Instructor: Dan
Date: July 23, 2003 (Wednesday)
Updated: October 30, 2003
<Dan> OK – A few quick “administrative” notes.
<Dan> 1) nobody is required to attempt to put up one of these shields… You’re welcome to sit in and observe/ask questions.
<Dan> 2) If you want to put one of these things up, Rain has volunteered to observe, and let you know how you’re doing.
* RainTurtle waves
<Dan> 3) Generally I like questions (they tell me where I’m being less than clear)… But, If I say take it offline (after class that means) hold THAT question until the seminar is over.
<Dan> 4) Most questions are probably best posed in open channel, but I will accept PM questions.
<Dan> Any questions before we get started?