of your mind wandering off and not paying attention to little things like the road conditions and traffic

Scelana: Ahh, that’s understandable

Wayfarer: So you can get the viewer’s perspective on this, doing the session “right” doesn’t mean hitting the target. RV is process oriented, not results oriented. Doing the session “right” means following the structure. Then I can be said to have done it, regardless of if I hit the target.

Rainsong: Exactly so. If you concentrate on or worry about the results – instead of staying in structure – you’ll get in your own way and make a rubbish session

Wayfarer: I have a very bad tendency to get upset when I miss targets, which is another thing I really need to get over. So not only is the process oriented approach correct for RV generally -it’s also good for mindset. 🙂

Rainsong: Very true

Wayfarer: Okay. I’ll be back in a bit. Y’all pay attention to Rainsong while I’m gone, otherwise you’ll all keep poking me and get me all self conscious.

Rainsong: It’s a similar concept, actually, to having a way for a tracking or detection dog to indicate that she hasn’t found anything, so she can be “correct” (and be rewarded for doing well in her game/work) even when there’s nothing to find

Rainsong: “See” you soon, Wayfarer

Flux: Happy meditating!

Rainsong: Following the ideogram, there are two more concepts to record. The are designated “A” and “B”

Rainsong: As a result Stage 1 is also called IAB
The military doesn’t go in for flowery poetic names
The “A” component is a quick impression of “feelings” and/or “motion”
It might be a single descriptor, or it might consist of several words
Descriptors you might see are things like “Fluid”, “Airy”, “Rising”, “Solid” and so on
Through the first several stages, the bulk of the descriptors will be adjectives.

Rainsong: We’ll get into the weeds of why this is so in Stage 2

Rainsong: The A component goes either to the immediate right of the ideogram or immediately below. Both are acceptable. Choose one location and stay with it.

Rainsong: Component B goes directly under A, and is the exception to the adjective rule… This one can be a noun. It’s a “spontaneous” impression following from A. Might be something like “Structure” or “Swamp”

Rainsong: Don’t close your eyes or hover your pen over the paper between jottings. Either of those motions will prompt your conscious mind to start imagining and guessing

Rainsong: You don’t want imaginings and guessings
You just want to record whatever impressions are prompted by the target.
Typically they’ll come in short bursts of two or three seconds and then will fade out again.
Tap your pen tip to the ideogram to re-start the “flow” of impressions

Rainsong: One of my instructors compares the ideogram to a zip-file that we “extract” that data from
Another describes it as a connection to the target

Rainsong: There are probably questions at this point…?

Wayfarer: Signal line prompt is how I learned it.

Flux: My questions won’t come until I’ve fussed with it some. So far it makes sense. I have some familiarity with Stage 1. When I’m doing it, that’s when the confusion is gonna it if it does.

ceahhettan: None from me, although I’m simultaneously eating dinner.

Rainsong: Dinner is good

Scelana: I have no questions yet either

Wayfarer: You’re accessing a matrix which has all possible information about all things and that matrix organizes the information into gestalts. The target gives you a signal line and the signal line unpacks itself. Sometimes into comes too fast (TM Bk) or sometimes it sticks and stops flowing which indicates either AOL onset or a lost connection which means you need to re-establish connection by tapping the signal line again.

Flux: From what I can tell, the ideagram is acting like what I tell myself is the initial point of contact. When I’m looking at a thing, I’ll go back to make sure I haven’t drifted.

Flux: Hmm, maybe similar, but also different.

Wayfarer: I was taught to tap my pen on the ideogram or the target coordinates to prompt the signal line.

Rainsong: In the demo, expect to see something called an AOL break. We’ll get into these in considerable detail in Stage 2. Just be aware that any decent session has them

Flux: I shall do this thing in my practice.

Wayfarer: Then the aperture widens when you’ve unpacked a certain amount and then the gestalt classifies into an instance etc etc

Wayfarer: Oh. How do you want this demo done? I have a paper and pen here. I figure I’ll just snap a shot whenever I break?

Wayfarer: I can type feed things in if I get my laptop but that could get weird.

Flux: Dunno if that question was for the peanut gallery, but I’d like the snap shots.

Flux: Or something similar.

Rainsong: Snapping a shot at breaks is fine. Obviously, my monitoring will be even worse than my usual, but the session should still be fine

Wayfarer: If we hopped on comms I can do a drop/drift protocol with verbal reporting but I’d need a recorder for that and a monitor.

