Wards and Warding

Instructor: Mistyck Date: November 9, 2003 (Sunday) Mistyck Welcome to the class on Wards and Warding Mistyck Wards have been used by many cultures over history. Although each culture/tradition varies in what the wards are made from, their purpose is usually the same. Mistyck To keep out unwanted entities and…

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Stone Tower Shield

Instructor: Dan Date: July 23, 2003 (Wednesday) Updated: October 30, 2003 <Dan> OK – A few quick “administrative” notes. <Dan> 1) nobody is required to attempt to put up one of these shields… You’re welcome to sit in and observe/ask questions. <Dan> 2) If you want to put one of…

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Teleportation Discussion

Note: This is a discussion rather than a how-to. Instructor: RainTurtle Date: October 7, 2003 (Tuesday) <RainTurtle> Good evening, ladies and gentlemen <RainTurtle> Tonight, we are going to discuss teleportation. Any of you here to learn how to actually do it, are in for a severe disappointment and might as…

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Remote Viewing

Instructor: Mistyck Date: September 28, 2003 (Sunday) <Mistyck> Welcome to the Remote Viewing Seminar <Mistyck> as most of you know, Remote Viewing means “seeing things from a distance” and a way to use telepathy and clairvoyance <Mistyck> The most well known and successful uses of RV were by the US…

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Basic Shield Types

Instructor: Andy_Hock Date: September 23, 2003 (Tuesday) <Aphanas> Hi, Rain, Andy. <Andy_Hock> Well, I was planning an actual lesson, but if this is our group, we’ll probably do more of a discussion on our shielding experiences and preferences. <RainTurtle> Newbies are conspicuous by their absence <Andy_Hock> Newbies only want to…

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Constructs as Cat-Toys

Instructor: RainTurtle Date: September 9, 2003 (Tuesday) * Andy_Hock waves to Palamedes. <RainTurtle> For the record, Catless Lurkers are welcome in the discussion….no need to be silent * Aphanas has a cat, but she is currently more interested in his tuna than the subject of the evening… <RainTurtle> Tonight’s seminar…

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Instructor: RainTurtle Date: July 15, 2003 (Tuesday) Note: Pendling is not always psionic. However, if it is used for clairvoyance, it is psionic. <RainTurtle> good evening, Spot <RainTurtle> Good evening, all <RainTurtle> The topic for tonight’s seminar is “Pendling”, also known as “pendulum dowsing” <RainTurtle> This is simply the use…

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Grounding and Centering

Instructor: Mistyck Date: July 6, 2003 (Sunday) <Mistyck> ok, is everyone ready for class to start? <Mistyck> ok, as most of you know, Grounding and Centering are practiced by many folks…not all of them in terms of psionics <Mistyck> but today we are concentrating on the psi aspects of grounding…

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