Instructor: Wayfarer
Date: October 12, 2019 (Saturday)
Seminar: Topic: (tentative) Feng Shui — Saturday, 12 October, 2019 at 6:30pm/1830hr New York Time — text format in the PSC #lecture room (Discord) — Instructor: Wayfarer (tentative) — Search LECTURE97
Wayfarer: @here Hello Internet, I am going to rant at you for a while now. I’ve got some options for y’all. If anyone is even here what wants to be ranted upon.
Rainsong: hihi… I’m “listening” 🙂
Wayfarer: 1) if you’re good at remote viewing and like, understand what it is, can follow a protocol, like you get out paper and know what I’m talking about if I say “stage 1” or “AOL Bk” then we can hit some of those RV targets up above. Obviously we should also not be the tasker but I can reassign coordinates if we are the tasker.
ThunderGladiator: The CIA wants to know your location.
Wayfarer: 2) if you don’t want to do any of those things, I’ve been studying the ancient mystical grifter art of feng shui lately, and everyone is bad except me. I am the only person who is good at this.
Wayfarer: The CIA should know already; my computer is broadcasting an IP address!!!!!
Wayfarer: So because I’m the only person who is good at this I am going to explain why I am saying that and then lay out the real shit. It will be extremely authentic and consistent and you will be able to clown on folks who think they know some shit.
Wayfarer: Secret Bonus Option: 3) I dunno, ask me questions and I’ll answer them. We doin’ a master class.
Vampire of Death: I have a question of sorts regarding practicing, but it’s a little complicated and requires a few relative examples.
Wayfarer: Secret bonus option 3 is a go for now. Go for it.
TehOldeSourcerer: Hi
Chirotractor: I’m good for hearing about your funk sway wayfarer
Wayfarer: Aight I’ll talk about that after the questions.