Wayfarer: But I don’t think we want to do that

Flux: I can do that, but that’s up to everyone else.

Wayfarer: I’m used to flying solo for written target sheets so no problem re monitoring

Rainsong: In that case, let’s go that way

Wayfarer: I am now preparing my paper.

Rainsong: (If you feel like doing another one on comms some other time, that’d be cool, but not required by any means)

Wayfarer: (these are usually called runsheets)

Rainsong: I am not blind to the target, seeing as I chose it for this run.

Wayfarer: Sshh shh shh don’t tell me that. Now I’m noting TOL as a potential inclemency lmao

Rainsong: TOL = Telepathic OverLay


Wayfarer: Give me a few to reprep. Standby.

Rainsong: Standing by

Wayfarer: Ready for target.

Rainsong: 2909 – 1801

Wayfarer: AOL Bk

Wayfarer: Fuck I just go too fast and the time lmao

Rainsong: Time can get weird in session


Rainsong: A -> c

Rainsong: B -> not sure how to score it

Rainsong: first run of Stage 2:

Wayfarer: I’m going to ramble a bit about method because I’m AOL driving rn

Wayfarer: So what’s going on in my head right now and apparently it’s going pretty well

Flux: c is correct? Or something else?

Rainsong: Flux: yes.

Flux: Nice! 😮

Rainsong: Incorrect is not commented. And there are some intermediate possibilities, such as “unscorable” because there’s no data available to confirm or deny it’

Wayfarer: Basically I lay back and rest, stretching and tensing then relaxing my whole body, and let my thoughts drift for a bit until I can pick up strands them I let those go. I repeat that until I don’t have anything there and I get a vague sensation of floating.

Wayfarer: Then in that floating state I’m not really mentally driving at the target or anything at all. Then I prompt for target.

Wayfarer: When the target is assigned I let that kind of “echo” in my head. Sort of reciting like a mantra.

Wayfarer: I read that one as “two nine zero nine eighteen zero one” but that varies

Wayfarer: As that bounces around things start to pop up and I should write those quickly. Sometimes I have a hard time getting my arm started for the ideogram because I get too relaxed.

Wayfarer: Once that starts then I’m off. I had a hard time with a B impression so not surprised it can’t be scored. I couldn’t really words it. Imposing was another thought.

Wayfarer: Signal. Returning.

Rainsong: (Imposing would have been a “c”)

Wayfarer: AOL bk

Wayfarer: I’m in the weird divot on the edge of the aperture opening, will proceed to stage 3 after break

Rainsong: c

Wayfarer: Anyhow so after I jot and start going what happens is I get a bunch of information that comes in different kinds of impressions. Not really verbal but I translate it. It’s more like… Essence?

Rainsong: c, c, ?
c … can’t read the rest of that line?
technically c

Wayfarer: It’s break information and bad but I think it’s raining at target site. Which line? Light gray?

Rainsong: The line I can’t read starts with light grey

Wayfarer: Light grey – tan – sandstone? – limestone?
I think it’s concrete actually.
But that’s how it feels. It’s rough.

Rainsong: “break information” should be recorded or it will contaminate later data

Wayfarer: Lmao I shouldn’t be engaging with signal right now at all but here we are.

Wayfarer: Oh hmm

Wayfarer: Okay gotta pen some things but I’m driving right now so not resuming.

Rainsong: (I’m checking on something)

Wayfarer: I can’t go to the next stage now because I have a target hold on

Wayfarer: Okay need another topic technically but so people know where we’re at


Wayfarer: “circular” there is aol drive information

Wayfarer: Rainsong will talk about this more in the future but basically my brain has come up with what it thinks it is

Flux: Ah.

Wayfarer: And now it’s just guessing at shit and finding other info

Flux: Was wondering about the terms.

Wayfarer: Oh could be mt Rushmore also

Rainsong: Do you want to stop it there or “move” to a different vantage point?

Rainsong: tan is “C”

Wayfarer: Uh. Your call.

Rainsong: I can’t verify the stone species you mentioned

Wayfarer: It’s your demonstration and you’re monitoring. I’m still functional. Gotta kick the drive though. You can call it here or resume class while I retrance.

Wayfarer: You know I’m not going to want to stop until I’ve got a hit lmao

Rainsong: Ahh, but the viewer is in charge of the session.

