
Instructor: Rainsong (RainTurtle) Date: May 19, 2007 (Saturday) <Rainsong> Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. <Aphanas> Good evening, Rain. <Jael> Good evening <Ally> Good evening =) <PrinceSendai> Good evening <Rainsong> As some of you might be aware, there is a class in here tonight. IF you aren’t looking for a real-world psionics…

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Rudimentary Healing

Instructor: RainTurtle Date: March 3, 2007 (Saturday) <RainTurtle> Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. <Aphanas> Evening, Rain. <Jael> Good evening, Rain <Jael> Thanks for teaching <RainTurtle> The topic this evening is rudimentary healing, by psionic means. <Firestorm> RT: are we talking about healing the physical body, or otherwise? <RainTurtle> By rudimentary,…

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Basic Scanning

(aka the Blind Leading the Blind) Instructor: Dan Date: May 13, 2004 (Thursday) <Dan> Okay before we get started, anyone have any random questions? Grael shakes head <Jael> none here <StormSeeker> nope <Dan> Well – some simple ground rules as we get started. <Dan> 1) please raise your hand (or better yet, type…

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Instructor: RainTurtle Date: May 7, 2004 (Thursday) <RainTurtle> Thanks, Bester <RainTurtle> Good evening, ladies and gentlemen <Jael> Good evening, Rain. <RainTurtle> First, the usual disclaimer: This is not a gaming room. If you are looking for a game, you might want to leave, before you get too weirded out <BlueSprite> lol <RainTurtle> The topic…

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