Wayfarer: We’re not very specific unless I have target but I don’t think I do.

Rainsong: How about we move vantage point, then?

Wayfarer: Hrm. Technically true. Okay.

Wayfarer: Ready.

Rainsong: Move to the “wall-like” thing you mentioned, and touch it. Tell me what you feel

Flux: Still here but doing dinner prep. Cutting an onion, etc.

Rainsong: nods


Rainsong: (Incidentally, the movement instructions are always supposed to be in two parts: one that the subconscious can do and one that the conscious can)

Wayfarer: I struggle with “and touch it” because I don’t interface bodily with the site. I just mentally translate that into prompts for the signal line.

Rainsong: nods

Rainsong: Move again?

Wayfarer: The // is a mini break for a signal injection but I didn’t feel like the signal was broken btw

Wayfarer: That’s uh that’s how we know I’m “on” in cryptic phrases only a few will understand lmao

Rainsong: yep

Wayfarer: Hold please

Rainsong: nods

Wayfarer: Ready.

Rainsong: Move upward about 70 feet and describe


Wayfarer: Aol drive chunnel

Wayfarer: TM error. I’ve loaded way too much stage 2 data and am having confirmation problems. Aperture isn’t widening coherently. I need a prompt off a data line to follow. Getting too much.

Wayfarer: I’ve got a cave kind of feeling but that’s conflicting with… Lmao confusion break.

Rainsong: (Sorry, can’t make out the writing. Having trouble focusing the eyes.)


Rainsong: (confirming the earlier “limestone” as correct, though… was able to verify

Wayfarer: Sorry my writing comes apart when I’m doing this
Prompt: move upwards 70ft

Rainsong: Everybody’s does. Usually, I’m better at deciphering that I am tonight

Wayfarer: Curvy

Rainsong: c

Wayfarer: Too Much //

Rainsong: c

Wayfarer: AOL bk 2131
Interstate highway
Very long bridge
Tunnel in mountain
Confusion Bk
Sketch @ 2134
Sketch is not visually representative
Very abstract
Just trying to break down elements
A is the long expensive stretching moving thing
B is natural this could be a bullet train rail maybe I dunno

Wayfarer: I’m not using the paper lmao this should be a break but I’m Cf Bk
Need to relax a bit. I don’t feel like I have site.
I’ve been kinda hovering around “aqueduct” for some time. Or … Cables. Transatlantic cable maybe.

Rainsong: AOL drive is having a party, eh?

Wayfarer: Yeah

Rainsong: Shall we call it, then?

Wayfarer: Hrmph
Yeah. Should. I TMd into a Cf at the end and can’t really recover
I’d be not being honest with process if I continued.

Rainsong: (for the record, it was raining at the site at the time/place of target)

Wayfarer: Session. 2141.

Flux: Thanks for this. It’s been really insightful.

Rainsong: The target prompt is “The Damascus Gate of Jerusalem, at the time this picture was taken)

Wayfarer: Lmao


Wayfarer: Lmao yes! That’s it

Rainsong: (I have the legal right to post this picture publically)

Wayfarer: Lmao God all that shit is there.

Rainsong: I’d say it was a hit, yes?

Wayfarer: What a good session. Why didn’t you call site on ancient structure :angry:

Wayfarer: Yeah I’d accept a hit score on that.

Rainsong: Where was “Ancient Structure”… Apparently I misread…

Wayfarer: Even when I went deep into Cf those elements are there
AOL bk 2102 cont
Parking deck
Arena or ancient structure -Roman or Greek

Wayfarer: Lmao

Wayfarer: What a good session

Rainsong: Yep, misread… I didn’t interpret “structure” as a continuation of the previous line

Rainsong: sorry

Flux: That was awesome! Great job!

Wayfarer: Lmao no no that’s fine. It wasn’t really a good place to call it and I got more good info including a really good sketch

Rainsong: In any case. Great session. Confusion breaks happen, no worries. You declared it properly

Scelana: Wow, that’s really impressive!

Wayfarer: The pointy top dome cave thing makes a lot of sense now

Rainsong: Bah, I mistyped the prompt… Last punctuation should close the quotation marks, but I’m not going to edit that, for obvious reasons

Wayfarer: Sketch elements do deconstruct into the target nicely.

Flux: They do.

Wayfarer: Wall is there. I mean damn yeah

Wayfarer: Lmao I did a psychic

Scelana: I noticed a lot of back and forth between you two in that session, I’m guessing that’s typical?

Rainsong: The data was impressively accurate all the way through. Much like the Cathedral of All Saints session

Rainsong: Yes, the monitor is supposed to let the viewer know when impressions are correct, and sometimes to guide movement to get out of “confused” bits, and so on

Goatmistress: That was quite good.

Rainsong: I’m not very accomplished as a monitor. As you can see clearly, Wayfarer is very accomplished as a viewer

Scelana: It was rather interesting to see a session be done

Flux: I’m out for now. Got din din. Thanks again! Both of you!!!

Rainsong: Be well, Flux

Scelana: Catch ya later Flux

Wayfarer: Lmao showing the wife the runsheet and her first feedback is “well you did take your time on it so that’s good”

Rainsong: 😀

Goatmistress: I’d be interested in a little more explanation on how the movement directions are supposed to be in two parts. How is what the subcon can do different from the conscious?

Rainsong: The subconscious can move around easily in space and time. The conscious mind has no idea how to do that, especially in time, and so needs something to distract it

Goatmistress: so the touch instruction was to distract the conscious?

Rainsong: So, for example, if we were looking at this site at the time the gate was rebuilt, I’d say something like “Move back one thousand years. Describe the sounds you hear.” Notice the second set of directions are present tense

Rainsong: nods yes

Goatmistress: I see now. Thanks.

Rainsong: 😀

Rainsong: Thanks for running the demonstration, Wayfarer

Goatmistress: Yes, thanks to both of you for the demo.

Scelana: Thxies to both y’all for the demo, it was definitely quite interesting

Rainsong: Are there any questions? Commentary?

Rainsong: For the record, it is normal for handwriting to become more difficult to read, and for spelling to get really bad, when “at site”

Goatmistress: I’m glad I passed on the free dinner to catch the lecture.

Scelana: I’m curious as to why handwriting does get worse while “at site”

Rainsong: Cool. I know you had a lot on your plate today, Goatie. I’m happy to hear you’re happy with the choices you made. 😀 Always nice to have you here

Rainsong: Scelana: It’s thought to be because the viewer’s leaning heavily on the non-verbal part of the mind

Scelana: Ahh

Rainsong: Good questions this evening, by the way.

Scelana: So for those who already are worse than chicken scratch it might really be an issue hehe

Goatmistress: I think that getting clarity on the movement directions gave me a lot more insight into exactly what’s going on in the session. There’s more of an intuitive-level understanding now.

Scelana: Would any disabilities that affect spatial stuffs like for example spatial dysgraphia affect doing rv?

Rainsong: It might affect which types of targets you’ll be better at doing, but it’s not a downcheck by any means

Scelana: Ah i see

Rainsong: It can also affect which kind of recording you use. It’s entirely possible to do this verbally with an audio recording device. The details change slightly, but it’s entirely acceptable

Goatmistress: That’s an interesting thought. Might that change the way you give some of the directions. Not focus on “what you see” but just what is there?

Rainsong: (The dysgraphia, that is)

Rainsong: nods And it’s very normal for directions to be flipped. Over time, you or your “staff” will know what to watch for during the analysis phase

Scelana: Makes sense that it would affect the recording method used

Rainsong: These days, it’s easy to get recording devices. Most phones have one built in, as do most laptops

Scelana: My cursive handwriting I gave up using in middle school, and my block print ain’t the best at times.

Scelana: By middle school I was having to translate written papers for teachers

Scelana: So I just stopped using it

Rainsong: So, if you decide on verbal/recorded, just remember to indicate the beginning of each segment – we’ll go into detail as we go along… – “RV session. Name: Scelana. Date: September 29, 2018. Start time: 3am. Location: my front porch. Inclemencies: road noise”

Rainsong: I’m not familiar with how the ideogram part is handled, but will look into it

Wayfarer: Sorry I’ve been unpacking with the wife. Anyhow my writing just gets sloppy because I’m going fast. That’s the same handwriting that my ems notes were written in

Scelana: I can do some drawing stuffs especially if it’s mental imagery

Wayfarer: Verbal recorded is a thing. You should always record if you do verbal. When I do verbal though it’s very important I have a monitor.

Scelana: I’ve had plenty of images sent to my mind that I could draw out, just did one today

Scelana: Only one so far raved hell with my disability

Goatmistress: and my comment above was off. I was thinking that dysgraphia was due to spatial disorientation, but checking online, I see that it’s more of a motor function issue.

Scelana: I have the spatial variant

Scelana: It’s taken me a long time to handle the other spatial issues it’s given me

Goatmistress: any bleed-over as far as visual perception?

Rainsong: It shouldn’t have much of an effect on RV, overall.

Rainsong: Everyone has different types of targets they do better than others. So if it does effect that, it’s no problem.

Rainsong: waves to Wayfarer’s wife

Scelana: I do have some remaining difficulty at times choosing the right sized container to store leftovers in, or if furniture/items will fit in a given space without taking measurements

Rainsong: (Of course, I know her, but not using her legal name in a public chat…)

Scelana: I’m not as bad as I used to be with such things though

Chirotractor: Is it sarah?

Rainsong: No. Sarah’s someone else

Chirotractor: two different people can have the same name

Rainsong: True

Scelana: Sometimes if I’m drawing an image that’s been sent to my mind I do better if I close my eyes and just draw it on a tablet I’m familiar with

Rainsong: If it works, run with it

Scelana: I’m guessing a mixed recording method like for example drawing stuffs but using verbal instead of writing out words isn’t recommended?

Rainsong: That’s fine, actually. Just be sure in the verbal recording to indicate when you’re drawing something.

Rainsong: The timeline of the session is important

Rainsong: It’ll be clearer how to do that as we progress through the classes

Scelana: Ahh

Scelana: It becoming clearer definitely will be good

Rainsong: nods This is literally professional-level, military-grade stuff. And the procedure takes some time and effort to learn.

Scelana: Makes sense that it takes time and effort

Rainsong: Speaking of, the usual learning curve for this is to have a couple or handful of “impressively good” sessions, then a bunch of rubbish sessions, then improvement for a while, and then ending up at a consistently good level of skill

Rainsong: A lot of people give up during the rubbish stage

Rainsong: The hypothesis about “why” is that the different “parts” of the mind aren’t accustomed to working together this way, and the signals get mixed up for a while until “a cooperative system” is worked out

Scelana: Ahh

Goatmistress: This may sound strange, but I seem to feel more of an affinity for the targeter than the viewer.

Rainsong: As in, more inclined to that role?

Wayfarer: Hello yes I am back now.

Scelana: Wb

Wayfarer: Okay addressing some things from up there:

Goatmistress: Yes, Rain

Wayfarer: Not having good spatial awareness in the world is a thing, it doesn’t affect RV as much as say, the ability to express oneself.

Wayfarer: McMoneagle has a very good list of the “kind of people who make good remote viewers.”

Rainsong: Goatie: Targeting and monitoring are important skills, supporting the viewer

Wayfarer: Incidentally that list is constructed from a time and place where the program had kind of given up on the idea of making people psychic and instead had basically decided “well if we just train psychics…”

Goatmistress: Supporting is one of my main modalities in life. Like I’d rather run the sound board than be a rockstar.

Goatmistress: hehe

Rainsong: 😀

Wayfarer: I am actually doing honest-to-god research on how to do the “make people psychic” part rather than just “make psychics follow a protocol” bit

Goatmistress: interesting.

Rainsong: Goatie and I can work on the supporting role side 😀

Wayfarer: lmao funfact: I am the same way, and don’t see myself as a rockstar. I hate being the center of attention, and see myself as the viewer as the part of the team that is helping the tasker get the information they want.

Rainsong: IT’s a team effort

Wayfarer: You may have noticed during that session that “the viewer controls the session” and that this was actually a sticking point for me. I don’t feel like I control the session – I just deliver the deliverables. The session isn’t over until the monitor is satisfied and the tasker has something in hand.

Rainsong: As for the “expressing yourself” part, we’ll be going into that in some detail in the next class, as we start looking at Stage 2. There are some exercises to help that

Wayfarer: It should be noted that I might have a bit of a weird take on this because of Circumstances but hey what can you do

Rainsong: That’s true, too. Background…

Wayfarer: What else was @Scelana … oh, right. You can use multiple modalities to express the information, the information comes in a … hm.

Rainsong: “Play-doh” modeling compound is often used in the later stages, too’

Wayfarer: It’s not really sensory information. It’s just information and your brain does the work of unpacking that information into things that make sense. Concepts. This is your brain coming up with the information without the “phenomena” per se.

Wayfarer: Like when you look at something, you get visual sensory stimuli coming in that your brain unpacks and then labels.

Goatmistress: Like unpacking noumena into phenomena?

Wayfarer: Something like that, but I don’t believe in noumena, lmao

Goatmistress: hehe

Wayfarer: But yes, you get sensory information that your brain turns into something with a label. And in RV you’re skipping the sensory channel, so your brain has to make sense of stuff. And this happens in different ways.

Wayfarer: For example the first impression I got after “imposing” was the feeling of dragging your hand along a wet brick wall

Wayfarer: Or climbing a rock face in a rainstorm.

Scelana: Ahh i see I wonder if that’s in some way related to why I do far better at drawing out images I’ve had sent to my mind then regular type drawing stuffs

Scelana: What’s noumena?

Wayfarer: That simultaneous wet-hard-coarse-rough-slippery-dry ness
So how do you express that?
Well, some people might describe “my hand is on a rock wall and it’s wet”
And you see a lot of totally legitimate clairvoyants do exactly that
Usually while like, flapping their hands in their face.
Also it’s the 1800s in that example.

Wayfarer: lmao

Wayfarer: But for a remote viewer, the training is to avoid nouns when possible. Why? Because nouns are already packaged full of information. So if you say “it’s a rock wall” you’ve loaded a bunch of shit there that might not be the case. Because a wall can be a road if you turn it sideways.

Wayfarer: But not once we’ve called it “wall”
Once we’ve called it “wall,” well, it’s a wall.
So we avoid “wall” and instead describe what kinds of things comprise “wall”

Wayfarer: lmao I should’ve done that paper last quarter on eidetic reduction in RV protocols, phenomenology and RV intersect beautifully.

Rainsong: Hmm. yea, it’d make a good paper

Wayfarer: The impression I got is phenomenal because my brain has to organize the raw information into something useful somehow. But we have to ignore that phenomena in return for the component parts.

Goatmistress: You’re studying philosophy?

Wayfarer: There are certain types of guided clairvoyance, I won’t call it “remote viewing” because reasons, for example, where you enter into a trance and rather than organizing that information into phenomena you just be with it and experience it in funky psychedelic “non-dual” ways and so on. Then after the trance you just answer a fancy form of 20 questions.

Wayfarer: Transpersonal psychology but I hang out a lot in philosophical spaces.

Goatmistress: ahhhh

Wayfarer: I submitted a short research paper for a leading issues class on remote viewing pedagogy earlier this week, actually.

Wayfarer: Because there was a breakdown in RV training around 1985 or so where SRI had established that RV is A Thing and the DIA/CIA was happy with it, but then they went “how can we make a bunch of these guys?” and instead of reviewing or revising the protocol, SRI went “uh…well, it works really well for these kinds of people.

Scelana: That kind of guided clairvoyance sounds rather interesting, sounds like it can be quite an experience as well

Wayfarer: So the RV protocol we have works really well if you happen to be a sensory-driven, creative, less analytical, strongly truth-motivated, self-aware, more extraverted individual.

Wayfarer: But it doesn’t work well for, for example, analytical people (we tend to try to guess and find out what the thing is, which leads to, well, lots of AOL/Confusion Bks at best, and really bad remote viewers at worst)

Wayfarer: Or for people who are strongly “intuitive,” as we don’t tend to easily describe sensory information.

Goatmistress: Maybe that’s why I don’t feel drawn to being a viewer too. I’m neither sensory not extroverted, and I am analytical.

Wayfarer: What this means is that the system and the training for the system is designed to work well for the people it works well for. And what that means is that for example Paul Smith charges $1500/week to give a training that only actually produces a quality remote viewer in something like 5% of the population.

Wayfarer: That’s not to criticize Smith or Buchanan or Dames or any of those guys, they are absolutely delivering the product people are paying for.

Wayfarer: I’m not intending to shit talk those guys.

Rainsong: And ProTip, never get Lyn Buchanan started ranting about the “courses” for ERV

Wayfarer: But the bottom line is they will take candidates in their basic courses who based on their own research are guaranteed to wash out.

Wayfarer: So my research right now is based on a doctoral dissertation by Emily Sadowski that looked at intuition-development pedagogy.

Wayfarer: Sadowski’s a Canadian Ed.D., and her dissertation work was on how we teach people to be intuitive, which is the fancy new word everyone is using for “psychic” because it doesn’t cause the bad feelings.

Wayfarer: And she found that most of the literature on that comes from self-help books.

Scelana: Afaik I’m possibly an ambivert myself, I kinda show traits from both sides depending on my mood and such. Though I can lean towards being an introvert more often at times. Honestly I’m not sure what I am considered

Wayfarer: So my research is basically about reviewing the model we’ve been using to teach psychic abilities for, well, a long time, and seeing how it works compared to other related models, such as IDP, or traditional religious models (like yoga siddhis). By looking at other models, some much, much older, and some much newer, we can change how we address psychic skills development and maybe find ways that work more reliably.

Wayfarer: And this is a big deal not just for the average “being psychic might be neat” population that we see traveling these strange corners of the Internet, but also for the parapsychological research community, as a shortage of participants is a chronic problem.

Rainsong: Therefore, a good topic for a dissertation, yes?

Wayfarer: For my own, yeah, taking and running with hers as a basis. For now it’s just directed study that might result in a thesis or maybe something published in a journal.

Rainsong: Speaking of papers, you’d indicated you were going to let me read that one you just finished, yes?

Wayfarer: Introversion and extraversion are really misunderstood @Scelana and basically everyone does things related to both things. The real question is whether interaction with others energizes someone or drains them, but even that is muddied.

Wayfarer: Oh, yes, let me make sure I didn’t fail first and then I’ll send it on.

Scelana: Ahh i see

Wayfarer: I am really not pleased with the paper I submitted at all and I kinda hate that you’d waste your time reading the full 4 pages of fluff that I managed to unpack to hit the target pagecount but let’s see if it convinces the professor that it was good.

Wayfarer: Like, to be clear, I am an introvert. On, say, a Myers-Briggs Typology I’m an INTP, but I’m much weaker as an I than I am as, say, an NT (very strongly intuitive-thinking. I’m not really the “ideal” remote viewer, so don’t let any of this stuff deter you)

Wayfarer: But I don’t like, “hate people” or like “oh god I have to go out.” In fact sometimes I legitimately enjoy going out or being with people.

Wayfarer: I just need to recuperate mental energy by spending time alone. I lived with 4 other people at UVA for 3 months a few years ago, shared an apartment, was going out every day, classes every day, probably was only alone for a few minutes each day, and I was fine. Because it’s not like the dumb Internet memes would have people believe. But when I got home, I hid a lot.

Wayfarer: By contrast I lived in a monastery a few years ago for a month and definitely hid at times even though it was a bit weird for me to be hiding in my room in, well, a monastery. Like these monks were way more extraverted and sociable than I was.

ceahhettan: Also, there’s levels of introversion etc.

ceahhettan: When I was driving for Los Angeles metro, I pretty much hid any time I wasn’t at work.

Scelana: I do get drained at times from at least some irl interactions but I’m noticing I’m talking to people I don’t know irl more often and easily at times. Probably helps I don’t get as easily overwhelmed as I used to. But large crowds I’m not sure of yet.

ceahhettan: Now that I’m not using up every single bit of my ability to interact, I spend a lot of time socializing with other drivers and then go read or play games for an hour or whatever and I’m good.

Scelana: Last time i took a personality quiz it rated me as possibly 4 or 5 types at once

Wayfarer: I just can’t get over monks, monks, being just way extraverted. People have really weird stereotypical ideas about monks but monks are just chaste frat boys.

Scelana: I need space at times but I get lonely quite easily as well

Goatmistress: I come out pretty clearly as INFP

Scelana: I also notice that some days when all the chats I’m in are quiet that I’m wishing they weren’t hehe

Clovers: That’s because you are bored

Goatmistress: haha

Clovers: You need more outlets

Goatmistress: Introversion doesn’t mean immunity from boredom

Scelana: I forget the 4 or 5 types the last quiz said i could be, the quiz basically pretty much stated it couldn’t define me as just one type

Scelana: I just know i actually like talking to people once I’m not shy and such with em anymore

Scelana: I’ve been becoming a lot better with voice chatting and even chatting in person these days

Chirotractor: Maybe we should move this back to #general

Scelana: Probably a good idea

Rainsong: Thanks for participating, everyone. Have a lovely morning (or whatever, per your timezone)

Scelana: Thxies for the lecture Rainsong

Rainsong: 😀

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